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Granny Danger

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He's a knob.

Even a wee bit of truth hurts eh!? By the end of their term the SNP will have built an unenviable record that the majority of Scots will judge that they have no place in governing an Independent Scotland.

Give em enough rope....
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4 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

Even a wee bit of truth hurts eh!? By the end of their term the SNP will have built an unenviable record that the majority of Scots will judge that they have no place in governing an Independent Scotland.

Give em enough rope....

You asked for thoughts of David Torrance, you got my thoughts.

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10 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

Even a wee bit of truth hurts eh!? By the end of their term the SNP will have built an unenviable record that the majority of Scots will judge that they have no place in governing an Independent Scotland.

Give em enough rope....

Is your hot take that we have reached peak SNP?

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Even a wee bit of truth hurts eh!? By the end of their term the SNP will have built an unenviable record that the majority of Scots will judge that they have no place in governing an Independent Scotland.

Give em enough rope....

You may be placing too much faith in the ability of the opposition parties in Scotland to capitalise on these perceived failings
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10 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

He's a curious combination of being a Tory and having a face you'd never tire of hitting.

HIs argument seems to be that Sturgeon's exploring of options other than independence are all hideously complicated long shots, and therefore SNPbad.

The Tories intend for all of us to go down in flames together, they would never, ever countenance any action by Scotland to attempt to alleviate itself from the worst excesses of British public opinion. That's fine, it doesn't mean Sturgeon shouldn't be doing her due diligence, nor is it a mortal blow when these things do not turn out. All it does is eventually clear the decks: isolationist Unionism vs. engaged independence.

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10 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

Even a wee bit of truth hurts eh!? By the end of their term the SNP will have built an unenviable record that the majority of Scots will judge that they have no place in governing an Independent Scotland.

Give em enough rope....

Folk like you have been saying that for years and will continue to say it until the SNP eventually lose an election, then act like you've been right all along, rather than a moron repeating the same shite over and over and over.

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Watching the anti-immigration rhetoric from Burnham and a few other Labour MPs is making my skin crawl.

Apparently there is 'nothing socialist about letting immigrants undercut wages.' It's making me angry that they are trying to blame immigrants on low wages for a corrupt system. I've never seen any evidence that this 'undercutting wages' is actually going on, I think it's a perception which has been exploited by the right.

For Labour big hitters to give this view legitimacy is sickening. As far as I'm concerned there is nothing socialist about blaming low wages on the people who earn them rather than the companies that exploit them.

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1 minute ago, jmothecat said:

Watching the anti-immigration rhetoric from Burnham and a few other Labour MPs is making my skin crawl.

Apparently there is 'nothing socialist about letting immigrants undercut wages.' It's making me angry that they are trying to blame immigrants on low wages for a corrupt system. I've never seen any evidence that this 'undercutting wages' is actually going on, I think it's a perception which has been exploited by the right.

For Labour big hitters to give this view legitimacy is sickening. As far as I'm concerned there is nothing socialist about blaming low wages on the people who earn them rather than the companies that exploit them.

Open your eyes then.

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28 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Open your eyes then.

Here's a better idea.  Why don't you post some evidence to support the idea that such undercutting is going on.  What would be even better would be to show who is to blame for said undercutting and to propose a solution if it indeed exists.


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Folk like you have been saying that for years and will continue to say it until the SNP eventually lose an election, then act like you've been right all along, rather than a moron repeating the same shite over and over and over.

'folk like me' eh? Do you mean people who can see that the SNP can't manage the devolved powers that we already have, but continue to blame anyone but themselves. People like you, who will blindly follow the Independence at all costs agenda and see Scotland gradually go down the pan whilst the rest of watch aghast? No thanks.
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Just now, RedRob72 said:


'folk like me' eh? Do you mean people who can see that the SNP can't manage the devolved powers that we already have, but continue to blame anyone but themselves. People like you, who will blindly follow the Independence at all costs agenda and see Scotland gradually go down the pan whilst the rest of watch aghast? No thanks.

No, I mean folk that have been saying 'just you wait, it's all about to come apart for the SNP, people are getting wise to them' since 2007. Meanwhile they've been crushing all opposition in election after election.

As has been mentioned, they have completely unprecedented levels of support at the moment so realistically, they have to come down at one point. Just don't pretend you're some kind of prophet rather than a broken clock who's got to be right eventually.

And also, absolutely nobody believes your opposition to the SNP isn't 100% down to your 'PUL' Britnattery.

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'folk like me' eh? Do you mean people who can see that the SNP can't manage the devolved powers that we already have, but continue to blame anyone but themselves. People like you, who will blindly follow the Independence at all costs agenda and see Scotland gradually go down the pan whilst the rest of watch aghast? No thanks.

I think he meant servile loyalist thickos tbh.
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People like rob the bigot who will blindly follow the union at all costs line as Scotland is dragged down the pan by a tory government it rejected,  dragged out of the eu,  tory austerity destroying our society, billions wasted on nuclear weapons we don't want or need and wars we don't want to be involved in.  All cause he's a britnat bigot.


Ps the snps competence in running devolved areas (which they are fantastic at, easily the most competent government in Edinburgh or London we've had in my life time) is completely irrelevant to whether Scotland as an entire country should govern itself or not. And robs opposition to hat is cause es a bigoted britnat, nothing to do with concerns over he competence of the snp. s

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No, I mean folk that have been saying 'just you wait, it's all about to come apart for the SNP, people are getting wise to them' since 2007. Meanwhile they've been crushing all opposition in election after election.

As has been mentioned, they have completely unprecedented levels of support at the moment so realistically, they have to come down at one point. Just don't pretend you're some kind of prophet rather than a broken clock who's got to be right eventually.

And also, absolutely nobody believes your opposition to the SNP isn't 100% down to your 'PUL' Britnattery.

'come down at one point'? nah, I think it's when the electorate eventually realise the SNP's 'Emperor's new clothes' act for exactly what it is!
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13 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:


'come down at one point'? nah, I think it's when the electorate eventually realise the SNP's 'Emperor's new clothes' act for exactly what it is!

That's a bit like some bore predicting all day that the Sun's going to set. Of course it will. You don't win any points for predicting that. You lose points for thinking it's a worthwhile contribution to any conversation whatsoever.

I can't be sure of course, but I'd bet decent money that the last decade's been littered with similar failed predictions about the fall of the SNP from yourself.

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That's a bit like some bore predicting all day that the Sun's going to set. Of course it will. You don't win any points for predicting that. You lose points for thinking it's a worthwhile contribution to any conversation whatsoever.

I can't be sure of course, but I'd bet decent money that the last decade's been littered with similar failed predictions about the fall of the SNP from yourself.

They will be rightly judged on their record just like any other Government, the prediction is that their performance will not lead to a clamour for an independent Scotland run by the SNP, and yes you're right Gordon I have said that all along.
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