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Yet another US shooting

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Will the USA ever revoke the 'right to bear arms' the 'second amendment' which was adopted in Dec 1791?

That was 225 years ago.......

Since the Internet came onboard circa mid 1990's in popular use, do you think mass shootings over there have got worse?

With so many guns in circulation over there, it could prove an impossible task to ban certain guns, especially with the NRA lobbyists.

Edit to add: An estimated 300 million guns in the USA.

Ignoring the constitutional issue there, I think you've hit a big point with how many guns are in circulation.

Don't think it's a straightforward issue in just changing a few laws to fix the whole problem as there are just so many avaliable and any nutter would still get them if determined enough.

It is crazy though that this guy has managed to do it without any sort of hinderence though.

Think they need a combination of increasing restrictions and treating their mentally ill. Calming their religious beliefs in some parts of the country and educating young women in poverty to wear a condom would probably have a huge impact in reducing crime in general (as children born in rough backgrounds are more likely to get caught up in criminality) and I think it'd lower the homicide rate.

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This shooter had class D and class G gun permits.


To get a class D permit in Florida you must go through a 40 hour course conducted by a state licensed instructor.


A class G permit requires 12 hours learning the legal statutes as well as the requirements and responsibilities of the permit, 8 hours of firearm safety training, and 8 hours on a shooting range. You then have to pass a shooting test. Medical tests and extensive background checks are required.


There's no gun control law that would have stopped this guy. And even if we banned guns completely, I showed earlier that there are far more Islamic terrorist attacks using guns in Europe and other Western countries than the United States.


The only way to stop people like this is surveillance of the Muslim community.


Well, yes, three are.  You've just named two.  Class D permits and class G permits can be made far tougher to get, or impossible.  Then he wouldn't have been able to legally carry a firearm.  


There's absolutely zero correlation between being a Muslim and being a terrorist. In fact, I daresay being a Muslim reduces the likelihood of somebody going on a homicidal rampage.  If you are referring to Muslim immigrants, the Obama administration was forced into a series of ludicrously ineffectual visa screening changes which have actually made it easier for terrorists (assuming you still believe in a link between immigration, religion and terrorism) to get into the US.  But that was a decision made by Republicans from middle America who have never been outside their home state and have zero concept of how immigration - or IS - works.

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Or surveillance of everyone who legally owns assault rifles?

People who own assault rifles are generally far to the law abiding side. Assault weapons are rarely used in crimes compared to other guns. It doesn't make much sense to monitor them. A waste of resources.


We did have an assault weapons ban from the 90s into the 00s. It expired and was not renewed because there was no evidence that it saved any lives. Researchers at the Department of Justice recently concluded that re-instituting the ban would have zero effect on gun crime and homicides, or such a small effect as to be unmeasurable.

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People who own assault rifles are generally far to the law abiding side. Assault weapons are rarely used in crimes compared to other guns. It doesn't make much sense to monitor them. A waste of resources.

We did have an assault weapons ban from the 90s into the 00s. It expired and was not renewed because there was no evidence that it saved any lives. Researchers at the Department of Justice recently concluded that re-instituting the ban would have zero effect on gun crime and homicides, or such a small effect as to be unmeasurable.

Have the last few high profile mass shootings not been with these abominations?

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This shooter had class D and class G gun permits.


To get a class D permit in Florida you must go through a 40 hour course conducted by a state licensed instructor.


A class G permit requires 12 hours learning the legal statutes as well as the requirements and responsibilities of the permit, 8 hours of firearm safety training, and 8 hours on a shooting range. You then have to pass a shooting test. Medical tests and extensive background checks are required.


There's no gun control law that would have stopped this guy. And even if we banned guns completely, I showed earlier that there are far more Islamic terrorist attacks using guns in Europe and other Western countries than the United States.


The only way to stop people like this is surveillance of the Muslim community


Or stop the system where you can walk round the corner and buy an assault weapon and a handgun on a whim. 

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This shooter had class D and class G gun permits.

To get a class D permit in Florida you must go through a 40 hour course conducted by a state licensed instructor.

A class G permit requires 12 hours learning the legal statutes as well as the requirements and responsibilities of the permit, 8 hours of firearm safety training, and 8 hours on a shooting range. You then have to pass a shooting test.

I like it, only the top shots get a licence.

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Well, yes, three are.  You've just named two.  Class D permits and class G permits can be made far tougher to get, or impossible.  Then he wouldn't have been able to legally carry a firearm.  



You can't eliminate those permits unless you want to ban all security personnel from carrying a gun. His job required guns.



There's absolutely zero correlation between being a Muslim and being a terrorist. In fact, I daresay being a Muslim reduces the likelihood of somebody going on a homicidal rampage.

Yes, Muslims in America have a lower homicide rate than the general population.

Terrorism is also different in it's consequences for the society as a whole when compared to gang members shooting each other or Larry shooting his Mrs because she was fucking the plumber.

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People who own assault rifles are generally far to the law abiding side. Assault weapons are rarely used in crimes compared to other guns. It doesn't make much sense to monitor them. A waste of resources.


We did have an assault weapons ban from the 90s into the 00s. It expired and was not renewed because there was no evidence that it saved any lives. Researchers at the Department of Justice recently concluded that re-instituting the ban would have zero effect on gun crime and homicides, or such a small effect as to be unmeasurable.


What would a law abiding citizen want with an assault rifle, and why would any law abiding citizen want them available to strangers? Americans are just very, very weird.

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Do you know who owen jones is, or what he does?

He's a political activist who campaigns and writes articles on a variety of topics (including lgbt rights). He's not just someone that's gay.

He's a rentagob with a book out. A left wing Julia Hartley brewer. He's no more an activist than Katie Hopkins is an activist for being thin. He also, incidentally , is a unionist.
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Have the last few high profile mass shootings not been with these abominations?


Quite. Although the numbers are small compared to the spouses whose minor squabbles escalate to murder because of the handy availability of a handgun, assault weapons are the tool of choice for school, college and work place massacres, and now gay night clubs. America is insane and they don't realise it.

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A man with a history of mental health issues with no easy, or relatively affordable access to healthcare but with easy and relatively affordable access to firearms commits the 133rd mass shooting of the year in America.

As people have already pointed out its an issue that's now almost impossible to get away from. There's almost real solution because of the number of guns in circulation. I really don't know how to even start thinking about a solution.

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A man with a history of mental health issues with no easy, or relatively affordable access to healthcare but with easy and relatively affordable access to firearms commits the 133rd mass shooting of the year in America.

As people have already pointed out its an issue that's now almost impossible to get away from. There's almost real solution because of the number of guns in circulation. I really don't know how to even start thinking about a solution.


The number of guns held in households is a long term problem. The fact that people can just walk round to a local shop and buy an assault rifle with enough ammo to kill 50 people is easily stopped. It's not even a hunting or sporting weapon for fucks sake, it's designed for mass slaughter.

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Gun sales will be through the roof this week. Nothing gets em flocking to the local 'self defence' store like a mass shooting and fresh gun control debate.

What a crackpot country.

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If someone who was on a FBI watch list managed to buy a weapon does that mean that:

1. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies are disjointed and incompetent?


2. They are watching so many potential attackers that they can't cope?

I'm sure it was a similar story with the 9/11 attackers, they managed to get flying lessons and nobody thought to question it despite being watched.

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