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Tommy Robinson


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A racist c**t.

Plays politic but just a gasbag.

Must have something about him mind that EDL he set up got quite a following at first. Mind you did you see the followers?

Once he left the EDL, they went downhill. Is he part of that britains first mob, they are worst than edl.

Ukip have stole most of the right wing thunder. I can see him joining them when he grows up a bit.


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I don't understand how he can be racist when he's got no issue with any race? Nor a bigot when he's got issue with any religion?

Can anyone explain how he's racist? He's a far right extremist or used to be but now I can't see any evidence to suggest otherwise.

Cock, probably. I do agree ????

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A ned cock growing up apparently, and plenty of shady background, but his story is worth listening to from the horse's mouth as well as from the MSM.

Presentation at Oxford University Union:

...the Q&A that followed:

Here's a Muslim's account of having dinner with Robinson recently: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/as-a-muslim-comedian-i-found-having-dinner-with-ex-edl-leader-tommy-robinson-strange-but-a6784161.html

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I don't understand how he can be racist when he's got no issue with any race? Nor a bigot when he's got issue with any religion?

Can anyone explain how he's racist? He's a far right extremist or used to be but now I can't see any evidence to suggest otherwise.

Cock, probably. I do agree

Someone repeatedly saying they have no issue with any race, does not make it so. In fact, folk that find themselves saying that all the time usually do.

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A lot sticks to him though and he gets the blame for actions of the EDL.

Luton sounds like a horrendous place by all accounts with more racial unrest than most of us have seen or lived in. What I really don't like is when people say there should be a collective outrage from the Muslim community and they should all take to the streets protesting after the likes of Paris attacks, as if they are one single cohesive unit.

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Apart from those tweets I don't find anything he says himself to be shocking or all that racist it's the moronic shaven headed gorillas that follow the EDL and Britain first that are the worst.

"Apart from all that racist stuff he's said he's not that racist".

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I tweeted about him once and some name-searching goon was replying to each negative comment about Robinson with a YouTube link, I think it's the one posted above where he speaks at Oxford University. I got a couple of minutes into the video when I realised it was just a long speech along the lines of "a Muslim person was nasty to me as a kid so I now devote my life to kicking Muslims out of the country."

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He says that the Muslim community don't integrate and that he has a problem with Islam extremism which I don't find shocking or particularly racist. Whether or not he is a complete fandangler or not is another issue.

George Galloway also destroyed him - particularly when Robinson pulled some sort of stat out of nowhere that said there was a study in 10 universities where a high percentage of Muslims said killing was justified in the name of Islam. Galloway asked where he got it from and it was obvious he had just made it up.

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