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Is it worth being a Hero?

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When I stayed at my folks house the cars were getting vandalised all the time and it cost me £250 to fix mine. Was up the stairs and heard banging and laughing, witnessed three wee p***ks running down the street kicking mirrors. Bolted down the stairs and into my car and went along the road, pinned one against the wall by the neck and chucked his hat over it. Just as I let go a police van came round the corner and drove past. Chances are I would have been done for assault. Cars stopped getting done in after that though, I did feel a bit shit afterwards but they were laughing as if nothing was going to happen. The look on the guys face when I picked him off the ground was priceless though.


Could have all been avoided if the police actually did their job properly.

Hard man.

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Hard man.

Not at all just had enough of the wee dicks destroying other people's stuff. Like I said I didn't feel good about it afterwards. Sometimes thats what people like that need. Not a telling off from the police.


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Even if he did punch or kick a guy who was already on fire it doesn't strike me as brave, more like sadistic for it's own sake.

Poor Dr Ahmed was clearly in distress after an unfortunate accident on the way home from his local petrol and propane emporium.

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Poor Dr Ahmed was clearly in distress after an unfortunate accident on the way home from his local petrol and propane emporium.

It was his own fault for buying a cheap satnav imo.

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Ignoring this hero patter I would've had to have said something as I cant stand to see junkies get away with anything. Chances are if ye just had a shout at him he would've shat it and left rather than trying to stab the life out of you.

But I get what you're saying RE is it worth it? I was at my mates house party and I happened to look outside at a guy snooping around the car parked next to mine when I realised he was slashing the guys tyres and then starts running a screwdriver all over it and stabbing the roof/bonnet etc. I kept watching to see if he went anywhere near my motor to which I would've went outside and confronted him but he never, now I could've went outside and told the guy to f**k right off but if I did then the guy could've ended up targetting my mates house at a later date which was my main concern and also I had no idea as to why he was doing over some guys car so I left it.

If I was steaming I would've probably charged out and ended up getting my mate a lot of bother for something that didnt involve me.

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I chased and caught a bag snatcher in Thirsk a few years back,held him down,got the woman her bag back,police van turns up and takes him away,I never even got a thanks from the woman! And a guy was up complaining I was a bit too rough when I decked and held the thief down..I even dropped my chippie tea to catch the muppet,that bothered me more than anything

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I intervened when a knob and his pal were just about to batter a young couple. I ended up in hospital and a bill for new specs for my trouble. It was either that or watch the couple, who'd done nothing wrong, being battered. I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag, but I'd probably do it again.

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I intervened when a knob and his pal were just about to batter a young couple. I ended up in hospital and a bill for new specs for my trouble. It was either that or watch the couple, who'd done nothing wrong, being battered. I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag, but I'd probably do it again.


^^^ one for the 'Your Image of P&B Posters' thread.

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The thing is, why on earth would you steal goggles? Is he going to use them from swimming?

What kind of re-sale do you have for goggles? :lol:

If you're going to buy them you do so at a Swimming Pool or a sport shop, not some dodgy looking guy on the street.

You should have stopped him to say: "Sir, your thieving is below par."

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Was waiting in the queue to go into my local leisure center and saw some jakey out of his bin about to nick some swimming goggles. I was too far away from the counter to alert the staff and therefore had a decision to make as to whether I should confront said bam pot. I also noted he had an accomplice waiting outside who looked to have more of his wits about him.

Anyway I ended up not getting involved and now I am disappointed with myself. Having said that, is it worth risking getting chibbed for a few pairs of swimming goggles?

Is it worth trying to be a hero???

It you'd stopped him you could be Goggleman.
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