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The Mattydfc Awards 2015


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Wisbit is easily one of my favourite posters on this site. He's much, much better than the people who follow him about, especially Addie and that fucking weirdo who fancies the ladyboys and makes up stories about all the birds he's shagged who definitely weren't ladyboys.

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Grimbo O'Grady

Ive had to take a few years to write something funny and amusing about Grimbo but sadly he was so 'meh' it is impossible,  



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No 1

You voted. 






You waited.  

Sorry I was away from my keyboard so its taken a wee while to finish this.

It was 8mile.  I'd like to write a nice wee quip and something funny, but sadly I am very very busy.  

8mile was just your average Falkirk geezer.  Rangers fan (obviously) and created more seethe than an unfinished thread.  I wonder what became of this man.  Did he aspire to work at HMRCm or did he stick with his career in RS McColls?  I guess we will never know.

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On 27/10/2015 at 21:30, Addie said:

In tribute to the late, great / attention seeker [delete as appropriate] Mattydfc I have decided to honour the Top 50 Worst Posters thread for this year. Everyone loves a good Panto Villain. Unfortunately this website has none, but it does have its fair share of tossers.

PM me your top 5 with reasons why and examples.

You all know the drill, but for the benefit of Junior fans who struggle to count their 11 toes, here's how the voting works

1. The_Kincardine 27/10/2015

Almost five years on and the diddies are still in a froth about me.  Indeed, the hapless and pompous @Day of the Lords, even yesterday, mentioned me as, "A guy in his 60s desperately seeking attention on a football forum"

Sorry, diddy,but I do not seek attention.  Attention comes to me by dint of the ignorant, empty-headed, Yes-voting idiots who constantly chat about me. 

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27 minutes ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

I thought I’d help you out and give you the attention seeking you were desperate for, 

Dreary me.  You contrived a story about someone phoning your work to complain about your posts on the forum.  You had the whole place agog for two days until we all realised it was all a product of your febrile imagination.  .  Having been found out you resigned yourself from the forum in a one-off sense of shame.

As an attention-seeker I am a rank amateur compared to you..

Edited by The_Kincardine
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