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Yet another US shooting

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Or that woman that said to train children from pretty much when they’re a toddler to forget all their instincts and run at the gunman to overwhelm him.




I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about, but:

When Lisa Guthrie first learned at a PTA meeting that her five-year-old daughter was taught to run around, shout and throw things if a shooter opens fire on her classroom, she was shocked.

"And then it punched me in the gut: If she's face to face with a shooter, she's going to die regardless," the Redmond, Wash., mother wrote on Facebook.

"The goal will be for her and her classmates to make their deaths take 20 seconds rather than 10. That's 10 more seconds for other kids to run, 10 more seconds for first responders to get to the scene and take out the shooter. A lot of lives can be saved in 10 seconds.

"We live in a country where kindergartners learn how to maximize the number of lives they can save as they're being massacred."

"What did you learn in school today?" "I learned what to do if someone's shooting at me."

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I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about, but:
When Lisa Guthrie first learned at a PTA meeting that her five-year-old daughter was taught to run around, shout and throw things if a shooter opens fire on her classroom, she was shocked.
"And then it punched me in the gut: If she's face to face with a shooter, she's going to die regardless," the Redmond, Wash., mother wrote on Facebook.
"The goal will be for her and her classmates to make their deaths take 20 seconds rather than 10. That's 10 more seconds for other kids to run, 10 more seconds for first responders to get to the scene and take out the shooter. A lot of lives can be saved in 10 seconds.
"We live in a country where kindergartners learn how to maximize the number of lives they can save as they're being massacred."
"What did you learn in school today?" "I learned what to do if someone's shooting at me."

Nah I think it was a tweet by either Megan McArdle or the new Washington Post editor.
All the implications of it are mad as f**k though.
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Speaking of American idiocy, how long will it take before the FALSE FLEG claims come out about this one? I suppose it might take a while before people forget the children snapchatting it live: http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-sandy-hook-conspiracy-20170203-story.html

It's happening already.
Photos of 'crisis actors ' involved in these events being posted on social media.
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12 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:


I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about, but:

When Lisa Guthrie first learned at a PTA meeting that her five-year-old daughter was taught to run around, shout and throw things if a shooter opens fire on her classroom, she was shocked.

"And then it punched me in the gut: If she's face to face with a shooter, she's going to die regardless," the Redmond, Wash., mother wrote on Facebook.

"The goal will be for her and her classmates to make their deaths take 20 seconds rather than 10. That's 10 more seconds for other kids to run, 10 more seconds for first responders to get to the scene and take out the shooter. A lot of lives can be saved in 10 seconds.

"We live in a country where kindergartners learn how to maximize the number of lives they can save as they're being massacred."

"What did you learn in school today?" "I learned what to do if someone's shooting at me."

Thankful I went to primary school here. When I was five, the most traumatic incident I had to deal with was the wee guy who sat in front of me having an "accident"

Another school shitting in Scotland.

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13 hours ago, mjw said:

It's happening already.
Photos of 'crisis actors ' involved in these events being posted on social media.

The actions of the Sandy Hook conspiracy peddlers is possibly the most disgusting organised thing that I have seen in a 'Westernised' country.  Really gut wrenching actions against parents who had already suffered devastating loss.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The actions of the Sandy Hook conspiracy peddlers is possibly the most disgusting organised thing that I have seen in a 'Westernised' country.  Really gut wrenching actions against parents who had already suffered devastating loss.

Apparently the Sandy Hook school board wrote to Trump when he became President calling on him to distance himself from Alex Jones who was one of those conspiracy theorists. Trump never replied to the letter #StayClassy

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18 hours ago, The Moonster said:

That was a good read but I do think it's funny that Charlie Houser bemoans folk for believing that fighting gun crime is just like in the movies in the very first paragraph whilst the photo above has him standing there posing as if he's in a new Netflix Original series. Charlie Houser could not be more of a TV FBI name if it tried either.

America is bushed. Utterly aff it's nut.

I thought exactly that as well!

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16 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:


I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about, but:

When Lisa Guthrie first learned at a PTA meeting that her five-year-old daughter was taught to run around, shout and throw things if a shooter opens fire on her classroom, she was shocked.

"And then it punched me in the gut: If she's face to face with a shooter, she's going to die regardless," the Redmond, Wash., mother wrote on Facebook.

"The goal will be for her and her classmates to make their deaths take 20 seconds rather than 10. That's 10 more seconds for other kids to run, 10 more seconds for first responders to get to the scene and take out the shooter. A lot of lives can be saved in 10 seconds.

"We live in a country where kindergartners learn how to maximize the number of lives they can save as they're being massacred."

"What did you learn in school today?" "I learned what to do if someone's shooting at me."

I'm sure I read a few years ago that a lot of the stuff people are taught to do in crisis situations aren't particularly effective, but are there so that a person's last few seconds on earth are spent without the hopeless despair of imminent death.

Tucking yourself in on a crashing aeroplane, going under a desk during an atomic bomb... the gist was that these aren't going to save you, but maybe it's best you die believing that they might. Gives your last few seconds a bit of hope.

