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It's just the latest stop on the "I want to change how I look but not have to involve effort" train.

The amount of people that think having a decent body is just luck and "you have it or you don't" is astonishing.

Yet more pish for fat women to discuss and congratulate each other over in the office, whilst ignoring the twix in their hand.

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It's a load of shite.

File alongside Herbalife and Insanity.

Said this elsewhere on here but insanity is brilliant, just do the videos when I have a spare night off football but some of it's hard as f**k. It's just routined high intensity exercise. Incredible how much my fitness has improved. I'm 6 foot and was about 13 stone when I started in January and now down to 12 stone 3 aswell, no change to my diet or anything.

Juicing just sounds fucking silly though, people just need to realise you need to stick to a calorie routine with food.

Simple as that.

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Load of pish. Just another fad that will hopefully die off quickly. Fucking wheatgrass proves that these people or thick sheep as I call them will eat anything if you call it a super food!

I do like fruit juice and make vodka smoothies when we have barbecues but that certainly isn't about health!

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Eat less shite, exercise more.

I have to listen to fucking idiots in the work going on about this pish.

It's this juice shite just now. A couple of months ago it was starving yourself for 5 days then binge eating for 2.


^^This. The wife is doing some stupid diet just now. I lost 6 stone a few years ago by stopping drinking, stopped eating shite and walked almost everywhere. 6 stone in just over a year and never cost me a penny really. Actually saved a packet.

Whilst we are at it diet pills! What is the point in them!? Constantly popping up on my Facebook feed #letsgetfit #ayanapabody #completebellend

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^^This. The wife is doing some stupid diet just now. I lost 6 stone a few years ago by stopping drinking, stopped eating shite and walked almost everywhere. 6 stone in just over a year and never cost me a penny really. Actually saved a packet.

Whilst we are at it diet pills! What is the point in them!? Constantly popping up on my Facebook feed #letsgetfit #ayanapabody #completebellend

Did you just hold your clothes together with safety pins until they fitted?

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Diets are a load of shite. Eat what you fancy in moderation and stick to regular exercise.

Women who diet celebrate losing 2 pounds by going out and getting f****d on the booze and having a kebab, then moan about putting the weight back on and going back to the fat mess they were at the start...madness

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