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RISE - The "Scottish Syriza"


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The RISE manifesto launched today - journalists at the presser found several errors which were brushed off by the speakers as being inconsequential.  Cat Boyd, Jean Urquhurt, Colin Fox all spoke, Fox suggesting that their target is to win a seat on every list.


They are in for a big disappointment.  

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The Toytown Revolutionaries latest cunning plan, the 3rd Rise, have now released their manifesto.




They will outlaw sexism (so long as if affects women, if you're male they don't appear to be interested), campaign for the rights of schoolkids to be gay, lesbian, transsexual, furries, etc and for "Pupil Councils" to be given control of part of an annual budget "to be used for improvements to their school communities" (what fun when the Possil Fleet win their pupil council election & vote for all pupils to be given lunchtime Buckie and chibs).


The 3rd Rise will outlaw racism, homophobia, Islamophobia (just wait for the conflict of interest with those last two...) & all other bigotries. However, if you wish to be a knuckle trailing bigot hurling obscenities (or worse) at one another or random strangers over a game of football, then rejoice to learn that the 3rd Rise will abolish the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act so you can carry on paying to be an obnoxious anti-social little shit with your Old Firm Get Out Of Jail Free card c/o the 3rd Rise.


The 3rd Rise will nationalise all public transport & provide it for free ... okay, that's it, jokes over! Not even the Official Monster Raving Loony Party were daft enough to throw that one out for laughs - these morons however truly mean it.


The rest is cliche after cliche: anyone allowed in if they claim they're a "refugee", lands depopulated by the Clearences will be repopulated (so much for their "green" credentials), everyone will be given a Scottish Universal Basic Income regardless of whether in work or not... this is the politics of the student union - rhetoric & utopian pipe dreams with zero basis in pragmatics.


This lot will lose every deposit, and deservedly so.

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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The RISE manifesto launched today - journalists at the presser found several errors which were brushed off by the speakers as being inconsequential.  Cat Boyd, Jean Urquhurt, Colin Fox all spoke, Fox suggesting that their target is to win a seat on every list.


They are in for a big disappointment.  


I know, just wait until they realise that they don't get any of the spinning seats that swirl around.

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The Toytown Revolutionaries latest cunning plan, the 3rd Rise, have now released their manifesto.




They will outlaw sexism (so long as if affects women, if you're male they don't appear to be interested), campaign for the rights of schoolkids to be gay, lesbian, transsexual, furries, etc and for "Pupil Councils" to be given control of part of an annual budget "to be used for improvements to their school communities" (what fun when the Possil Fleet win their pupil council election & vote for all pupils to be given lunchtime Buckie and chibs).


The 3rd Rise will outlaw racism, homophobia, Islamophobia (just wait for the conflict of interest with those last two...) & all other bigotries. However, if you wish to be a knuckle trailing bigot hurling obscenities (or worse) at one another or random strangers over a game of football, then rejoice to learn that the 3rd Rise will abolish the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act so you can carry on paying to be an obnoxious anti-social little shit with your Old Firm Get Out Of Jail Free card c/o the 3rd Rise.


The 3rd Rise will nationalise all public transport & provide it for free ... okay, that's it, jokes over! Not even the Official Monster Raving Loony Party were daft enough to throw that one out for laughs - these morons however truly mean it.


The rest is cliche after cliche: anyone allowed in if they claim they're a "refugee", lands depopulated by the Clearences will be repopulated (so much for their "green" credentials), everyone will be given a Scottish Universal Basic Income regardless of whether in work or not... this is the politics of the student union - rhetoric & utopian pipe dreams with zero basis in pragmatics.


This lot will lose every deposit, and deservedly so.


What a load of shite you speak. Sexism against men, deary me. 

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I'm surprised at how decent the manifesto is. 


I was surprised at how bad it was.


Not in terms of general sentiment, or direction of travel but it seemed like a collection of well meaning, ill thought out pledges - some of which were blatantly contradictory.  Some of it was quite innovative: The digital bill of rights idea, for example. The Whisky tax might have legs on it, and I'm a convert to the notion of a Universal Basic Income already. The intention to go back and review if the current council structure serves democracy well is good.


Other parts were quite backwards looking: Big giveaways to public sector workers betrays the old school Labour mentality while having little to say on how it intends to incentivise the private sector to improve the lot of it's employees. Also, a Service tax based on income? A terrible idea, you end up taxing income twice, you have to find someway of smoothing the differences between high income council areas and low income council areas and you lack the behavioural change aspect of fixing a wealth tax to land or property.


Some of it was frankly unworkable: Retrospectively applying a law on the maximum acerage someone can own privately? The ECHR would have a field day with that (Land reform is important, and clearly the SNP should go further than it does, but it's going to be a generational thing, not a Mugabe style land grab).


Some of it was barmy: the national mass transit system, free at the point of use? The odd emphasis on teaching kids about our place in the Empire and our history with slavery (quite cleary, both are important facets of scottish history, particularly the evolution of Glasgow but it should be taught within context of the wider Scottish history, which is more often ignored. I don't think kids history curriculum should be 'the battle of Hastings' 'social change post 1945' and 'your ancestors were shit, and if you don't feel bad enough about that, your as awful as them')

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Free public transport :lol:


Bizarre point to pick on considering free public transport has been a mainstay of the Scottish left's policy since the days of the Scottish Socialist Alliance. If my memory serves it's been part of every SSP manifesto since 1999. It also exists in Tallinn, for example. Regardless public transport in Scotland is pretty shocking and should be further subsidised by the state. 

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