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When will indyref2 happen?



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Great march today. Feels like something is happening. Numbers between 50k and 100k - how can anyone really tell?

Lead by a pipe band with Sikhs on drums and loads of international flags - the only demonstrators where a guy seig-heiling and another Holocause denier.

The UK has been an ugly place recently - stuff like this balances that out somewhat.



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7 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Don’t see the point of these independence rallies, as a yes voter. What are they hoping to achieve?

The continuation of the glorious union of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, obviously. Duh.

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20 hours ago, Crùbag said:

Great march today.


I was talking to my sister earlier and she told me she'd tried to drive through Glasgow yesterday but was held up by these anachronistic tossers.  Imagine holding up the traffic in a city over an issue whose time has passed.  Absolute scum. Dreadful that these people  use police resources  and disrupt lives to attempt to make a political point that has been adequately dealt with and which only a rump of obsessives give a f**k about.

I'm all for folk being allowed to make their own voices heard but why should they do so at taxpayers' expense?  Why should they be able to disrupt the lives of ordinary people?  And their bands are shite.

Stick them in a muddy field and let them walk to their hearts' content.  And pay for their own policing.

Yours, Kinky1688/1690.

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21 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

I was talking to my sister earlier and she told me she'd tried to drive through Glasgow yesterday but was held up by these anachronistic tossers.  Imagine holding up the traffic in a city over an issue whose time has passed.  Absolute scum. Dreadful that these people  use police resources  and disrupt lives to attempt to make a political point that has been adequately dealt with and which only a rump of obsessives give a f**k about.

I'm all for folk being allowed to make their own voices heard but why should they do so at taxpayers' expense?  Why should they be able to disrupt the lives of ordinary people?  And their bands are shite.

Stick them in a muddy field and let them walk to their hearts' content.  And pay for their own policing.

Yours, Kinky1688/1690.

You and your family don’t strike me as “ordinary people”.

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I'm sure most of the independence demonstrators would happily never march again if it meant seeing the end of orange marches.

Not sure what would have to happen for the orangemen to give it up. Well, I do, but I'm not sure sectarian genocide is an acceptable option.

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