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Nicola Sturgeon & Page 3

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It's definitely had its day. It seems a hangover from the '80s kind of in the same way seeing snooker or darts on the TV does.

I don't reckon it's the earner or stepping stone for the girls the way it used to be either - back in the day the likes of Sam Fox, Maria Whittaker or Linda Lusardi were genuine celebrities and must have made a packet out of it. I'd struggle to name one of the girls who do it now.

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I don't understand how some people get so wound up by it all. It's a pair of tits ffs.

It wasn't an issue I felt strongly about in the past - but having a wee girl now there are certain things I'm seeing slightly differently. The idea that I would have to explain to her that a daily newspaper has semi-naked women on it for entertainment purposes has made me see it as more of an issue.

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You can bet most of those wanting page 3 banned would go apeshit if the censors cut all the sex scenes out of Game of Thrones.

I really dont have a strong opinion on the matter, its a terrible newspaper but no one forced you to buy it and the nudity is not on the cover. I think the idealised image portrayed by the fashion industry and women's magazines is genuinely much more harmful to the body imagine of young people than page 3.

TV shows and films come with ratings though - and there's a watershed for TV purposes. A daily newspaper is a different thing altogether. Sex scenes can also be seen as part of a story and so arguably relevant - but again not in a newspaper.

I fully agree with you about the fashion magazines btw - but I don't see how that justifies the p3 issue.

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Its maybe a mild attempt to look like she isn't a Murdoch puppet

I haven't read(looked) at the sun in years, I only ever bought it or the record for football news and for the last 15 years or so a combination of Ayr being less in the papers and the rise of the internet mean I get more reliable information quicker. I have no interest in celebrity gossip or scandalized accounts of news stories so I haven't bought a tabloid for at least a decade.

I used to work with a guy who bought the daily sport every day......his lips moved when he read

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It's nice to see that she's prioritising things like page 3 over fracking. A real vote winner IMO.


I'd fears that the same old Nicola putting ideology over pragmatics would come out before the election to ruin matters, & once again she reverts to character. I don't disagree with her, but Holyrood's Hermione Grainger needs to sort her priorities.

There's a crisis in the health service, people reliant on food banks to get by and freezing because they can't afford to heat their homes, people on "permanent temporary" contracts seeing their already minimum wages eroded in real terms, & she's wanting to talk about cheap titilation in the dying tabloids in the same way the more clueless Tories are demanding making the repeal of the foxhunting laws centre to their next manifesto or Heydrich Murphy going on about the "sectarianism" bill the police seldom bothered enforcing anyway.

All she's doing is showing herself up as another out of touch professional mandarin who thinks in terms that what the "real people" want (those found hanging around quaint little West End cafes and "wine bars") or the Guardian supplements is more valid than the aspirations of those disgusting proles.

And then her ilk wonder why they start voting UKIP just to piss them off or give up on voting altogether?

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Looking for corroboration and clarity on this the only report I could find


Which suggests that rather than launching a campaign she's simply voicing support for the campaign launched by the Girl Guides in the run up to the election to put issues affecting girls and young women on the agenda


Labour's response to the same campaign


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I'd fears that the same old Nicola putting ideology over pragmatics would come out before the election to ruin matters, & once again she reverts to character. I don't disagree with her, but Holyrood's Hermione Grainger needs to sort her priorities.

There's a crisis in the health service, people reliant on food banks to get by and freezing because they can't afford to heat their homes, people on "permanent temporary" contracts seeing their already minimum wages eroded in real terms, & she's wanting to talk about cheap titilation in the dying tabloids in the same way the more clueless Tories are demanding making the repeal of the foxhunting laws centre to their next manifesto or Heydrich Murphy going on about the "sectarianism" bill the police seldom bothered enforcing anyway.

All she's doing is showing herself up as another out of touch professional mandarin who thinks in terms that what the "real people" want (those found hanging around quaint little West End cafes and "wine bars") or the Guardian supplements is more valid than the aspirations of those disgusting proles.

And then her ilk wonder why they start voting UKIP just to piss them off or give up on voting altogether?

Imagine a politician who puts political imperatives ahead of electoral ones? What sort of society would that lead to?

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