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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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3 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I have an elderly cousin on FB who, ever year - forwards a series of memes protesting about the fact that they're banning poppies in certain areas cos it offends minorities. 


Every year, you get at least one Rupert Howard getting a little bit hot under the collar about such things, and then people like Edward Newman pointing out it's not real. This has been going on for years. And my cousin never tires of posting it, nor removing the post whenever it's pointed out to him that it's codswallop. Sigh. 

Pretty sure the British Legion sell very few poppies on the 11th, the vast majority are sold in advance.

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This is all leading to something.
The politicians saw how this bullshit was developing years ago, especially in America, and jumped right on it, using their compliant media to stir it up. The poppy day garbage (sidebar; get it all so far to f**k) is just part of the ongoing deification of the armed forces.
It’s taken hold probably better than they could have hoped, and so many morons buy in to it all.
Where it’s leading is to the armed forces being able to do anything and get away with it. You just have to look at the nonsense surrounding ‘Marine A’ and that other recent case. The politicians want to create a world where their army can do anything and not only not be questioned, but praised.
Quite how far they’ll take it is a scary prospect.
Seen a documentary about this called "The Hunger Games".
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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

Ahh that time of year where they argue it’s not a political symbol...but if you don’t wear it you’re a FUCKING TRAITOR.

Better than Christmas.

The poppy charade is the unionistas' equivalent of Bush's Patriot Act scaremongering after he, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Silverstein et al set up and carried out the murder of circa 3000 in the 9/11 false flag fiasco.  It's you're either with us or, as Dons_1988 says, you're a traitor.  b*****ds all of them.

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2 hours ago, hearthammer said:

The poppy charade is the unionistas' equivalent of Bush's Patriot Act scaremongering after he, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Silverstein et al set up and carried out the murder of circa 3000 in the 9/11 false flag fiasco.  It's you're either with us or, as Dons_1988 says, you're a traitor.  b*****ds all of them.

If that's the argument against the poppy I might just wear one this year.

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4 minutes ago, hearthammer said:

Each to their own.  No problem with that.

There are things that are true or false within all the greys. Not all opinions are valid interpretations of the available facts. Some are plain loony.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

There are things that are true or false within all the greys. Not all opinions are valid interpretations of the available facts. Some are plain loony.

You wear your poppy with pride, mi amigo, safe in the knowledge that you'll not be seen or viewed as a traitor.  I will reserve my own judgement on the poppy thing as well as other things that have gone on. 

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3 hours ago, hearthammer said:

I used to buy a poppy, but in more recent years, since the hijacking of same by the The rangers (1872-2012 r.i.p) clan as their symbol of staunchness and loyalty, i don't buy or wear one.


Snap, I used to always wear one.

I still make a donation but can't be arsed with the Poppy Police.

The stalls selling Hoodies etc on Buchannan Street are OTT.

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I do feel a bit for the veterans of the world wars that a significant number are so bitter towards it now because of what it’s become tbh.

The British legion love it though as I bet donations in the last 10 years or so have rocketed.
I know we all post about it every year, but as far as I am concerned any sense of duty to the poppy fund will die with the last world war 2 veteran. They are the people for whom I believe we have a duty of care and owe a debt. After that, the UK govt have sent soldiers to die in politically motivated conflicts and I wont be a part of paying for it over and above my taxes.
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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
7 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:
I do feel a bit for the veterans of the world wars that a significant number are so bitter towards it now because of what it’s become tbh.

The British legion love it though as I bet donations in the last 10 years or so have rocketed.

I know we all post about it every year, but as far as I am concerned any sense of duty to the poppy fund will die with the last world war 2 veteran. They are the people for whom I believe we have a duty of care and owe a debt. After that, the UK govt have sent soldiers to die in politically motivated conflicts and I wont be a part of paying for it over and above my taxes.

I agree with your sentiment but you should read "The secret origins of World War 1" if you think that WW1 wasn't politically motivated.

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I know we all post about it every year, but as far as I am concerned any sense of duty to the poppy fund will die with the last world war 2 veteran. They are the people for whom I believe we have a duty of care and owe a debt. After that, the UK govt have sent soldiers to die in politically motivated conflicts and I wont be a part of paying for it over and above my taxes.

I agree.

But when it comes to the shite wars we’ve been involved in in modern times it’s the politicians, not the armed forces that get my anger.

I know some of them (maybe a lot) will be c***s but I feel for a young guy sent to die in a war dreamed up by wealthy born p***ks who’ve never seen a day of war in their life.
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24 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I do feel a bit for the veterans of the world wars that a significant number are so bitter towards it now because of what it’s become tbh.

The British legion love it though as I bet donations in the last 10 years or so have rocketed.

Think my recently departed Dad who was drafted into WW2 would have proudly worn an EU flag next to his poppy. Not so sure about my Grandads who both survived Gallipoli, but I think they'd both resent the hijacking for political purposes.

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I can't remember if I posted this last year and frankly I can't be fucked checking back, but the local legion is run by two of the biggest OURBRAVEBOYS!!!11 types you can imagine.

Last year they were demanding action against the local leisure centre management because they wouldn't allow him to leave collection tins in the centres (they already have 3 charities which they donate to). The snivelling fucker ran to his Councillor pals who "had a word" and he got his way. The guy and his wife are utter cretins who insist on reminding the public of their service at every opportunity.

He also has a weird disorder whereby he needs to capitalise REMEMBRANCE in every facebook post.

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