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Yet another US shooting

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On 9/30/2016 at 21:13, Rugster said:

Yeah, you're right, he should be out hunting for the killer.

:rolleyes: In the context of a forum thread on the topic, bizarre that showing empathy towards a shot and killed six-year old is such an extreme, taboo position.

1 hour ago, Njord said:

17 shot dead in Chicago over the weekend.

That's 614 this year so far.

Shot by white folk dressed in Halloween costumes, imo, period.

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On 9/30/2016 at 10:09, EdgarusQPFC said:


Agree with Parsforlife here, i think one of the biggest problems is poorly trained trigger happy police.

I think the worst example of trigger happy police was the shooting of 12 year old Tamir Rice, im not gonna link the video cause its horrible. But 911 was called due to people seeing a kid running about a park with what they believed was a real gun. It was actually a BB gun but with the coloured muzzle piece that is required to identify them as toys. Now the officers involved claim they had repeatedly shouted on the kid to drop the gun but that he refused to listen. Firstly i find that hard to believe, if the police had explained the situation to him ive no doubt the kid would explain that he had a BB Gun, not a real gun. So rather than take cover and talk the kid into dropping the gun, try to learn his name, call his parents or just about anything else a normal human being would do they just rolled up in the car about 6 feet from him and immediately shot him repeatedly and the kid died. The officer claimed he shot because the kid raised the weapon at him, but the video doesn't show that at all, the officer was immediately out the car and firing before anything could be established. Its sickening.

I remember talking about this case with my family over Thanksgiving a year ago. I said that he wouldn't have been shot if he was white and that the cop should probably do time. I mentioned how my friends and I were running through our neighborhood with BB guns nearly every day as a child and no cop would have thought twice. At this point I'd only heard the media narrative that a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun had been shot and that the 911 caller had said the gun looked like a toy. Here's what was not widely reported. The 12 year old boy was 5 ft 7 inches and 195 pounds. The cops dispatched were not told that the 911 caller had said the gun looked like a toy. They were under the impression that they were responding to an adult waving a gun on a playground. The cop driving the car drove up too close (within a couple feet) to Mr. Rice. His partner jumped out of the car and found himself standing right beside someone with a gun. Proper procedure would have been to pull up farther away and engage the suspect. Instead the cop had to make a split second decision because of an unfortunate string of errors for which he bore no responsibility. And it's important to remember that the cop was responding to a neighborhood that's one of the most violent non-war zones in the world and a place full of people who consider police officers to be their enemy. Now, I agree that this guy probably shouldn't be on the police force given what happened, but it's a stretch to call him a criminal. And to a wider point, if you look a little beyond the typical media narrative in these cases there's often a reason why the people (prosecutors, grand juries, or juries depending on how far the case gets) who spend days and days going over the evidence choose not to send a man to jail.

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On 9/28/2016 at 10:52, Njord said:




Imagine you're a Yankee copper. You stop a car with one person in it, what is it? 40/60 they are carrying a gun. Stop a car with a black dood and its above 50/50. Of course the cop is gonna be trigger happy.



1. Black people are far, far less likely to own guns and to carry guns in their car when compared to white people.

2. There's no way it's anywhere close to 40% of people carrying guns in their car. I think it's really only around 40% that own guns. If I had to guess based on personal experience, the % of people carrying a gun in their car at a given time is probably around 5%-15% depending on where you live.


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Ohio St football fans online are stoked. They are saying there's no way the playoff committee will be able to leave them out of the college football playoff after their campus suffered a terrorist attack. They are clearly one of the top 4 teams in the country and the best team in the Big 10, but through a quirk are not going to get to play for their conference championship. This is going to be the first time since they instituted the playoff that clearly one of the best 4 teams did not win their conference.

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