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'The Snip'

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Thanks for the encouragement guys. 

As for the urologist, the GP reckons they wouldn't be able to do anything he hasn't done. And you can keep your steriod injections into the bollocks!

I didn't do any activities that could exacerbate this from Thursday, and am now 2 days co-codamol free. Need to drive tomorrow though. 

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Back to the doc on Friday. After a weekend of complete inactivity - no car, no Mrs Scottsdad, no quick five knuckle shuffle to pictures of Maggie Q - I felt fine. One drive into work and I'm getting that creeping feeling again. By the time I get home I'm going to be fidgeting around something rotten. The 30/500 cocodamols are barely enough when it gets bad. Hoping for some other treatment (not an injection into the baws) - surely there is something that will help. Last Thursday night was just intolerable. 

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11 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Back to the doc on Friday. After a weekend of complete inactivity - no car, no Mrs Scottsdad, no quick five knuckle shuffle to pictures of Maggie Q - I felt fine. One drive into work and I'm getting that creeping feeling again. By the time I get home I'm going to be fidgeting around something rotten. The 30/500 cocodamols are barely enough when it gets bad. Hoping for some other treatment (not an injection into the baws) - surely there is something that will help. Last Thursday night was just intolerable. 

Maybe stronger painkillers for when it gets that bad? Eg Dihydrocodeine or something else with a bit of oomph. If you really ham it up to the docs they'll hopefully relent and give you something more exotic. Still say the injections would be worth it, if only so you could report back on just how painful they were. 

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I've tried tramadol before when my knee was bad. I only ever took the one, and spent 40 minutes with my head between my knees. Never took another one. 
I've taken an average of 6 a day for the last 20 years. Its the only thing that gets me through.
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3 hours ago, BawWatchin said:

Can I be the first to say...... it just isn't natural?

Why any man would want to remove the man in him, I don't know. But If I ever get married and this suggestion is raised. I'll be running for the hills.

I covered it earlier in the thread, but I was 43 when we had our 3rd child. I had no desire to go through the sleepless nights/nappy changes again, whether with Mrs Ranter, or in a worst case scenario, a new partner. Mrs R was also having complications caused by years of altering her body chemistry with the pill.

Getting the snip was a win/win for me - no more kids, but more importantly no more watching my wife harming herself.

As you say, you're not married, so maybe won't understand the logic and feelings behind making that decision, but a couple of days of discomfort was well worth the long term benefit.

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On 21/03/2018 at 10:18, BawWatchin said:

Can I be the first to say...... it just isn't natural?

Why any man would want to remove the man in him, I don't know. But If I ever get married and this suggestion is raised. I'll be running for the hills.

My decision was simple. My wife had been on various versions of the pill, each with significant side effects. One she could only take for 5 years because it causes bone weakness. The implant gave her incredible mood swings. Depending on what one she was on her weight would balloon or shrink. She was at a higher risk of stroke and heart attack. We had had our kids, and for me it was a simple decision. I didn't want her to poison herself any more when I could undergo this procedure which would take care of the issue. 

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3 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
3 hours ago, pub car king said:
Similar for me 2 kids both of which had absolute horror stories with the birth and complications afterwards.
Plus you can pump away without any fear 

Still the same sensation when pumping ? End product just as good ?


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Aye, I've always had a sore bollock since the snip and where they tied off the tubes they didn't do a good job so they unravelled - as the nurse put it "like a bag of worms". Various cysts developed as a result, all benign but I need to wear tight fitting underwear to stop things banging around. If the wife plays a little rough down there it can be a pretty good moodkiller.

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