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Your girlfriend needs to woman up a bit and just humour the auld bat.






f**k her gran (not literally) and just laugh it off

4 times since February is hardly that much a bother. And I love both of my grans dearly but one of them is incredibly religious, I'm up every week to see her and she havers shite to me all the time, usually sit and listen to it and change the subject when I can, then when I leave forget about it.

No big deal really.
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1 hour ago, mizfit said:

Okay, so I have been seeing my girlfriend since February, She isn't the problem, it's her Grandmother. 

She is an ultra Religious psycho, who believes everyone is going to hell regardless of what they do. I have met her 4 times and been left with a sour taste every time. From expecting prayers before a meal, before a coffee and wishing the lord lights your way on the way home. 

The first big issue is that she pretty much wants me to become religious, she practically told me the month after my granny died to let god in, so i wouldn't burn in hell when i died (Held back the rage there just), She knows nothing apart from forcing the word of god onto people. 

We booked a holiday, and she is against non-married couples doing anything at all, she has just found out and basically screamed dogs abuse at my girlfriend who's phoned me in floods of tears. I really want to say something, but i don't want to cause a major fight with her family, I just want her to realise that it's a different time, and to stop forcing religion down peoples throat. Something tells me a boot in the pie isn't going to be enough. Anyone else dealt with something similar?

I would sit down with the gran and tell her that sane people usually require some form of evidence before they believe in something and that if she can provide you with one shred of evidence for the shit she believes in then you will join her in her religious ways. You should be able to run rings round her with reason and logic and possibly give her an aneurysm within ten minutes - problem solved. 

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2 hours ago, mizfit said:

Okay, so I have been seeing my girlfriend since February, She isn't the problem, it's her Grandmother. 

She is an ultra Religious psycho, who believes everyone is going to hell regardless of what they do. I have met her 4 times and been left with a sour taste every time. From expecting prayers before a meal, before a coffee and wishing the lord lights your way on the way home. 

The first big issue is that she pretty much wants me to become religious, she practically told me the month after my granny died to let god in, so i wouldn't burn in hell when i died (Held back the rage there just), She knows nothing apart from forcing the word of god onto people. 

We booked a holiday, and she is against non-married couples doing anything at all, she has just found out and basically screamed dogs abuse at my girlfriend who's phoned me in floods of tears. I really want to say something, but i don't want to cause a major fight with her family, I just want her to realise that it's a different time, and to stop forcing religion down peoples throat. Something tells me a boot in the pie isn't going to be enough. Anyone else dealt with something similar?

Tell her you've talked to God and he told you that love is His greatest gift and you would be honouring Him deeply by shagging yourselves raw in Magaluf.

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6 minutes ago, mrcat1990 said:

Tell her Jesus isn't real and laugh like f**k as she goes bonkers.

Or tell her he was real but a paranoid schizophrenic. In the absence of psychologists in those days to diagnose his mental illness, his sheeple believed in his delusions. Tell her she has lived her entire life following a mentally ill man. I fully expect to see her mentioned in the headsgone thread next week.

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3 hours ago, mizfit said:

Okay, so I have been seeing my girlfriend since February, She isn't the problem, it's her Grandmother. 

She is an ultra Religious psycho, who believes everyone is going to hell regardless of what they do. I have met her 4 times and been left with a sour taste every time. From expecting prayers before a meal, before a coffee and wishing the lord lights your way on the way home. 

The first big issue is that she pretty much wants me to become religious, she practically told me the month after my granny died to let god in, so i wouldn't burn in hell when i died (Held back the rage there just), She knows nothing apart from forcing the word of god onto people. 

We booked a holiday, and she is against non-married couples doing anything at all, she has just found out and basically screamed dogs abuse at my girlfriend who's phoned me in floods of tears. I really want to say something, but i don't want to cause a major fight with her family, I just want her to realise that it's a different time, and to stop forcing religion down peoples throat. Something tells me a boot in the pie isn't going to be enough. Anyone else dealt with something similar?

My granny used to hate my ex. Called her a Jezebel and scarlet woman to her face. She was actually a sweet girl, except when she'd get drunk and punch me in the face. 

When I binned her for a far racier model she said was very taken with the new lady in my life, to the extent she'd lecture my now wife about how she was far too good for me and could do better for herself. 

Give the granny some explicit detail about what you and your girl get up to and she'll soon have a heart attack, stroke or other malfunction. She sounds like a dragon. 

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Just tell her your gran came to you in a dream (or a burning bush) and that there is no heaven and the meaning of life is to enjoy it.
Or every time she says grace add praise allah afterwards..

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2 hours ago, mizfit said:

Yeah, She usually ignores it, She knows my opinion of her and her beliefs and tries to have us cross paths as little as we can.

This is the first time she has done this to her though, its honestly pathetic how often she pulls stunts like this. I've told her to get back up the road and away from her and keep out of contact for now, and i've made it clear i won't be having anything to do with her. Just disgusted with it all to be honest, It's a completely different era for a start. 

The fairer sex isn't really my thing but wouldn't you be better asking her, rather than telling her and stop being so moody, try to appear tolerant and understanding.

Also will the auld dear be leaving a will when she kicks it? Think aboot that if she is.








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Just tell her your gran came to you in a dream (or a burning bush) and that there is no heaven and the meaning of life is to enjoy it.
Or every time she says grace add praise allah afterwards..

This one is the winner.
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Okay, so I have been seeing my girlfriend since February, She isn't the problem, it's her Grandmother. 

She is an ultra Religious psycho, who believes everyone is going to hell regardless of what they do. I have met her 4 times and been left with a sour taste every time. From expecting prayers before a meal, before a coffee and wishing the lord lights your way on the way home. 

The first big issue is that she pretty much wants me to become religious, she practically told me the month after my granny died to let god in, so i wouldn't burn in hell when i died (Held back the rage there just), She knows nothing apart from forcing the word of god onto people. 

We booked a holiday, and she is against non-married couples doing anything at all, she has just found out and basically screamed dogs abuse at my girlfriend who's phoned me in floods of tears. I really want to say something, but i don't want to cause a major fight with her family, I just want her to realise that it's a different time, and to stop forcing religion down peoples throat. Something tells me a boot in the pie isn't going to be enough. Anyone else dealt with something similar?

My other half's gran is a bit like this nutter. What makes me laugh is that for all her religious beliefs, if there was such a thing as heaven, that evil old cow wouldn't be getting in anyway! [emoji1]
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