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1 minute ago, Gaz said:

I'm sure I read a few years ago that a lot of the stuff people are taught to do in crisis situations aren't particularly effective, but are there so that a person's last few seconds on earth are spent without the hopeless despair of imminent death.

Tucking yourself in on a crashing aeroplane, going under a desk during an atomic bomb... the gist was that these aren't going to save you, but maybe it's best you die believing that they might. Gives your last few seconds a bit of hope.

The brace position on a plane is to make it more likely that your body parts don't all fly off in different directions, everyone knows that.

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2 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

The brace position on a plane is to make it more likely that your body parts don't all fly off in different directions, everyone knows that.

Quick ending when your head explodes against the seat in front.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Quick ending when your head explodes against the seat in front.

There was a facebook post floating around about this. Some full-time mummy posting IN BLOCK CAPITALS ABOUT HOW THEY HAVE BEEN LYING TO US ABOUT THE BRACE POSITION!!!111!!! She surmises that they tell you to brace so that your neck snaps immediately and somehow the insurance companies don't need to pay out as much. It was a long post so I'm not sure how she got to that conclusion but she was basically urging everyone not to adopt the brace position if they ever find themselves in a nosediving plane.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd much rather my neck snapped in two in a plane crash than burning to death or slowly dying from blood loss.

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There was a facebook post floating around about this. Some full-time mummy posting IN BLOCK CAPITALS ABOUT HOW THEY HAVE BEEN LYING TO US ABOUT THE BRACE POSITION!!!111!!! She surmises that they tell you to brace so that your neck snaps immediately and somehow the insurance companies don't need to pay out as much. It was a long post so I'm not sure how she got to that conclusion but she was basically urging everyone not to adopt the brace position if they ever find themselves in a nosediving plane.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd much rather my neck snapped in two in a plane crash than burning to death or slowly dying from blood loss.

Anyone who actually believes any sort of body position is going to save them from plummeting 36,000 ft in free fall into the ground needs put down anyway.
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There was a facebook post floating around about this. Some full-time mummy posting IN BLOCK CAPITALS ABOUT HOW THEY HAVE BEEN LYING TO US ABOUT THE BRACE POSITION!!!111!!! She surmises that they tell you to brace so that your neck snaps immediately and somehow the insurance companies don't need to pay out as much. It was a long post so I'm not sure how she got to that conclusion but she was basically urging everyone not to adopt the brace position if they ever find themselves in a nosediving plane.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd much rather my neck snapped in two in a plane crash than burning to death or slowly dying from blood loss.

Quick painless death with the neck snapping or burn to death... hmm.
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20 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

If you're ever in a plane crash all you have to do is jump violently in the opposite direction right at the moment of impact and your chances are pretty good.  Usually this will mean up and backwards.  Words to live by.

Doesn’t work.  I tried it and I still died.


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Apparently the Sandy Hook school board wrote to Trump when he became President calling on him to distance himself from Alex Jones who was one of those conspiracy theorists. Trump never replied to the letter #StayClassy

He gave Alex jones a press pass to a daily briefing though.
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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Can I have cake instead?

unlikely - i don't imagine that the refreshments trolley is going to be high on the list of cabin crew priorities  if the wings snap off - to much faffing if you want to pay in sterling and the prices are listed in euros, though you may get away with a card transaction if the electrical mayhem on board a plummeting jet in its death-throes doesn't affect the wireless connectivity to the banking servers too adversely...

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If you were wondering when the FALSE FLEG shouts would start, as I was, then...


A survivor of last week's school shooting in Florida has denied claims he is an actor with an anti-gun agenda.

Speaking on CNN, student David Hogg said he was a witness.

Conspiracy theorists online have accused the survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High of being paid actors who travel between the sites of mass shootings.

An aide to a Republican state representative has been fired for repeating the unsubstantiated claims.

David Hogg denounced the allegations on Tuesday night.


"I'm not a crisis actor," David said in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"I'm someone who had to witness this and live through this and I continue to be having to do that."

"I'm not acting on anybody's behalf."


What a world

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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4 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

If you were wondering when the FALSE FLEG shouts would start, as I was, then...


A survivor of last week's school shooting in Florida has denied claims he is an actor with an anti-gun agenda.

Speaking on CNN, student David Hogg said he was a witness.

Conspiracy theorists online have accused the survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High of being paid actors who travel between the sites of mass shootings.

An aide to a Republican state representative has been fired for repeating the unsubstantiated claims.

David Hogg denounced the allegations on Tuesday night.


"I'm not a crisis actor," David said in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"I'm someone who had to witness this and live through this and I continue to be having to do that."

"I'm not acting on anybody's behalf."


What a world

I know in the past they've shown interviews from other crisis incidents and said "isn't that the same guy?" but with this it just appears to be gun nuts saying it's all a lie and he must be an actor, absolutely no evidence or suggestion of evidence to support the claim he's an actor.  Absolutely fucking bizarre.

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