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Which bugs do you kill?

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Bluebottles are fucking rank. They feast on dog shit. Absolute filth.

Aye, but it's like a tasty (and healthy) steak to them. They barf on it and sook it down like a turd smoothie too - cannae blame them for the hand life's dealt them. Just keep your food covered and you're fine. They're still pretty wee things...until you see a close up, mother of God :wacko:

Didn't realise there were so many wilting hippies on here. A lot of hand wringing on this thread about feeling guilt over killing insects etc.

How did you lot ever evolve this far?

Happy to kill anything if I'm hungry. Come the apocalypse, I'll be happy to feast on any of your innards, and I'd expect the same if you found my body at the side of the road.

Not if I'm a bit rotten, though. That's just rank, and I wouldn't want any of you to get sick.


Little hermaphrodite multiplying shitebags that eat my plants.

Squashing's too good for them. As are snail pellets.

Freezer. Garlic. Yum.

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Are you equating murder and sex?

I understand there's a bit of a link there, especially for people who kill recreationally, rather than just out of rage.

I'm surprised that you needed that pointed out TBH :P

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I'm not liking this, I like bees but hate wasps malarkey. Is it because bees are furry and cute and wasps look as if they mean business. It's like saying horses are cool but zebras are fucking vermin. It's nonsensical

Bees don't sting you unless you fcuk with them. I woke up once with a swarm of wasps in my bedroom, turned out there was nest in the eves near the window. I woke up because they were dive bombing me, about 4 stings in the face before I managed to get out of the room and seal the door. When I went back in there were loads seemingly asleep on the floor, so I hoovered them up and sprinkled bleach in so it would form a deadly spray on the little fuckers. I don't use WMD on any other insects though, just throw them out the window.

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One of my earliest memories is of my gran. She'd come to visit, recruit the bloke from next door and get him to lift the paving slabs on the patio. She'd then pour boiling water over all the ants, slaters etc who'd been happily living below them.

Edited by Shandon Par
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I'm not liking this, I like bees but hate wasps malarkey. Is it because bees are furry and cute and wasps look as if they mean business. It's like saying horses are cool but zebras are fucking vermin. It's nonsensical

I don't see any hypocrisy tbh. They are two entirely different creatures. Bees serve a massive purpose. Wasps don't. Bees spend the majority of their time working, helping pollination. It's only a small minority of wasps that actually do that. I'm not even sure if the yellow jackets are one of those kinds (but has anyone seen a wasp go from flower to flower like a Bee? I certainly haven't. Plenty hovering around bins though. Fucking vermin). Wasps do quite the opposite and will actively hunt Bees and feed on the pollen, so if anything they are obstructing the pollination process!

Outside the technical side of things, Wasps are just aggressive little b*****ds, Bees aren't. I don't for a minute believe anyone will have ever encountered a Bee hovering over them and requiring swatting. They will do their best to fly away. Wasps on the other hand will hover and continue to come back. Little shits.

That's pretty much my reasoning behind leaving Bees alone and killing Wasps :P

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I don't see any hypocrisy tbh. They are two entirely different creatures. Bees serve a massive purpose. Wasps don't.

You've just contributed to the new treatise by our reptilian overlords, "Why the human race must regrettably be exterminated". Cheers for that :angry:

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I'd like to try and kill a human one day. Only if I could get away with it though.

We know.

Go the the Netherlands and work at an assisted suicide clinic?

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Get a job as a hospital porter or a nurse. Mrs M will show you the ropes.

Please I already work in the hospital. I only work with the patients notes just now so I can only damage them slightly just now.

One day...

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We know.

Go the the Netherlands and work at an assisted suicide clinic?

Only if you're the first person I help.

Also where's the thrill in helping someone die?

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Only if you're the first person I help.

Also where's the thrill in helping someone die?

f**k off; I'm not paying for something I'll happily do myself.

As Mozza says, aren't all the serial killers just helping people to die? They'll likely end up wanting that help at some point anyway, so you're just getting in there early.

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I don't see any hypocrisy tbh. They are two entirely different creatures. Bees serve a massive purpose. Wasps don't. Bees spend the majority of their time working, helping pollination. It's only a small minority of wasps that actually do that. I'm not even sure if the yellow jackets are one of those kinds (but has anyone seen a wasp go from flower to flower like a Bee? I certainly haven't. Plenty hovering around bins though. Fucking vermin). Wasps do quite the opposite and will actively hunt Bees and feed on the pollen, so if anything they are obstructing the pollination process!

Outside the technical side of things, Wasps are just aggressive little b*****ds, Bees aren't. I don't for a minute believe anyone will have ever encountered a Bee hovering over them and requiring swatting. They will do their best to fly away. Wasps on the other hand will hover and continue to come back. Little shits.

That's pretty much my reasoning behind leaving Bees alone and killing Wasps :P

Yes. We should kill wasps because they're ignorant and don't contribute to society. Scroungers.

Did you vote Tory by any chance?

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Yes. We should kill wasps because they're ignorant and don't contribute to society. Scroungers.

It's a fair description of some of us TBH.

How long do you think I've got until this becomes government policy?

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Wasps normally don't bother me, if you ignore them they usually move away eventually. Was with friends in a beer garden once and a girl started going hysterical and waving her hands around when one came near, so of course it wouldn't leave her alone. She was screaming for someone to get rid of it, so I trapped it in a beer glass upside down on the table, and stuck a lit cigarette underneath so the smoke drifted up through the slats into the glass, gradually knocking the wasp out. She shouted at me to stop as was being horribly cruel, I did, wasp gradually recovered and went for her again. I was on the wasp's side by then.

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