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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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Bought my poppy like I do every year but not once have I been proud to wear it.

Despite the b*****disation of history by the MSM our troops, that died did not do so for our freedom. They died because of greed and power.

I wear mine to remember the folly of war and the cost to those that don't make the decisions

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Who's on the list of shame and for what reasons?

Mostly rugby presenters at the moment,the english poppy has a sprig or leaf at the back of the actual poppy and most of them are wearing them wrong seemingly.Ill see him next week im tempted to get my hands on an english style poppy and wear it wrong to see if it drives him bonkers

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On a local web forum, someone has justed started a thread to remind everybody that we will soon be "celebrating" Veteran's Day. Celebrating - their word, not mine. They went on to ask what local business will be offering discounts to Veterans on November 11.

This is the very first response.

"If they truly supported us Vets they wouldn't do it JUST on November 11th. I get a free coffee or soda or an appetizer. Whooptydo. And trust me that's all a lot of them do. Home Depot, Lowes, EVERY day 10% off"

Gets given free stuff. Logs onto the Internet to moan that he doesn't get enough free stuff. No entitlement here.

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On a local web forum, someone has justed started a thread to remind everybody that we will soon be "celebrating" Veteran's Day. Celebrating - their word, not mine. They went on to ask what local business will be offering discounts to Veterans on November 11.

This is the very first response.

"If they truly supported us Vets they wouldn't do it JUST on November 11th. I get a free coffee or soda or an appetizer. Whooptydo. And trust me that's all a lot of them do. Home Depot, Lowes, EVERY day 10% off"

Gets given free stuff. Logs onto the Internet to moan that he doesn't get enough free stuff. No entitlement here.

That's clearly an American post though - Veterans' Day has a different official purpose, though the 'support our troops' bullshit for both RS and it makes them less distinguishable than before.

That said, David Cameron was all for a "celebration" of the outbreak of World War One last year, so the general point still works.

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Thankfully poppy wearing is dying out and only raging Daily Mail reading, aging, white, UKIP types wear them now.

Despite a dip last year for some reason, donations to the Royal British Legion (including the sale of poppies) have still risen by £16 million pounds in the last ten years. Most people across the UK will wear a poppy again this year and perhaps take a moment to quietly reflect upon the horrors of war and remember those who fell.

For those that choose not to wear a poppy it's entirely up to them.

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Despite a dip last year for some reason, donations to the Royal British Legion (including the sale of poppies) have still risen by £16 million pounds in the last ten years. Most people across the UK will wear a poppy again this year and perhaps take a moment to quietly reflect upon the horrors of war and remember those who fell.

For those that choose not to wear a poppy it's entirely up to them.

Most people in the UK don't wear a poppy and also quietly reflect on the horror of war.
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