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When will indyref2 happen?



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42 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Sturgeon was saying "now is not the right time" when she said there wouldn't be a referendum in 2020. Sarwar is really just parroting Sturgeon, for slightly different reasons of course. 

Yeah, but presumably Sturgeon has a date set in mind, whereas for Sarwar & Nash it's part of a "no referendum ever" strategy - they will always find a reason why now is not the right time.

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6 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Is this currently true of Ireland too or is it more varied?

It's two short ferries from Ireland anyway (which is obviously still cheaper than one long one). A Scottish route from the continent would no doubt result in higher costs. 

Lorries on ferries are expensive, lorries on roads are cheap. 

Edited by Detournement
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2 hours ago, Snafu said:

Mind that, first thing a Tory government did when getting into power was to take milk away from Primary school kids.


SNP pledges year-round free breakfasts and lunches for all primary school children

The policy would be implemented from August 2022, making Scotland the first nation in the UK to offer universal free primary school meals

That’s a fantastic idea, but then I thought the “named person” policy was a great idea. Hopefully they can get this one to stick!

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57 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I know I just wondered if you knew the rough divisions, no worries will find out myself.

My ire was inspired by the guys (obviously) in the comments seriously  planning trade routes to the continent from Dublin via Stranraer and Rosyth rather than you btw.






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5 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

I think what you've missed is the global fucking pandemic.

Funnily enough that's exactly the same argument Nash and Sarwar used as a reason for not having a referendum. And it also holds no water when you consider plenty of western democracies have held elections since the pandemic started - off the top of my head, New Zealand, USA and South Korea have all held elections.


As Joanna Cherry says, 'If not now, when?'

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9 hours ago, sparky88 said:

Funnily enough that's exactly the same argument Nash and Sarwar used as a reason for not having a referendum.

I haven't read what either of them said but I suspect it isn't quite that – they'll say we shouldn't have a referendum while we're recovering from the pandemic never mind during it. Nor should we have one until well after Brexit either. 

Such an argument, they feel, plays better with the public than saying 'no' to a referendum. The aim is the same of course: but by putting some distance between those two disasters – one instigated by Westminster, the other mismanaged by it – they hope we forget about them and their impact. In the case of Brexit, they can sell the option of a UK-wide pro-Europe option in future elections or they'll find a way to refine the narrative of the pandemic being ended because of the UK's shared resources

The No side are transparent at least, with a limited playbook (also includes getting a third option on the ballot and the usual siren call of nationalism=racism, which will be led by Cole-Hamilton)

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Funnily enough that's exactly the same argument Nash and Sarwar used as a reason for not having a referendum. And it also holds no water when you consider plenty of western democracies have held elections since the pandemic started - off the top of my head, New Zealand, USA and South Korea have all held elections.
As Joanna Cherry says, 'If not now, when?'
f**k off, the idea we should hold and campaign for an unscheduled referendum in the middle of a global pandemic is very fucking different from holding a scheduled election. I mean, you mention the US where Trump campaigned as if he deliberately wanted to infect his entire voter base and thousands are dying every day and NZ where they barely have any cases at all. Just how dishonest is that?

I couldn't trust anyone who doesn't see that suspending the push for a referendum at the start of the year was exactly the right thing to do in the face of hundreds of people dying every week. We'll get a referendum next year after a mass vaccination in the spring.
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15 hours ago, sparky88 said:

Funnily enough that's exactly the same argument Nash and Sarwar used as a reason for not having a referendum. And it also holds no water when you consider plenty of western democracies have held elections since the pandemic started - off the top of my head, New Zealand, USA and South Korea have all held elections.


As Joanna Cherry says, 'If not now, when?'

Cherry is an arsehole whose whole agenda is driven by personal ambition.

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17 minutes ago, Snafu said:

That's former adviser.

Why is this news, its like some random on this forum changing their mind and someone else starting a thread about it?

Only a random on this forum would make a comparison like that.

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More magic number by the nats
Would that majority you speak of be the 1,270,502 who voted for parties backing Indy or the, in your words the minority of 1,488,559 who voted for parties against a second referendum?
It doesn’t take a mathematician to to work out the flaw in the nationalists claims.
Polls mean Jack shit as can be seen from many eloctoral votes which have taken place over the last 5 years such as Trump, Brexit and the GE’s. The only poll that matters was the official one where the electorate visited the polling station. Even the hardy souls in Blackford’s constituency who had to vote in December. Kudos to them [emoji1303]
The nats are living in cloud cuckoo land thinking there’s any appetite for a referendum never mind full blown independence. Any Indy ref wouldn’t be party specific. It would again be a simple aye or naw.
Keep believing that Indy will take place next year just as you have been getting spoon fed shite from Sturgeon for the last 5 years whenever it’s party conference time.
What I’ve written you and the the rest of your rent a mob cult won’t like it but deep down when you turn the light of at night and roll over with a tear in your eye you know that what I’ve written is cold hard facts.
Peace and love to you, brother.

Simplistic crap, you’ve assumed everyone who voted Tory, Lab, LD is a No voter and everyone who voted SNP and Green is a Yes voter which will be completely false as people will vote in General Executions on other issues than Independence. You’ve also not accounted for the turn out which will be higher in a referendum so you’ve absolutely no idea how they’ll all vote. You might as well look at the EU election result where Brexit Party was huge and then assume the Brexit Party will then win a General Election. A straight forward referendum Yes / No cannot be compared to how people voted in a General Election with multiple parties campaigning on multiple issues that have varying degrees of importance to each voter.
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