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Tommy Robinson


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5 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

Nah, I can imagine that it's a load of whiny pish.

I'm no real hurry to find out.

I expect this is a common sentiment on here.  I've never understood this mindset.

To express such strong feelings about someone yet have no urge to explore their mindset.  I live in the southern states in the US and have many friends who are fundamentalist Christians who consume only the Bible and christian-authored entertainment. Ive often felt like it comes out of a sense of fear, not wanting to venture too far from the safe, familiarity of their chosen worldview.  


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1 hour ago, velo army said:

The hidden bit is the nub of my reticence to turn all of my ire towards the rioters. They're at fault, obviously, and they're putting terrified innocent people through hell, but they're being absolutely played. 

Inequality has been growing massively in the last 20 years and by rights we should have a mobilised working class giving it a French style greve generale every few weeks, but, they've been duped into blaming muslims, terrified and desperate asylum seekers and just anycunt that isn't white. 

Those who run the major newspapers and the Reform party (who, lest we forget, are the English equivalent of the Tea Party both in message and funding) want this to be about racism and Britishness instead of about poverty and inequality. They'll be rubbing their hands right now at their tribe of useful idiots getting jailed for looting and arson while another group of counter protestors use their own energy to condemn the racism. It also conveniently brings down the price of commercial property in the town centres which were targeted by the rioters, in case we all forgot the part disaster capitalism plays here.

Agreed.  There are communities where traditional industries have disappeared and not a lot has been done to try and replace the lost jobs (ironically the EU helped in many cases eg incentivising Nissan to invest in Sunderland),  Austerity then rubbed salt in the wounds.  People bought into Boris's Brexit bullshit - £350m a week for the NHS and 'levelling up'.  Covid tended to hit poorer communities hardest.  Folk who are comfortable can dodge the mess the NHS is in by going private.  

If I was a working-class white male in one of these communities I might well be angry at my lot and the lack of opportunities to improve it.  If my world view was entirely shaped by what I read on line (with algorithms pushing me in a certain direction) and chats with my mates who consumed information from the same sources, who knows were that might lead?

There is still absolutely no excuse for the hatred and violence.  However, the real villains are those who fuel this hatred for their own ends.  They can do this because they are racist themselves, because they need to deflect attention from the obvious flaws in how the UK operates or because they can monetise hatred.

A few scumbags have been jailed - happy with that.  However, the likes of Braverman, Farage, Jenrick, Musk, Yaxley-Lennon and Viscount Rothermere are worthy of much greater contempt. 

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42 minutes ago, Luddite said:

I expect this is a common sentiment on here.  I've never understood this mindset.

To express such strong feelings about someone yet have no urge to explore their mindset.  I live in the southern states in the US and have many friends who are fundamentalist Christians who consume only the Bible and christian-authored entertainment. Ive often felt like it comes out of a sense of fear, not wanting to venture too far from the safe, familiarity of their chosen worldview.  


I know that he repeats accusations against a school kid that were found in court to be lies, why would I want to reward him by watching him repeat them? He's spending his time in a 5 star resort in Cyprus begging money and spewing out more lies, encouraging his moronic dupes to send money in-between attacking anyone who looks a bit Muslim. This "he's got a right to his opinion and deserves a hearing" is utter nonsense. 

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21 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I don't need to watch a Nazi video to know that Nazis are twats.

If your only goal is to identify twats then by all means save yourself some time. If, however, you deem this particular twat to be an influential threat to societal cohesion, as it seems most on here do, then I don't understand the hesitancy to see what a court banned him from releasing.

It's possible there might just be a something valuable to take from it, as opposed to, say, Wolverine vs Deadpool.

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1 hour ago, Luddite said:

I live in the southern states in the US

It's becoming clear why he relies on most of his funding and support from the US, saps like Musk who don't have a clue about life in Britain.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I know that he repeats accusations against a school kid that were found in court to be lies, why would I want to reward him by watching him repeat them? He's spending his time in a 5 star resort in Cyprus begging money and spewing out more lies, encouraging his moronic dupes to send money in-between attacking anyone who looks a bit Muslim. This "he's got a right to his opinion and deserves a hearing" is utter nonsense. 

I've watched it came away thinking

1/ He's a grifter

2/ He's a thug

3/ He is insincere about what he really thinks about various ethnicities and races

4/ He uncovered something sinister and important about the way this story was covered but because he is an insincere, thuggish grifter most people are not going to know that


By your logic OJ Simpson was innocent and there was no need to investigate Hillsborough or the Post Office scandal any further.

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5 minutes ago, Luddite said:

If your only goal is to identify twats then by all means save yourself some time. If, however, you deem this particular twat to be an influential threat to societal cohesion, as it seems most on here do, then I don't understand the hesitancy to see what a court banned him from releasing.

