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Granny Danger

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The head of BBC's Westminster political team has been appointed as May's new head of communications.

This surprises me given the very anti-Conservative bias at the Corporation.  :rolleyes:

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Jmo... Care to comment?

He did what he thought was the right thing to do. It's crucial that Chilcot said Blair sought reassurances from the joint intelligence committee that it was 'beyond reasonable doubt' that Saddam had WMDs, to which they answered that it was. Blair acted upon the information he had, and once the decision was made he sought to find the information to back up that decision. That's just politics.

This, despite the dramatic headlines from the anti-Blair media, actually shows Tone in a better light than the original Chilcot enquiry did (which, let's be honest, was not the damning report the anti-Blair conspiracy theorists seemed to be expecting).
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52 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


He did what he thought was the right thing to do. It's crucial that Chilcot said Blair sought reassurances from the joint intelligence committee that it was 'beyond reasonable doubt' that Saddam had WMDs, to which they answered that it was. Blair acted upon the information he had, and once the decision was made he sought to find the information to back up that decision. That's just politics.

This, despite the dramatic headlines from the anti-Blair media, actually shows Tone in a better light than the original Chilcot enquiry did (which, let's be honest, was not the damning report the anti-Blair conspiracy theorists seemed to be expecting).


^^^^  Completely fucking delusional!

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He did what he thought was the right thing to do. It's crucial that Chilcot said Blair sought reassurances from the joint intelligence committee that it was 'beyond reasonable doubt' that Saddam had WMDs, to which they answered that it was. Blair acted upon the information he had, and once the decision was made he sought to find the information to back up that decision. That's just politics.

This, despite the dramatic headlines from the anti-Blair media, actually shows Tone in a better light than the original Chilcot enquiry did (which, let's be honest, was not the damning report the anti-Blair conspiracy theorists seemed to be expecting).

He's a war criminal, take him to The Hague
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19 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


I would take Blair and Bush over May and Trump any day.



Aye, and Pol Pot wasn't as bad as Hitler.

(Unless you lived in Cambodia in the late 70's I suppose)

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He killed lots of people because he believed a magic Sky fairy told him to do it. The people of Iraq and the victims of Daesh Worldwide are still paying for his cuntery.


Still probably nicer than May or Trump, but talk about damning someone with faint praise.





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