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The Great Big Kilmarnock Thread

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, killienick said:

Greg Kiltie out for the season?! That's a big blow.

Hamstring injury ?


Seems unusual to be out until end of season.

Huge blow for Killie if true. Probably one of the few players in that team that can influence a game

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27 minutes ago, Sheep62 said:

Hamstring injury ?


Seems unusual to be out until end of season.

Huge blow for Killie if true. Probably one of the few players in that team that can influence a game

Apparently it requires an op. He's off to London on Sat. Huge, huge blow.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Went along to the rugby yesterday. I didn't realise how rough the chadwick stand is - literally had my feet in a puddle the whole game. Also, there were about 4 rows where the lettering was in any way visible - loads of people just blankly walking up and down the stairs.

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The puddles were probably Sellick fans pish from the last game and we should perhaps just be grateful there were any seats left in one piece

Seriously tho', What kind of message does that give to others visiting for the first time.

A wee bit of housekeeping in the build up to the game would have sorted this, Christ, we made enough from the game to pay some overtime o the staff.

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I was in the Frank Beattie for the egg chasing. I had plenty of leg room and a wall in front of me to hold my beer. All very civilised compared to my crushed legs and Capri-sun Nazi experiences of the East on match day.

That might genuinely be my row - hope you left it in good order...
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