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Going Teetotal

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A lot of it's down to the company you're keeping. When I lived over in the west end, a few mates who lived nearby were very much of the Chewin' The Fat "take a drink" persuasion.

I'd often end up going for "a" pint with them just to shut them up on say a Tuesday night which almost inevitably ended up as about eight. I moved away a few years back, and it was incredible how instantaneously my lifestyle changed. Geography dictates now that I tend to see them a lot less often, and these days I'll have a few beers on a Saturday or at a gig and that's about it.

It's only with hindsight I realised that more often than not while they are great guys at least one of them was teetering on the edge of a real problem and desperate for as many people as possible to be complicit in his compulsion.

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I enjoy a drink. Only ever really drink on a Saturday as I feel it's my day after a tough week at work! I will probably have a fair skinful but fine with that as I stay booze free 95% of midweek nights.

I've always fancied having a spell off it but by the time Saturday comes I can think of nothing better than a few ice cold beers.

Could I give it up? Probably not. Do I think I have a booze problem? Probably not. Booze because I enjoy it and I like catching up with the lads in the pub!

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Where is your fight MCat?

The Lagoon at Power Of Scotland.

The Police won the battle on MKat a long time ago. :angry:

The only "Mkat" I ever took was a horrendous experience. Nose bleed for three days and a five day comedown. Certainly something not right about whatever I put up my schnoz that night.

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I reckon after a month or so you'll readjust your preferences a bit.

You shouldn't: soft drinks are an utterly shit alternative, and you can't credibly drink them with any meal. A nice, sirloin steak with a glass of Fanta?

It's difficult not to have one or two drinks each day here in Slovakia, particularly when beer or local wine is literally the cheapest drink on the menu if you go out for a meal. So, bar having an off day once a week, I do so. In Scotland it's much easier to avoid drink altogether during the week but I probably drink as much on a normal Saturday than in a week here.

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I go weeks without a drink and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I haven't made any conscious decision to stay off the drink and when I fancy a beer then by God I have a beer but it's not something I particularly crave or miss.

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I'm coming up for two weeks off the drink which is probably the longest I've managed since I turned 18.

Going cold turkey for a few months is a great idea in principle, but in reality it's absolutely pish. Nothing better than going to the pub for a few beers before the football on a Saturday.

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By my own admission I drink far too much. Usually at the local once or twice a week then sometimes if I venture into the Alfie Moon at the weekend (or for the football). I still have my dashing good looks so I can justify it for now :P

Have a weird thing with drinking in the house however. Will usually have 1 or 2 after work if we have beer in the house, but if we don't I never feel the urge to go out & buy a few.

Only really had 2 spells in my life when I've been off the booze. First was for 2/3 weeks around Xmas 2012. Second time was for about 6-8 weeks after a boys holiday last year. Can't say I genuinely felt any different after either spell on the sidelines.

Each to their own though.

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