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When will indyref2 happen?



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When things go well they take the credit. When they do badly they attribute blame elsewhere.

What macro-econompic powers have the Scottish government had at its disposal that would have made any difference to the GERS figures since its inception in 1999?
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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Do you ever post anything constructive or are you only capable of this stream of pseudo aggressive childish nonsense?

It was the only possible response to such a patently ridiculous post.  You do realise that "data" is a type of information don't you?

The internet is "awash" with whatever type of information you require (some accurate, some not).  It's up to the reader to sort the wheat from the chaff.

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Needless aggression.

And no, data is not a type of information.


Information is data which is useful. Data is more general and only becomes information when it is subject to analysis. You have it entirely the wrong way round. All information is data but not all data is information.

I thought you younger people were supposed to be better educated than us old duffers.

Are you really trying to argue that the internet is nothing but unprocessed raw data?

You really are a clown.

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1 hour ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

No. Journalists are trained to a certain standard. Before they got into a sensationalist race to the bottom the vast majority of them took their standards seriously. Most still do. Bloggers can be anybody, tweeters can be anybody. They are unaccountable and have to make an impact with sensationalism and polarised short statements. It doesn't lend itself to informed debate and covering issues in depth.

The vast majority of journalists are trained in journalism and nothing more.  They are usually no more qualified to make the assertions that they do than most normal people.   I've seen 100 times the amount of proper investigative journalist performed by blogs than anything that comes out of 99% of the media which is normally a rewrite of spun press releases with little or no examination (in the realm of politics).

Do you seriously thing that the output from likes of The Sun, Daily Mail and the BBC is informed or deep???  If you do then you are an even bigger idiot than I originally thought you were.


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1 hour ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

No. Journalists are trained to a certain standard. Before they got into a sensationalist race to the bottom the vast majority of them took their standards seriously. Most still do. Bloggers can be anybody, tweeters can be anybody. They are unaccountable and have to make an impact with sensationalism and polarised short statements. It doesn't lend itself to informed debate and covering issues in depth.

Yeah, SNP supporters are the brainwashed hive mind, aren't they?


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7 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Well I used to get paid a fortune to do this type of work freelance so I beg to differ.

And just look at you now.  Working in an office under a boss half your age, bypassed for promotion again and again*, hence your impotent rage at the world.


Edited by Fide
spelling mistake
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Well I used to get paid a fortune to do this type of work freelance so I beg to differ.

I suspect that YOU dont understand what I have written.

You know that Facebook and the Porn sites you visit dont just run on their own dont you?

It needs what we call an "operating system".

You might recognise that as Windows or Linux or a thousand other types from a thousand different companies. There is more than just Microsoft and Apple. I know that sounds like fucking blasphemy but there you go.

The "operating systems" also dont just run themselves. They are loaded and forced to run by....? A board support package.

You see, it IS possible to teach a young dog new tricks. They just need a trusty old dog to teach them.


One more thing than you then, eh m9?!111!!!1!

Well, I did vote no in 2014 and got that right[emoji3]
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14 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I can afford not to live amongst people like you.

Quite honestly anything else is a bonus. :lol:

People brag about money when they have nothing else in their lives. Deep down I think you know you're looked on more with pity than jealousy.

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People brag about money when they have nothing else in their lives. Deep down I think you know you're looked on more with pity than jealousy.

Deep down you obviously utterly loathe people who make a success of themselves in life. What a sad vindictive attitude to have[emoji5]
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