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Granny Danger

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On a different subject.

I reckon Angus Robertson has really grown into his role as SNP leader at Westminster.  I never used to be a big fan of his but he comes across as capable and can make his points succinctly.  Never going to be a flamboyant leader or a tub thumper but doing a decent job whilst others are finding their feet and getting experience.

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You're right. I'd forgotten how easily people got uptight on here at the slightest hint of SNP criticism[emoji38]

bring back the good old days of the forum, when things were simpler, kilt was a part of all debate and we could sit and watch SPLWWW and thunder monkey fight it out 

I actually addressed the criticism of the SNP with actual opinion. You've just said "childish" over and over again without once challenging what I've said. You want to actually discuss it? I've given you more than enough to go on.
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They should've done that motherwell/Iceland thunder clap thing to really get to the c**t.

'The location today was the seat of the democracy that everyone holds dear' [emoji767]Orlandoblue

Could you imagine the reaction if they did?
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5 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:


I actually addressed the criticism of the SNP with actual opinion. You've just said "childish" over and over again without once challenging what I've said. You want to actually discuss it? I've given you more than enough to go on.


I've pretty sure he's the same kid with Chlamydia. Poor guy. Only a rough childhood could cause somebody to have such bitter right wing nationalistic views of the world.

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Just now, Mark Connolly said:

Well that's extremely childish and not very polite. You should be ashamed.

^^^  Sent Jackie McNamara a 'Best Wishes' card when he left United.

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18 hours ago, orlandoblue said:

It is courtesy, which is important in all aspects of life. The location today was the seat of the democracy that everyone holds dear and the place that provides the SNP the platform to oppose everything the tories say and do. They should have known better as mature adults to behave accordingly. There's a time and place for everything but it's hard to get folks like you to understand or appreciate that. 


17 hours ago, Wee Willie said:

Do you really believe that f**king sh*te.



17 hours ago, orlandoblue said:

to the extent that it's the place that allows us to live the way we do, yes. 


16 hours ago, Antlion said:

The House of Commons is a sham of democracy with an inordinate number braying idiots and a setup that's better suited to the 1700s. I am embarrassed at the thought of people outisde the UK seeing the hooting, mumbling, jeering atmosphere of that place in action.

You missed oot the other Hoose - that bastion of orlandoblue type democracy - and no forgetting their boss Mrs Windsor.

Edited by Wee Willie
made a balls
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Bearing in mind we're talking about a guy who just tried to shaft Scotland for £7 Billion after spending two years lying to us every day and promising us devo max then giving devo f**k all, who has caused 600 disabled people to commit suicided (think about that any Tories on here, 600 disabled people have committed suicide due to this govt), has seen foodbank use rise from 60 thousand to well over a million then blocked an investigation into the cause of foodbanks, has caused every type of poverty measured to increase dramatically and went to court to protect bankers bonuses, I think not clapping is way more than Cameron merits.



Tories are complete and utter 100% scum, total vermin, and anyone who supports them in any way is too.  There are no good Tories, you couldn't possibly claim to be a good person and support this party,  The SNP showed remarkable restraint imo.

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New generation of frigates "delayed indefinitely".... and it's separation that shuts shipyards, aye? We started at 13 (not enough to do all the jobs required of it) to 8 (Definitely not enough) yo now having no fucking start date for building them.

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4 hours ago, Sooky said:






I wonder how much better these figures would be for Labour if the PLP spent as much time and energy attacking the Tories and their policies as they did attacking and plotting against their own leader.

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Happy to keep the costs of Trident but wannabe nurses and other health professionals can get fucked. What an utter joke. Who is going to get themselves into a huge amount of debt to become a trained professional earning just over £21k a year when qualified? Having done the nursing course I know first hand that had I not had a bursary I would still be paying the debt now and for some time. You work full shifts 5 days a week and sometimes even weekends. I only managed a couple of relief shifts on the odd weekend and even then it was only pocket money. I was still living at home as well. The number of nursing students will surely drop as a result of this decision. Start as you mean to go on May.


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Happy to keep the costs of Trident but wannabe nurses and other health professionals can get fucked. What an utter joke. Who is going to get themselves into a huge amount of debt to become a trained professional earning just over £21k a year when qualified? Having done the nursing course I know first hand that had I not had a bursary I would still be paying the debt now and for some time. You work full shifts 5 days a week and sometimes even weekends. I only managed a couple of relief shifts on the odd weekend and even then it was only pocket money. I was still living at home as well. The number of nursing students will surely drop as a result of this decision. Start as you mean to go on May.


I don't have any direct links to the healthcare profession but, that is horrendous.
I know it would put me off completely, if those figures are correct, you'd be talking about 10% of your annual salary going to pay back that loan for 20 odd years!!!!
As the article says, it's just creating future problems, and if we lose free movement, the NHS will be fuk'd in a few years.
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