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Mr Rational

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We oppose it now because its not working we dont oppose cultures coming and integrating , pre 2005 it was working if you think 300,000 people coming so fast and not integrating is good multiculturalism then that says alot about you.

Any actual evidence for this?

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Actually, approval ratings for Corbyn in Scotland are more favourable than Dugdale: http://imgur.com/UEpyGhAfor the graphic (too big to post here)

That's got a lot to do with differing levels of name recognition, if you look at the numbers. The problem with Corbyn for Labour in Scotland is that he annoys capital-U Unionists and in a society now polarised (at least for now) on the constitutional issue rather than on class politics, that's not a good thing when you are on the pro-Union side of that divide.

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The problem with Corbyn for Labour in Scotland is that he annoys capital-U Unionists and in a society now polarised (at least until independence) on the constitutional issue rather than on class politics, that's not a good thing when you are on the pro-Union side of that divide.


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AWRA :lol:

Why are people comparing this poster to people 100% different to them? Just throw a name on them and hope it sticks or something?

Not awra? Shows the same style,spam every thread then tell everybody he has an illness and isnt scottish,that was awra i think?

Edited by doulikefish
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Any actual evidence for this?

london british people are now a minority is that evidence?

Do UKIP still want to cut off Northumberland and Northern Cumbria from the rest of the England?

i wish we could cut your house from Britain

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london british people are now a minority is that evidence?

You have to be white to be British? Anyway even if true that's not evidence of a lack of integration. I found the places I lived in, in London that were best integrated were the places with the highest levels of immigrant population, like Hackney for example.

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london british people are now a minority is that evidence?

Wrong. The statistic you are misrepresenting is that those of white British origin are a minority in London. Still the largest minority by a long way (45%), mind you. If you include all of the ethnic groups which still identify as British, then over three quarters of London is British.

London isn't even minority white. At the last census almost 15% of respondents were non-British white.

I'm not really sure what you think non-white British people need to do to be counted as integrated. Do they have to white up?

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london british people are now a minority is that evidence?

i wish we could cut your house from Britain

No, that's not evidence. Please show me statistical evidence that 300,000 migrants have come into the UK and "not integrated".

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As with the Tommy Robinson thread on GN, extreme right wing views mask the ability, and I would say need, to address important social issues.

I think large scale immigration of people whose cultural values are different from ours has potential to lead to problems. That's not an argument against such immigration. I would go further to say that the greater the cultural differences, the greater the potential for problems.

The incidents in Cologne and other German cities at New Year is manna from heaven for right-wing extremists and their racist fellow travellers. Refusing to recognise that this is linked to cultural values of immigrants will assist, not detract from, those trying to politically exploit the situation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Won by 500 odd

The con beat the indy( to scared to say he was labour) by 1 vote

Oban N. & Lorn (Argyll & Bute) first preferences: SNP: 42.3% (+9.9) CON: 23.2% (+13.5) IND: 23.1% (+23.1) GRN: 11.4% (+11.4)

Oban N. & Lorn (Argyll & Bute) vote result: SNP: 1113 CON: 609 IND: 608 GRN: 300

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