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Alex Salmond.


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1 hour ago, renton said:

One thing about Campbell retreating from his idea of running a new party: He said that he originally wanted to do it to boost the prospect of a Pro Indy majority, but now sees no point as it's the current SNP leadership that are the biggest obstacle to Indy.

Stu says a lot of things. When you hear the full story, and you know what I know, all will be revealed.

Edited by Baxter Parp
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On 09/02/2021 at 21:48, Bob Mahelp said:

The media in Scotland attempt daily to do a hatchet job on anything and anyone connected with the SNP. They have for years. 

There are 3 Unionist parties in Scotland and they feed the newspapers and broadcasters a daily drip/drip of accusations, demands, rumours and downright lies.  Add to that the fact that this cow Pamela Nash from SiU gets free reign to talk garbage. 

This Salmond/Sturgeon story is heading towards life support, and is only being kept alive by Unionists making mental statements designed to keep it on the front pages. 

As I said above, nobody outside fanatic Yoons cares a shit about texts, whispers, tittle tattle and timing of meetings. 

As I have said repeatedly these attacks are to be expected in the run up to the May election, for me and many like me it strengthens our resolve towards Indpendence, bear in mind that this is the early salvo's which are easily deflected and as yet they have not started  their 'Better Together' shite which I'm sure will be with us within the next month or so with currency heading the bill.

As I found out recently in an H.O.L report Scotland achieving Independence would entail a hefty financial burden on the rest of the UK hence westminsters and the unionist hysteria.

These continued attacks have nothing to do with their 'love of Scotland and the Scots'.


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Guest Bob Mahelp
11 hours ago, strichener said:

Who made it all about him.  It wasn't Salmond was it.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Salmond was accused of crimes by a large number of women.....the PF decided there was enough evidence to prosecute. He was found not guilty of the crimes, but in the course of the trial was outed as a creepy sleazeball who abused his powers.

As an SNP member, I'm ashamed of him. And if the SG had tried to cover any of this up so Salmond could avoid prosecution, they would rightly have had to fall. The only option was for evidence to be passed to the police. 

That for me....and I suspect many SNP members.....should be the end of it. Salmond should have quietly retired with thanks for his commitment to independence, but with a request not to raise his head again. 

But no. Driven by ego, he wants to.....and at this point what he actually wants seems to get a but murky..... settle scores. He believes there's a conspiracy against him. A vandetta orchestrated by Nicola Sturgeon to see him jailed.  Not that he can acknowledge that his behaviour, while apparently not illegal, was completely unacceptable....he feels he's been stitched up. 

As far as  can see, the only evidence he's presenting to substantiate this is his opinion, and some semantics about incorrect procedures, texts and timing of meetings. 

It's all about him, because he is a sleazy fucker and needs to acknowledge the fact that he abused power and behaved awfully. That fact won't change regardless of who said what, and when.


Edited by Bob Mahelp
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17 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I actually think we’ve been relatively lucky in terms of party discipline, particularly given how long we’ve been in government.

However it’s so frustrating to see supposed supporters of an independent Scotland doing everything they can to sabotage the party at the most critical point to date in the fight for Independence.

It’s probably just ego and self interest that’s driving them but there’s almost a suspicion of sleeper agents in people like Cherry.


Agent Cherry return to base. 

It's absolutely inconceivable that the SNP could have any wrong uns, we are the goodies! 


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Just now, Baxter Parp said:
2 hours ago, NotThePars said:
What's the beef or are you Lenin writing Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder?

All libertarians are morons.

Again, unless you're Lenin writing Left Wing Communism you are clearly confusing libertarian socialism, a very diverse and wide-ranging set of tendencies which includes a vast range of left wing thought that you yourself have endorsed, with the right-wing b*****disation of libertarianism which has as much in common with its left wing namesake as national socialism has with Marxian socialism.

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4 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Salmond was accused of crimes by a large number of women.....the PF decided there was enough evidence to prosecute. He was found not guilty of the crimes, but in the course of the trial was outed as a creepy sleazeball who abused his powers.

As an SNP member, I'm ashamed of him. And if the SG had tried to cover any of this up so Salmond could avoid prosecution, they would rightly have had to fall. The only option was for evidence to be passed to the police. 

That for me....and I suspect many SNP members.....should be the end of it. Salmond should have quietly retired with thanks for his commitment to independence, but with a request not to raise his head again. 

But no. Driven by ego, he wants to.....and at this point what he actually wants seems to get a but murky..... settle scores. He believes there's a conspiracy against him. A vandetta orchestrated by Nicola Sturgeon to see him jailed.  Not that he can acknowledge that his behaviour, while apparently not illegal, was completely unacceptable....he feels he's been stitched up. 

As far as  can see, the only evidence he's presenting to substantiate this is his opinion, and some semantics about incorrect procedures, texts and timing of meetings. 

It's all about him, because he is a sleazy fucker and needs to acknowledge the fact that he abused power and behaved awfully. That fact won't change regardless of who said what, and when.


