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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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Bit off topic, but have you been in 0 degrees in Bristol?

Even More off-topic, i have its nice.

Anyway rather than talk of micro-breweries in Bristol i don't wear a poppy because doing so shows my support for an organisation that believes people who take a wage to shoot folk are more deserving of sympathy than the rest of the population when they are injured at work.

The fact that GSTQ types have a hard-on for the poppy makes that decision very easy.

Rememberance is important, but a poppy doesn't make that happen.

What do people wear when they need to remember where their car keys are? Is their somewhere i can make a donation so i remember what i need from the shops?

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Bit off topic, but have you been in 0 degrees in Bristol?

Not yet, been hearing all about it though. A bit scared to return to the adopted homeland after spewing my ringer in my Mother-in-Law's kitchen during my last visit.

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If you took even 5 seconds to google white poppy the very first result would tell you they needn't be worn in preference to the red poppy.

No Google required bud. In my experience, they don't tend to be worn alongside the red poppy but instead appear to be worn in preference to it.

Anyway, I've got some tiny poo stained cretins to deal with so I'll bid you all a good evening.

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Everyone that whips out George Orwell quotes in an argument is a pretentious arsehole, trying too hard to be edgy. Case in point ; a guy I know that stole Animal Farm from a public library, and you.


I regularly quote the great man. I'm just an arsehole though, less of the edgy and pretentious.

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I regularly quote the great man. I'm just an arsehole though, less of the edgy and pretentious.

I don't have anything against people liking him or reading his books, it's just people that quote him (usually out of context) and think they've won the argument by default that make we want to burn a copy of 1984.
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