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Better Call Saul

The Real Saints

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AMC showed the finale twice back to back last night and I ended up watching both. I think it took me to the second viewing, once I'd got a little bit beyond the sense of "well, what am I supposed to do now on Monday nights?" to appreciate how in keeping with the rest of the show that final episode really was.


Loved it that Jimmy got his Sandpiper break by dumpster surfing and then ends up getting caught in a dumpster.

That's Saul, folks.

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Probably the deserved ending for Saul.  My point about the lesser sentencing was proven right to a certain extent, the DA were willing to accept 7 years on account that he didn't cook meth, sell meth or kill anyone and just laundered money in fear of being murdered.  But him taking the higher ground and admitting he knew all about it and was a part of it was the right thing to do morally.


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Can't believe its over.

I do kinda want a Gus Fring prequel now but if it doesn't happen then I'll be happy with how the BCS/BB universe ended.

I don't like the idea of a Kim prequel. How many storylines could there be about Kim before she met Jimmy? She only properly "broke bad" during BCS.
Gus has obviously been a massive nutjob for yonks. There's many storylines that could come from his side.

Might be time to do a full runthrough of BCS --> BB --> El Camino --> Last few episodes of BCS.

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Nah leave as it is.  We don't need any more prequels.  As someone said, Banks is mid 70s and Esposito mid 60s, it would look daft going back 15-20 years for a prequel now.  Would look as iffy as Aaron Paul reprising Jesse in 2022 to play him in 2008-2009.

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Brilliant. Still digesting it so will probably write more later but immediate snippet thoughts


Marie's eulogy of Hank was funny, painting him as a great guy when we know he was very flawed. How can you sum the guy up and not mention the rocks! 

Jimmy/Saul in black & white without the Gene mask/moustache was weird! 

Thought we were going to get Skyler and Walt Jr cameo after Marie popped up, less is more though here and this show has never layed the nostalgia on too thick so was happy with capping it at Marie.

Odenkirk was sublime wasn't he, what a performance 

Just generally so happy that they didn't f**k the ending up as so many shows do, just a terrific job wrapping things up for me

The last line was perfect, it was like the perfect closing sentence in a great novel. Was really hoping there wasn't going to be anymore fluff dialogue from the guard or anything on the flowing scene as he accompanied Kim out which would have ruined it. Good job 

The post-credit indent on AMC suggests he gets his move to a cushier jail in the end. Though he seems to be doing ok as Saul in the "Alcatraz of the North" when we leave him.




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Nah leave as it is.  We don't need any more prequels.  As someone said, Banks is mid 70s and Esposito mid 60s, it would look daft going back 15-20 years for a prequel now.  Would look as iffy as Aaron Paul reprising Jesse in 2022 to play him in 2008-2009.

Espositio and Gilligan said something about the possibility of a mini series but they weren't talking in terms of absolute certainties. They don't seem put off by mentions of keeping it going though. Perhaps partly due to the $$$.

Gus is probably the only one who could pull it off and not have the time/age gap be a significant factor imo.
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On 16/08/2022 at 13:38, Christophe said:


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The post-credit indent on AMC suggests he gets his move to a cushier jail in the end. Though he seems to be doing ok as Saul in the "Alcatraz of the North" when we leave him.




I was obviously too tired at 345am to notice this but just watched it again there.


BCDC...Bernalillo County Detention Centre

By the way, that's not on the UK Netflix version, neither is the goodbye messages from the cast and writers.

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In BCS and BB we have without doubt, one of the greatest shows in television history.  A masterpiece.

I'm not sure how I expected it to go, but seeing Saul shipped off to prison for the rest of his days is a truly fitting end.

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What a wonderful series BB was and BCS has been, the equal of BB for me, if not better. When i started watching it a few years back i struggled to get into it, and stopped at end of season 2. I dont no why in retrospect. Something didnt click. But on catching up on the whole thing since beginning of 2022, it is fantastic, and one day im sure ill do it all again.


Spin off - Doubt realistically there will be one, but gotta be about Lalo for me. Stood out above all else, in a cast and storyline of awesomeness.

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