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SNP confirms group roles

Wed, 20/05/2015 - 18:17

The Scottish National Party (SNP) has today confirmed the Westminster group roles its MPs will take up as the 3rd largest party in the House of Commons.

Westminster SNP Leader Angus Robertson MP announced the membership of both the 17 strong group leadership and the 32 strong list of Group Spokespeople to SNP MPs this afternoon in the House of Commons.

Westminster Group Leadership

Angus Robertson MP - Group Leader and Constitution

Stewart Hosie MP - Deputy Group Leader and Economy

Eilidh Whiteford MP - Social Justice and Welfare

Joanna Cherry MP - Justice & Home Affairs

Alex Salmond MP - International Affairs and Europe

Brendan O’Hara MP - Defence

Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP - Trade and Investment

Hannah Bardell MP - Fair Work and Employment

Drew Hendry MP - Transport

Calum Kerr MP - Environment and Rural Affairs

Callum McCaig MP - Energy and Climate Change

Carol Monaghan MP - Public Services and Education

Michelle Thomson MP – Business, Innovation and Skills

Philippa Whitford MP - Health

Pete Wishart MP - Shadow Leader of the House of Commons

Mike Weir MP - Chief Whip

Deidre Brock MP - Scottish Parliament/Scottish Government Liaison

Westminster SNP Spokespeople

Scotland and Constitution

Margaret Ferrier MP, SNP Spokesperson on the Scotland Office

Tommy Sheppard MP, SNP Spokesperson on the Cabinet Office

Deidre Brock MP, SNP Spokesperson on Devolved Government Relations

Kirsty Blackman MP, SNP Spokesperson on House of Lords


Roger Mullin MP, SNP Spokesperson the Treasury

John Nicolson MP, SNP Spokesperson on Culture, Media and Sport

Alison Thewliss MP, SNP Spokesperson on Cities

Social Justice and Welfare

Ian Blackford MP, SNP Spokesperson on Pensions

Natalie McGarry MP, SNP Spokesperson on Disabilities

Justice and Home Affairs

Stuart McDonald MP, SNP Spokesperson on Immigration, Asylum and Border Control

Angela Crawley MP, SNP Spokesperson on Equalities, Women and Children

Anne McLaughlin MP, SNP Spokesperson on Civil Liberties

International Affairs

Stephen Gethins MP, SNP Spokesperson on Europe

Patrick Grady MP, SNP Spokesperson on International Development

Lisa Cameron MP, SNP Spokesperson on Climate Justice


Kirsten Oswald MP, SNP Spokesperson on the Armed Forces and Veterans

SNP Whips Office

Mike Weir MP, SNP Chief Whip

Marion Fellows MP and Owen Thompson MP

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Any reason why Angus MacNeil wouldn't have been given any role despite the fact he's been an MP since 2005? I would have assumed that the 'original' 6 would all have gotten something.

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Any reason why Angus MacNeil wouldn't have been given any role despite the fact he's been an MP since 2005? I would have assumed that the 'original' 6 would all have gotten something.

Committee role was being mentioned in Twitter.
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The same halfwits bawling about them taking the oath would be the same halfwits bawling if they refused to take the oath and couldn't take their place in the Commons.

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Well it's either that or she doesn't become an MP, brainiac. How many of the SNP contingent do you think are devoted monarchists?

Very few i expect,perhaps she should have picked her words more carefull.

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