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4 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

And there are some who say "we cant just label these people as thick".

Yes, yes we f**king can.

Sadly, they will come up with the skinhead pished up rentamob on the trains from England........and there are small elements in this country that will be enticed by their crap (nothing like England ).

Seems we are exporting scumbags currently.


Screenshot uuu.png

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13 hours ago, vikingTON said:

No, I'm simply asking you to show how your claim that mainstream political parties in the UK have a long-term track record of appeasing racism - a pretty wild and cherry-picked take on the past 50 years of social change btw - is in any way relevant to the existence of (small scale) race riots in a UK context. 

If your theory doesn't actually explain how and why such a riot took place before, then it's not really worth taking seriously at the moment either. 

We are talking at cross purposes again - you are wholly focussed  on the riots - I was referring to the wider growth of racism and the far right.

The points you make regards the riots specifically are very relevant but these riots are just the tip of the iceberg of racist hate crimes  It's clear that there has been an increase in racist hate crimes - a quadrupling of reported racial hate crimes in England & Wales since 2011 (see below).


I'm not saying that mainstream political parties are wholly responsible but they must take part of the responsibility.  The debate around immigration seems to be a race to the bottom, even more so since Brexit, as political parties seem scared of frightening off racist voters but also frightened of standing up to Farage and his lies. The rhetoric around immigration is, quite frankly, out of all proportion to the issue - it's no surprise that racist attitudes are reinforced when political parties are doing this. It's not the first time either - I remember similar rhetoric in the 70s and 80s as well.

The riots will stop - the racist hate crimes will continue.

How we deal with it is a complex issue, especially with much of the lies and misinformation spread through social media.

However, perhaps a good first step would be politicians tempering their language around immigration and racism but to also challenge the shite that Farage and his ilk spout. 

Fundamentally, the problem is that we can't seem to have a sensible discussion about Immigration, as certain elements of the MSM will just pounce on a political party that is seen as "soft on immigration".  Until political parties have the guts to do this, the issue is going to continue to be a festering sore that feeds racist attitudes.


Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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19 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

And there are some who say "we cant just label these people as thick".

Yes, yes we f**king can.

The Venn diagram of being thick as f**k and participating in these "protests" is a f**king circle.

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Just now, SaintSamuel said:

Attempting to burn down a hotel housing Asylum seekers is terrorism and should be treated as such. Incited by Yaxley and a f**king Labour MP of all people. Those involved and the agitators should be charged and treated as terrorists. 

If someone sets fire to a building knowing that there are people inside it, I find it difficult to understand why that isn't attempted murder.

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1 minute ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

If someone sets fire to a building knowing that there are people inside it, I find it difficult to understand why that isn't attempted murder.

It IS attempted murder.

I know of someone who set fire to a house with people in it and that's what they got done for.

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14 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

It IS attempted murder.

I know of someone who set fire to a house with people in it and that's what they got done for.

Arson attacks are a favourite of the far right - usually a homemade firebomb or petrol poured through a letterbox in the middle of the night.


Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Not read much of this as it just pisses me off, but I wonder when the Spanish will start to "reclaim their land" around Malaga and Marbella from the British goons living out there? 

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1 minute ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Has the Labour MP wifie had her collar felt yet?

Are you talking about Sarah Edwards the MP for Tamworth?


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Just now, Melanius Mullarkey said:


I sent her an email at her Parliamentary address pointing out the folly of her actions.

It was reasoned, nothing insulting or over the top.  Got an automated message saying she only responds to emails from constituents and if I hadn’t included name, address, etc then I should resend the email with that info.

Needless to say I’ve not bothered.

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

And there are some who say "we cant just label these people as thick".

Yes, yes we f**king can.

Sadly, they will come up with the skinhead pished up rentamob on the trains from England........and there are small elements in this country that will be enticed by their crap (nothing like England ).

I see AUOB have already cancelled their demo in Edinburgh so there can be a huge anti fascist counter demo in George Sq - personally, I think they are being drawn into a trap.

This, of course, what Robinson/YL desperately wants and to provoke a massive pagger so he can say the entire UK is on fire.


My son is back in Glasgow then, I will be telling him to avoid GS and anywhere near Queen St tbh.


Tell your son to stay well clear and leave it to those who are willing.

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44 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:


I'm not saying that mainstream political parties are wholly responsible but they must take part of the responsibility.  The debate around immigration seems to be a race to the bottom, even more so since Brexit, as political parties seem scared of frightening off racist voters but also frightened of standing up to Farage and his lies. The rhetoric around immigration is, quite frankly, out of all proportion to the issue - it's no surprise that racist attitudes are reinforced when political parties are doing this. It's not the first time either - I remember similar rhetoric in the 79s and 80s as well.

The riots will stop - the racist hate crimes will continue.

How we deal with it is a complex issue, especially with much of the lies and misinformation spread through social media.

However, perhaps a good first step would be politicians tempering their language around immigration and racism but to also challenge the shite that Farage and his ilk spout. 

Fundamentally, the problem is that we can't seem to have a sensible discussion about Immigration, as certain elements of the MSM will just pounce on a political party that is seen as "soft on immigration".  Until political parties have the guts to do this, the issue is going to continue to be s festering sore that feeds racist attitudes.


The MSM pouncing on parties deemed 'soft on immigration', by which they mean numbers, is shooting fish in a barrel; it's at a record level and there's no point pretending otherwise.