It's possible there might just be a something valuable to take from it, as opposed to, say, Wolverine vs Deadpool.

I'm sure it's a brilliantly argued and coherent political philosophy. 

Please tell us what value you have taken from it. 

I'll bet it's not as good as Mein Kampf

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1 minute ago, Luddite said:

I've watched it came away thinking

1/ He's a grifter

2/ He's a thug

3/ He is insincere about what he really thinks about various ethnicities and races

4/ He uncovered something sinister and important about the way this story was covered but because he is an insincere, thuggish grifter most people are not going to know that


By your logic OJ Simpson was innocent and there was no need to investigate Hillsborough or the Post Office scandal any further.

I only have to look at his twitter feed from any random day to know that he's incapable of telling the truth, and his only motive is making money and stirring up hatred. You might think differently if he was fomenting riots in your own country.

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26 minutes ago, Luddite said:

If your only goal is to identify twats then by all means save yourself some time. If, however, you deem this particular twat to be an influential threat to societal cohesion, as it seems most on here do, then I don't understand the hesitancy to see what a court banned him from releasing.

It's possible there might just be a something valuable to take from it, as opposed to, say, Wolverine vs Deadpool.

I've seen him interviewed, read his Tweets and seen various news articles about him. I know what he stands for, and that any propagandist video would only make me angry and despairing of humanity.

He only contributes hatred and misery.

I'd much rather watch Wolverine vs Deadpool.

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18 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I've seen him interviewed, read his Tweets and seen various news articles about him. I know what he stands for, and that any propagandist video would only make me angry and despairing of humanity.

He only contributes hatred and misery.

I'd much rather watch Wolverine vs Deadpool.

The same intellectual curiosity and arrogance of your average Fox News viewer / Daily Mail reader. I know what I need to know and have no desire to step out side that so feed me more Marvel movies please.


The documentary isnt about wether Robinson is a nasty little twat or not (spoiler alert - he is), it's about warped media and justice system.  If a court bans any sort of book or film, I want to know what it's about.


From your posts you already seem to be somewhat angry and despairing, watching this film might make you a little better informed, if nothing else than to assess what your enemy is saying in a long form medium that isn't sound bites and tweets 

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1 minute ago, Luddite said:

My entire family lives throughout Scotland and England. I am a British Citizen and voted in the recent election. I have a British Passport and have worked, paid taxes and contributed to the national insurance for much of my adult life.

I moved on my own to the US. You're argument is lazy.

Nobody is incapable of telling the truth, however if your hyperbolic statement were true,  he still has covert recordings of the school headteacher, other school staff, parents of pupils and other pupils. One of the school staff members was an Asian local to the community (I hesitate to say if he was Muslim as I don't think they stated that), one of the children and parent they spoke to were Muslim refugees. Even if Robinson doesn't say a single word of truth, their testimony is worth being heard. 




He had control over editing, I'm sure he could make the story spin however he wants, which he failed to do in court.


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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

He had control over editing, I'm sure he could make the story spin however he wants, which he failed to do in court.


You are "sure" despite not watching it.


Was the information in the link you sent featured or referenced in the documentary? Genuine question as  I watched the first half a couple of weeks back and I don't recall that being in there, I may be wrong though 

I dont find it difficult to believe that Robinson would use disinformation/misinformation, but it sounds like he was duped in this particular instance.


I've already stated, I think he is a grifter and he is insincere.  I find this to be irrelevant to the testimony of the people featured n the film.

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11 minutes ago, Luddite said:

The same intellectual curiosity and arrogance of your average Fox News viewer / Daily Mail reader. I know what I need to know and have no desire to step out side that so feed me more Marvel movies please.

Please don't be a condescending arsehole because, shock horror, someone doesn't want to watch Nazi propaganda. 

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3 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Please don't be a condescending arsehole because, shock horror, someone doesn't want to watch Nazi propaganda. 

Apologies for what was, admittedly, a condescending remark. I got you confused with the other guy who started to get a bit personal with me 


That being said, and I genuinely mean this without any intent be a dick, I do find your stance to be intellectually lazy.

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If Gary Glitter released a propaganda video called "why we should be able to have sex with children", would you assume, correctly, that it would be repulsive and not bother watching, or would you settle down for half an hour to enjoy the documentary to avoid being "intellectually lazy"?

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The idea that you have to watch every video a self publicist has made after countless examples of bare faced lies and continual spouting of racist bile is frankly bonkers. It's coming from the tin foil hatted "do your research" school of thought. Even if remarkably one thing he said that was found to be libelous turned out to be true, it wouldn't change my opinion of him one iota, and turning his horde of rabid followers against a 15 year old Syrian refugee school kid was cynical and callous exploitation whatever the circumstances.

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