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The fall of Labour in Scotland - in their own words


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So some person within Scottish Labour, presumably someone in a fairly senior position, thought it was a good idea to compile this 'dossier' and release it and those in charge at Scottish Labour agreed that this was a worthwhile thing to do and approved it.

It is almost beyond believe to think how stupid and amateur that action was. How can people with so much political experience be so idiotic and so naive?

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So some person within Scottish Labour, presumably someone in a fairly senior position, thought it was a good idea to compile this 'dossier' and release it and those in charge at Scottish Labour agreed that this was a worthwhile thing to do and approved it.

It is almost beyond believe to think how stupid and amateur that action was. How can people with so much political experience be so idiotic and so naive?

Should be the party motto

I've got no doubt the Scottish branch have been collecting screen grabs from social media from SNP supports/members for a long time now, just in case they need to try and smear them in the future

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It has also been pointed out that they admitted that they have stored data of SNP members.

Imagine the administrative costs involved if all 115000 members exercised their rights under the Data Protection act, to request any information the Labour Party hold on them.

That would be beyond glorious

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So some person within Scottish Labour, presumably someone in a fairly senior position, thought it was a good idea to compile this 'dossier' and release it and those in charge at Scottish Labour agreed that this was a worthwhile thing to do and approved it.

It is almost beyond believe to think how stupid and amateur that action was. How can people with so much political experience be so idiotic and so naive?

Amateurish beyond belief. I have no doubt that there have been cases of abusive tweets etc - but publishing this shite just makes them look petty.

If they were seriously offensive then they should have reported them to the police at the time. It smacks of desperation.

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I think maybe two of the people in there came across as a bit unhinged, but the rest of it seemed pretty mundane. The traitor narrative has long become tiresome, but it's the internet where one upmanship is king, so I don't really know what people expect.

Crying about it isn't going to solve anything, and all you'll end up with is the other side getting their knickers in a twist the moment one of your own lot steps out of line.

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Should be the party motto

I've got no doubt the Scottish branch have been collecting screen grabs from social media from SNP supports/members for a long time now, just in case they need to try and smear them in the future

Your last comment is comedy gold so it is,the cybernats are happy to dish out abuse to all who oppose the snp and their policies that they have smeared themselfs already.

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Your last comment is comedy gold so it is,the cybernats are happy to dish out abuse to all who oppose the snp and their policies that they have smeared themselfs already.

Is it, aye?

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Your last comment is comedy gold so it is,the cybernats are happy to dish out abuse to all who oppose the snp and their policies that they have smeared themselfs already.

And nobody ever dishes out abuse to the SNP do they?

It's STILL all one sided for the better together/labour side.

No wonder things are only going to get worse for them.

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Your last comment is comedy gold so it is,the cybernats are happy to dish out abuse to all who oppose the snp and their policies that they have smeared themselfs already.

Kev, I know it's difficult, but try thinking for once.

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Mind how Labour were going to start on a new direction after learning their lesson last month?

Was the lesson they got from the GE that they ought to spend more time whinging about the SNP? :huh: They've had nothing to say in about eight years apart from SNP bad and even after falling further than anyone woul've imagined, they haven't learned.

What a remarkably terrible political party.

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And nobody ever dishes out abuse to the SNP do they?

It's STILL all one sided for the better together/labour side.

No wonder things are only going to get worse for them.

yes the snp will get abuse,can you compare it to what Scottish labour get,no you cant.

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yes the snp will get abuse,can you compare it to what Scottish labour get,no you cant.

Well yes, you can compare it because they're comparable things. I think you mean there's more and/or worse abuse coming from SNP/independence supporters than coming from Labour supporters/unionists. And I'm afraid claims like that tend to need evidence rather than just the incoherent drivel of an idiot repeating things he's heard elsewhere.

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Labour seem truly incapable of learning and they have no inspiring candidates to lead them now.

Bit of a worry as a decent opposition is needed and with the Lib Dems in the state they are I don't know where this is going to come from.

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In fact, the word “traitor” in particular is one that’s embedded in both popular and political culture – one of the UK’s best-known political parties, for example, sings a song explicitly decrying “traitors” at the end of every party conference.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


The Branch Office is knee deep in the brown stuff.

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