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Explosion in Paris


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You were saying before you deleted that comment Lichtie...

Tbf I couldn't be fucking bothered arguing so deleted it.

But I said that that's not what they were doing with that photo. Clearly showing that they think a few rats may be sneaking through with the refugees.

Not saying they're all rats.

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Tbf I couldn't be fucking bothered arguing so deleted it.

But I said that that's not what they were doing with that photo. Clearly showing that they think a few rats may be sneaking through with the refugees.

Not saying they're all rats.

Perhaps but why do they feel the need to draw them with hunchbacks, guns, massive noses and walking alongside the rats into Europe? Lets just say it's not painting them in the best of lights.

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Probably to wind up people like yourself who seem rather upset over it even though it doesn't affect you at all.

Are people not allowed an opinion on things that don't directly affect them?

But aye, that cartoon is clearly just absolute bants intended to wind up politically correct lentil munchers LOLZ. Or, it's grossly offensive and has absolutely no place in a mainstream media outlet. I'm going with the latter.

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Putin's the leader of a country with a hugely influential Orthodox Church, that (if you're generous enough to call what proceeded him a democracy) is a few decades into some form of democracy. He's obviously exacerbated some of its social problems but has overseen some modernisation as well. I don't approve of him overall but it's massively unrealistic to expect a Russian Federation that pleases everyone else in the world, in 2015.

Cameron took over a relatively forward thinking, tolerant country and has set about destroying its 60+ year old welfare state and civil liberties to please his crusty pig fucking paymasters.

I'll have Cameron in the Dave v Vlad c**t off, both teams to score.

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Are people not allowed an opinion on things that don't directly affect them?

No, he's just being a trolling c**t, as usual.

He'll be espousing the virtues of Hitler and claiming we should have sent Jewish immigrants back to the gas chambers next. Lolz.

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No, he's just being a trolling c**t, as usual.

He'll be espousing the virtues of Hitler and claiming we should have sent Jewish immigrants back to the gas chambers next. Lolz.

What a stupid post that is, of course we shouldn't have sent the Jewish immigrants back as they were actually fleeing the nazis who were out to kill every single one of them. These migrants on the other hand aren't in that situation, and all these folk that say It's the west that's killing them etc surely they wouldnt want to migrate to these countries if all that shite was true?
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What a stupid post that is, of course we shouldn't have sent the Jewish immigrants back as they were actually fleeing the nazis who were out to kill every single one of them. These migrants on the other hand aren't in that situation, and all these folk that say It's the west that's killing them etc surely they wouldnt want to migrate to these countries if all that shite was true?

What about the Yazidis? They're getting exterminated. Or the Christians, how about them?

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