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When will indyref2 happen?



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6 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

A link to prove Greece is bankrupt would be nice too. Since that's what you are reporting.

You are hard work - and you are being completely ridiculous. More over each post I make receives two from you which is the very definition of trolling. 

There is no point in debating with you. You think that it's reasonable to dictate the terms of an infrastructure project that you haven't contributed to. You think it's reasonable to dictate to another country where it should be spending its money to benefit you when you aren't contributing to it. Just be honest - you can't stand England, and you've got such a problem with England you'd happily financially damage all of your fellow Scots just to soothe your xenophobia. 


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Just now, Malky3 said:

You are hard work - and you are being completely ridiculous. More over each post I make receives two from you which is the very definition of trolling. 

There is no point in debating with you. You think that it's reasonable to dictate the terms of an infrastructure project that you haven't contributed to. You think it's reasonable to dictate to another country where it should be spending its money to benefit you when you aren't contributing to it. Just be honest - you can't stand England, and you've got such a problem with England you'd happily financially damage all of your fellow Scots just to soothe your xenophobia. 


Just admit defeat, M8. I'm right, you've no answer.

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5 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Just admit defeat, M8. I'm right, you've no answer.

f**k off - I've answered everything you've asked for so many times before that others accuse me of spamming the forum. 

You clearly have no capability to grasp the difference between the finances of a Scotland within the UK, and a Scotland that's broken away. I can only assume that is because you age is indeed as low as your IQ and you still live with your parents. 

Edited by Malky3
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6 minutes ago, Malky3 said:

You are hard work - and you are being completely ridiculous. More over each post I make receives two from you which is the very definition of trolling. 

There is no point in debating with you. You think that it's reasonable to dictate the terms of an infrastructure project that you haven't contributed to. You think it's reasonable to dictate to another country where it should be spending its money to benefit you when you aren't contributing to it. Just be honest - you can't stand England, and you've got such a problem with England you'd happily financially damage all of your fellow Scots just to soothe your xenophobia. 


So.. Greece being bankrupt? Go on... Scotland unable to borrow?  Go on...

It's not a difficult question to provide links for if it's true.

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2 minutes ago, Malky3 said:

f**k off - I've answered everything you've asked for so many times before that others accuse me of spamming the forum. 

You clearly have no capability to grasp the difference between the finances of a Scotland within the UK, and a Scotland that's broken away. I can only assume that is because you age is indeed as low as your IQ and you still live with your parents. 

Oh! Behave! 

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On 24/10/2019 at 00:40, Malky3 said:


I tend to find that if I read propaganda shite like The National, Wings Over Scotland, the SNP website, RT, Der Sturmer and Pravda the truth lies somewhere in the middle which is roughly where the BBC and ITV news outlets sit. 

Big fan of this. The official website of a political party might be a little bit biased to that particular political party, you say? Huge, if true. 

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Dear of dear. Poor xenophobic Joey Jo Jo is having a bit of a meltdown tonight. I'm sure the same moderator who warned me months back for referring to a "retarded argument" will be ready with the ban hammer for someone who is using similar language in a far more direct and abusive manner. 

For those who might be interested in the facts - here they are. Scotland currently spends £12.6Bn more than it earns in revenue. Not my figures - but the Scottish Governments figures from the GERs Report. Scotland is able to do this currently because we are in a Union with the rest of the UK and we benefit from the Barnett Formula which provides a very generous level of support to Scotland at the expense of the other ONS defined regions across the rest of the UK. Despite what nationalists queue up to tell us that £12.6Bn is not debt. Scotland is not running a budget deficit. It is our share of the wealth and budget surplus being run by London, South East Of England and the East of England. 

If we were to leave the UK the Barnett Formula would no longer apply and we'd no longer be able to claim a share of the prosperity of London, The South East of England or the East Of England. Instead we would only have our own tax revenues to spend. This would leave our newly independent government with some hard choices to make. How would they raise the £2,300 per man, woman, child and "gender undefined" living in Scotland? Would they raise taxes? Will they make substantial cuts? Or will this new country, which will also presumably have to accept a proportion of the UK National debt as part of any divorce agreement, be touting itself around spivs and speculators selling gilts and bonds with a high interest rate in the hope we can borrow 7% of GDP (by far the highest deficit in Europe and a level that would see Scotland denied a place in the EU) we would need every single year just to replace the value we get from the Barnett Formula.  

What would they cut? The NHS? Spending on Health and Sport, which is grouped together in the Scottish Government budget is £14.3Bn. That's the scale of the level of austerity that would be required to make an Independent Scotland work. 

Then there is the problem that was highlighted on here last week. Scotland's latest demographics show that our working population has aged. Now this really isn't a problem within the UK. There are plenty of enough young people working across the UK to fund our pension budget for many, many years to come. However if Scotland was to become independent it would become a real problem. We'd need to attract hundreds of thousands of immigrants to Scotland in a real hurry just to keep enough money going into the pension pot just to pay our current pension requirements. How would we do that when even when the UK had it's doors open to immigration very few wanted to settle in Scotland - and that was before the SNP started to impose it's Tartan Tax and now a car park tax on Scots workers making Scotland the most expensive place to work in the UK. 

The SNP's White Paper claimed an Independent Scotland would enjoy everything we have right now but we'd all be richer because of massive oil revenues from a sky high oil price. Since that was published the oil price has fallen through the floor and tax revenues from oil have been pitifully low as the industry enjoys tax breaks to help regenerate oil production in Scotland. It's quite clear that had we voted for Scottish Independence on the back of the SNP's figures in 2014 we'd be in one hell of a fiscal mess right now - especially with the SNP determined to follow a policy of Sterlingisation. 

If you think Brexit is bad consider what the SNP has managed to hide behind it. Right now our crumbling NHS is at breaking point. Decisions made by Nicola Sturgeon in her previous job as Health Secretary has left it short staffed, and with hospitals crumbling. We've even got the debacle of the construction of the Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh going on right now. NHS Lothian alone is facing a deficit of £90m by 2021 and they had to pay out over £30m to the contractor building the empty hospital. At the same time Unison is balloting it's members on possible strike action within Police Scotland for the turn of the year. Police Staff are unhappy at pay cuts that have been imposed on a large percentage of it's "legacy" workforce whilst managers within the force received pay rises - in some cases worth up to £10k per annum - to do the same job. They are also unhappy that the Scottish Government has delayed any talk of an annual pay settlement since April. At the same time the Police Federation are concerned that Police Scotland won't be able to pay out wages at their current rate past the end of February and they have voiced their anger at the state of the cars they are expected to chase down criminals in -  many of which wouldn't pass a standard MOT these days. 

When will Indyref2 happen? Never! The majority of Scots don't want it and the predicted outcome is almost exactly the same as 5 years ago with around 55% of Scots vowing to say again "naw, never!" What is a real shame though is that those who profess to be patriotic Scots, who paint their faces, a who wave our flag would happily f**k over their fellow Scots just to see their xenophobic hatred of England soothed. 

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Saw the message was from wee malky, then saw the length of the message, then saw £12.6bn, then made an (easy) executive decision, then didn't read.

Bet he tells the other people in his ward that he is the one who is sorting out all this nat tosh on the internet by correcting the aye-sayers of the errors of their collective ways.  Maybe he thinks he's Nurse Rached's favourite.

Poor malky.


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