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P&B Out of the Loop

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So what's basic that I apparently didn't understand? I don't recall responding to your last puddle of tripe...

I respect your vehement defence of Matty. You must have your reasons, though these reasons I do not care to know.

Ultimately, you're just coming across as a bit weird. If I was Matty, I'd be grateful, but feel very uncomfortable.

The fact that you don't understand what calling someone Walter Mitty actually means. It's not a difficult concept but like many other simple concepts you seem to just say it without actually comprehending what it means.

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If that is a reference to Walter Mitty it makes absolutely no sense in regards to Matty, he's made absolutely nothing up and not tried to pretend he lives some wild life, like SJC did.

Who's to say SJC's stories aren't true? He was very convincing about his relations with ladyboys. Just because a couple of his anecdotes sounded unlikely doesn't mean they didn't happen. I was invited to a game of strip Monopoly by a pair of stunning Icelandic twin sisters once.

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Who's to say SJC's stories aren't true? He was very convincing about his relations with ladyboys. Just because a couple of his anecdotes sounded unlikely doesn't mean they didn't happen. I was invited to a game of strip Monopoly by a pair of stunning Icelandic twin sisters once.

A story like that is believable, but when it's happening on a weekly basis it gets less believable.

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Deal with it Matty 'I got invited back by two dirties and said naw cos I've got a girlfriend'.

No you never. You got pied by two utter horrors trying to get your hole cos the missus is too tired and pregnant for you. Truth is, you got the knockback, so went home and cry-wanked on her bum as she slept.

Why in the world would I lie about not having a threesome? Surely I would tell everyone I had one?

You're weird Magee.

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So what's basic that I apparently didn't understand? I don't recall responding to your last puddle of tripe...

I respect your vehement defence of Matty. You must have your reasons, though these reasons I do not care to know.

Ultimately, you're just coming across as a bit weird. If I was Matty, I'd be grateful, but feel very uncomfortable.

Fling shite at the c**t! He deserves it. The idiot has #1 in his username. The sure sign of a dimwit.

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