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Granny Danger

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21 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Sorry for the essay, but let's break this down and look at each seat the Greens won.

They won 2 seats in Lothian, 1 in Glasgow, 1 in Highlands & Islands, 1 in Mid & Fife, 1 in West. Here's the list of who was next in line for the seats on the final round of the list, and how many more votes the SNP would have needed to take it.

In Lothian, the Greens took seats in rounds 2 & 7 on the list. Labour were next in line for seat number 7. The SNP needed another 2394 votes to take the seat, with the Greens having taken 34551 votes in total, so a small portion of Green voters switching would have won the SNP the seat ahead of the Greens. In that case, it is feasible that SNP supporters tactically giving the Greens their second vote cost the SNP a seat in favour of the Greens - for comparison, the SNP took 137,996 constituency votes & 118,546 list votes.

In Glasgow, the Greens took their seat in round 4. Seat number 7 went to Labour, with the Greens next in line. The SNP needed another 36790 votes to take the seat, with the Greens taking 23398 votes in total. If every single Green voter had voted SNP it would have given their seat to the Tories rather than the SNP. To flip it round the other way, the Greens needed 3090 more votes to take the seat ahead of Labour, while the SNP took 111101 votes with no return.

In H&I, the Greens took their seat in Round 5, with the SNP taking one in Round 6. Seat number 7 went to Labour, with the Tories next in line. The SNP needed another 9984 votes to take the seat, with the Greens taking 14781. While Green voters switching to SNP could have won the SNP the seat, you'd have needed about 70% of Green voters to switch - is it likely that such a high proportion were natural SNP supporters voting tactically?

In Mid & Fife, the Greens took their seat in Round 7 with Labour missing out. The SNP needed another 40608 votes to take the seat, with the Greens taking 17860 votes in total. If every single Green vote had gone to the SNP, their seat would have gone to Labour rather than the SNP. Again to flip it round the other way, the Greens would have needed 18788 more votes to take another seat ahead of the Tories, while the SNP took 120128 votes with no return.

In West, the Greens took their seat in Round 7 with the SNP next in line, so of course if every Green voter had voted SNP instead then the SNP would have taken the seat - the Greens were 2436 ahead out of a total of 17528 voters. Again for comparison, the SNP took 148,659 constituency votes & 135,827 list votes, so the drop off is again within the margin of votes the SNP needed from the Greens.

By all means blame people who voted Green - some of whom were SNP supporters switching tactically, some of whom were Green supporters who voted SNP in their constituency due to the lack of a Green candidate - for the SNP not getting a majority, but you might be more interested to look at dreadful campaigns which saw the SNP lose two constituencies to the Lib Dems and one to Labour, while failing to gain two winnable seats from Labour. The SNP should have won a majority on constituencies alone; it's not the SGP's fault they didn't.

What can I say other than HibeeJibee would have been proud of that one. All the damning facts, concisely put & left largely to speak for themselves.

It's worrying to hear any supposed SNP supporters going already down the road of arrogance long taken by Labour that other parties are "taking our votes". The SNP took a long, long time to get where they are today, & a big part of that was learning (the hard way) not to have the hubris of the old "big three" in taking voters for granted or to expect others to stand aside for them.

The SNP are a minority administration, they need to learn to work with other parties (& others in turn with them) or it's the very Scotland they want to change for the better which loses out. Moreover the SNP (to paraphrase an old song), had better not forget it's we who put them where they are now - and we can put them back down too.

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Just under half of the chamber are clearly going to vote against the Government because flegs in this parliament, which gives the Greens a great deal of power.

Based purely on disagreeing with them policy wise on stuff like this, I'd say it isn't an ideal situation and I won't be 'lending' them a vote anytime soon.

They're absolutely right to vote with their convictions though. This stuff about "knowing their place" and "which side are they on" is an absolute minter of the highest order.

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The Russian ambassador to Turkey has been shot in Ankara. That'll be Dobbie Putin looking for everyone to butter him up again.

Died of his wounds. In response to the Syrian situation, apparently.
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There's a video of the shooting, pretty disturbing.

Can't tell what the shooter is saying other than 'Allah akbhar'. Some saying he was disguised as a bodyguard or was a policeman.

Russia and Turkey had patched things up since the coup attempt but the reaction to this will test Russian-Turkish relations to the max.

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