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question for any electricians.

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I have just installed an electric fence, an the damned thing is tripping g the property electric supply when it rains,

Any suggestions on the possible cause never had this issue again.

Just give it a dunt and see if that fixes it

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I have just installed an electric fence, an the damned thing is tripping g the property electric supply when it rains,

Any suggestions on the possible cause never had this issue again.

Ok, serious head on for this one.

I take it when you say it trips all the properties supply the main isolator is a RCD, it'll have a press to test button on it.

Are there any junction boxes or a panel located outside, supplying the fence? If so that would be my first point for investigation. As it sounds like an ingress of moisture is causing an earth fault, which will trip your RCD main.

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I have just installed an electric fence, an the damned thing is tripping g the property electric supply when it rains,

Any suggestions on the possible cause never had this issue again.


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Aye, it all depends on the size of the labour camp he's building. It could be desperate inmates throwing themselves on to it. If it is that he'll need to shoot a few, to teach them a lesson.

Can't believe you're joking about that, my great-granddad died in a concentration camp.
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