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Seems to have split the audience quite a bit. Loads seem to have given up on it but most of those still watching are really enjoying it.

I think it's the best thing I've watched in ages, horses for courses though. I love a bit of Sci-fi and have a soft spot for Westerns so I'm predisposed to like it.

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3 hours ago, banana said:

Two episodes in, mediocre as f**k by HBO standards so far. Telling rather than showing the story, the scenes outside of Westworld are too often canned as f**k. Blindingly obvious that this visitor dressed in black isn't actually a baddie, so no tension there. Shite acting by the honcho smoking woman and the speccy black dude.

Does it improve?

I know taste is subjective and all that, and that the show isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I think this is the least comprehensible criticism I've read of the show so far. So congrats on that, I guess.

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4 hours ago, banana said:

Two episodes in, mediocre as f**k by HBO standards so far. Telling rather than showing the story, the scenes outside of Westworld are too often canned as f**k. Blindingly obvious that this visitor dressed in black isn't actually a baddie, so no tension there. Shite acting by the honcho smoking woman and the speccy black dude.

Does it improve?

I find Jeffrey Wright a bit robotic as well.

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6 hours ago, MSU said:

I know taste is subjective and all that, and that the show isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I think this is the least comprehensible criticism I've read of the show so far. So congrats on that, I guess.

Brush up on your comprehension skills, imo :unsure2:

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The moon looks like it's wearing sunglasses, which is a turn up for the books.

Awesome episode tonight. Hunners answered, hunners heavily suggested, couple of mind = blown moments. Thandie Newton, as previously mentioned, is simply incredible.

Or especially for 'Naners, it's derivative claptrap, poorly acted, and Jonathan Nolan wouldn't recognize a decent story arc supposing it booted him square the noots.

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Sets up the final episode nicely. A lot of theories confirmed and a few further twists set up. I can't wait to go back and watch it again from the start now that we know certain things. There will be lots of stuff that was missed on first watch that will stand out now.

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Could somebody tell me what Dolores and that guy she's with are up to, like where there going and why. Also that guy she's with what happened to the boy he came to the park with ? Is he still in it? I'm up to episode 8 but honestly haven't got a clue what's going on

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3 hours ago, spur yb said:

Could somebody tell me what Dolores and that guy she's with are up to, like where there going and why. Also that guy she's with what happened to the boy he came to the park with ? Is he still in it? I'm up to episode 8 but honestly haven't got a clue what's going on

Dolores is trying to find the Maze. William is tagging along because he's gagging for the robotic poon. Logan is still in it, but at the point you're at I think you're supposed to think he's either been killed by the Confederados or is otherwise captured. Episodes 8 and 9 are probably going to answer a lot of your questions.

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