The Tories are responsible for much of it. 'Stop the boats' was the mantra, but they did absolutely nothing that might try and address the issue beyond the sacred Rwanda plan which 1) would've only seen a low percentage of arrivals sent there, 2) was a thoroughly abhorrent policy and 3) as a result of point (1), it wasn't going to work anyway. £700m(!) spent o to send three people there, one of whom immediately f**ked off. The Rwandans must be pissing themselves laughing at that nice little earner. A complete and utter gimmick. 

Anyway, back to the Tories - saying you are going to do something and then continuing to do absolutely nothing is laying the groundwork for the conditions that we have been seen. All it needed was a triggering action and one which displayed some of the hallmarks of a terrorist attack set it off. We managed to avoid this sort of thing after 7/7, Westminster Bridge and the Manchester Arena bombings, for example, so there has clearly been some sort of mentality shift, probably a fair bit of it being radicalisation through social media echo chambers. 

A sensible discussion about Immigration is about as likely as one involving the NHS, i.e impossible. You'll have a subset demanding no immigration at all, some of them currently doing so very violently and another that won't acknowledge net immigration of 600k a year cannot be sustained indefinitely. Any number mentioned of more than 20,000 will have elements of the press going f**king mental no doubt as well, further destructing any such debate. Positions have become far too entrenched on an ideological basis. A sensible discussion is certainly not going to come off the back of rioting, lest it triggers more violent responses. 

We would also have to have a highly uncomfortable conversation (for some) as to why so many people just left the UK workforce during covid, creating some of the conditions that led to such high subsequent immigration levels. Some of them will have retired because they could, but the elephant in the room is how many of them decided they would just leave the UK? I would wager that a pretty significant chunk might've been EU nationals, for whom the pandemic disrupting their livlihood made it unattractive or unviable to stay in the UK. We have already forgotten the crippling labour shortages as we came out of the pandemic, which should be remembered in the context of high immigration levels. 

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Life's losers organised protests here a couple of days ago. They had 18 turn up (number, not combat). Trade unions and assorted lefties had several hundred.

No trouble, no baton charges required, no truncheons to the face. Two tier policing in action. 

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1 hour ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

Seems we are exporting scumbags currently.


Screenshot uuu.png

Total fake news yet again. There are no trains to Sunderland from Glasgow, it requires at least two changes so no way a train from Glasgow could "pull in" to that shit hole, absolute shit stirring nonsense 

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2 hours ago, Leith Green said:

And there are some who say "we cant just label these people as thick".

Yes, yes we f**king can.

Sadly, they will come up with the skinhead pished up rentamob on the trains from England........and there are small elements in this country that will be enticed by their crap (nothing like England ).

I see AUOB have already cancelled their demo in Edinburgh so there can be a huge anti fascist counter demo in George Sq - personally, I think they are being drawn into a trap.

This, of course, what Robinson/YL desperately wants and to provoke a massive pagger so he can say the entire UK is on fire.


My son is back in Glasgow then, I will be telling him to avoid GS and anywhere near Queen St tbh.


Sitting back and doing nothing isn't an option.

My biggest fear about any counter-demo is the usual anarchists that attach themselves looking for a rumble with the Nazis.  

That can only be prevented by self-policing by the counter-demo itself - to get the majority to get the idiots to behave.

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25 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The MSM pouncing on parties deemed 'soft on immigration', by which they mean numbers, is shooting fish in a barrel; it's at a record level and there's no point pretending otherwise.

The Tories are responsible for much of it. 'Stop the boats' was the mantra, but they did absolutely nothing that might try and address the issue beyond the sacred Rwanda plan which 1) would've only seen a low percentage of arrivals sent there, 2) was a thoroughly abhorrent policy and 3) as a result of point (1), it wasn't going to work anyway. £700m(!) spent o to send three people there, one of whom immediately f**ked off. The Rwandans must be pissing themselves laughing at that nice little earner. A complete and utter gimmick. 

Anyway, back to the Tories - saying you are going to do something and then continuing to do absolutely nothing is laying the groundwork for the conditions that we have been seen. All it needed was a triggering action and one which displayed some of the hallmarks of a terrorist attack set it off. We managed to avoid this sort of thing after 7/7, Westminster Bridge and the Manchester Arena bombings, for example, so there has clearly been some sort of mentality shift, probably a fair bit of it being radicalisation through social media echo chambers. 

A sensible discussion about Immigration is about as likely as one involving the NHS, i.e impossible. You'll have a subset demanding no immigration at all, some of them currently doing so very violently and another that won't acknowledge net immigration of 600k a year cannot be sustained indefinitely. Any number mentioned of more than 20,000 will have elements of the press going f**king mental no doubt as well, further destructing any such debate. Positions have become far too entrenched on an ideological basis. A sensible discussion is certainly not going to come off the back of rioting, lest it triggers more violent responses. 

We would also have to have a highly uncomfortable conversation (for some) as to why so many people just left the UK workforce during covid, creating some of the conditions that led to such high subsequent immigration levels. Some of them will have retired because they could, but the elephant in the room is how many of them decided they would just leave the UK? I would wager that a pretty significant chunk might've been EU nationals, for whom the pandemic disrupting their livlihood made it unattractive or unviable to stay in the UK. We have already forgotten the crippling labour shortages as we came out of the pandemic, which should be remembered in the context of high immigration levels. 

There’s lots of things we cannot have rational conversations about.

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