Man accused of crimes and found not guilty, yet you find that he had "abused his powers" based on what actual convictions?  The abuse of power was the conduct of the Scottish Government as admitted to by the Government but only under duress from their own legal representatives.  Yet we have the subject of this illegal process by the state beign told that he should "not raise his head again". 

If the Scottish government cannot accept secrutiny then they are not fit to hold office.  If only you decided to hold those responsible for the illegal behaviour to the same standard as the only person so far to be found innocent of any illegal behaviour.  Strange position to take given all the noise about independence being bigger than individuals and being bigger than the SNP.

ETA: you should also clarify if he is driven by ego or revenge.  Personally I think the latter and I am sure that most people in his position would be of a similar mind.

Edited by strichener
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3 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Salmond was accused of crimes by a large number of women.....the PF decided there was enough evidence to prosecute. He was found not guilty of the crimes, but in the course of the trial was outed as a creepy sleazeball who abused his powers.

As an SNP member, I'm ashamed of him. And if the SG had tried to cover any of this up so Salmond could avoid prosecution, they would rightly have had to fall. The only option was for evidence to be passed to the police. 

That for me....and I suspect many SNP members.....should be the end of it. Salmond should have quietly retired with thanks for his commitment to independence, but with a request not to raise his head again. 

But no. Driven by ego, he wants to.....and at this point what he actually wants seems to get a but murky..... settle scores. He believes there's a conspiracy against him. A vandetta orchestrated by Nicola Sturgeon to see him jailed.  Not that he can acknowledge that his behaviour, while apparently not illegal, was completely unacceptable....he feels he's been stitched up. 

As far as  can see, the only evidence he's presenting to substantiate this is his opinion, and some semantics about incorrect procedures, texts and timing of meetings. 

It's all about him, because he is a sleazy fucker and needs to acknowledge the fact that he abused power and behaved awfully. That fact won't change regardless of who said what, and when.


All of this is entirely correct but the bit in bold is the loose end that is still flapping about in the wind - being a sleazy fucker doesn't automatically make you fair game for the powers of the state.

FWIW I think he was stitched up - exactly by whom and whatever their motivations remain so far unclear -  and I think if the FM is even remotely in amongst it then she absolutely has a case to answer. She does of course get her say next week but the attempted supression of evidence seemingly unhelpful to her case, however relevant you think it may or may not be, is not a good look.  

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Again, unless you're Lenin writing Left Wing Communism you are clearly confusing libertarian socialism, a very diverse and wide-ranging set of tendencies which includes a vast range of left wing thought that you yourself have endorsed, with the right-wing b*****disation of libertarianism which has as much in common with its left wing namesake as national socialism has with Marxian socialism.
"Libertarian socialism generally rejects the concept of a state[15] and asserts that a society based on freedom and justice can only be achieved with the abolition of authoritarian institutions that control certain means of production and subordinate the majority to an owning class or political and economic elite.[22]"

You can be an idealist left winger and also a moron as much as any other flavour of libertarian.
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15 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

"Libertarian socialism generally rejects the concept of a state[15] and asserts that a society based on freedom and justice can only be achieved with the abolition of authoritarian institutions that control certain means of production and subordinate the majority to an owning class or political and economic elite.[22]"

You can be an idealist left winger and also a moron as much as any other flavour of libertarian.

If you consider yourself to be on the left and are not a Marxist-Leninist then you're either including yourself in this or are staggeringly ignorant of what you're talking about which given you're quoting Wikipedia to try and make sense of what you're discussing suggests the latter.

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40 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Pressure is on Andy Wightman now.

He’ll vote with SNP.

He knows which side his bread is buttered on.

The committee can still refuse to publish.

However, well done Spectator.

Shocking that it takes an English based small publication to get some fairness from this whole sorry business.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

He’ll vote with SNP.

He knows which side his bread is buttered on.

The committee can still refuse to publish.

However, well done Spectator.

Shocking that it takes an English based small publication to get some fairness from this whole sorry business.

It's only 'some fairness' when Nicola Sturgeon et al get the chance to refute his allegations. They're not on trial. Salmond's opinion isn't necessarily fact. 


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He’ll vote with SNP.
He knows which side his bread is buttered on.
The committee can still refuse to publish.
However, well done Spectator.
Shocking that it takes an English based small publication to get some fairness from this whole sorry business.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but were Nicola Sturgeon to be forced to resign the SNP will not be folding it's tent and leaving any time soon. Life and politics will go on, and as a Unionist you may want to be careful what you wish for - the court of public opinion can be very fickle.
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This latest will they/won't they nonsense about committee hearings should not be entertained at all. Salmond can choose to appear or not and Sturgeon should appear as scheduled next week, then the committee can publish its findings and let people judge from that. 

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This latest will they/won't they nonsense about committee hearings should not be entertained at all. Salmond can choose to appear or not and Sturgeon should appear as scheduled next week, then the committee can publish its findings and let people judge from that. 

Fed of Salmond and his proxies drip-dripping stuff to the media without it being challenged - if he is so confident of his position then meet the committee - if not then he needs to stfu.
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