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Granny Danger

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7 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Boris Johnson and Sergei Lavrov having an argument at a joint press conference and talking over each other. Tremendous scenes and a wonderful start to Boris' time in Russia.

If any proof is needed that the UK is a fucked up place, it's the fact that a lot of folk would like to see Boris as PM, whilst others think Jacob Rees Mogg would be better.

I'm going to consume a significant amount of alcohol over the festive period and partially blame it on that 'reality'.


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If any proof is needed that the UK is a fucked up place, it's the fact that a lot of folk would like to see Boris as PM, whilst others think Jacob Rees Mogg would be better.
I'm going to consume a significant amount of alcohol over the festive period and partially blame it on that 'reality'.

GD...... you can't control these buffoons. Enjoy your festivities
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Depressing to see that abuse of statistics is not limited to just this forum.In order to compare those numbers you would need to include all those Muslim extremists caught by the authorities before they were able to carry out attacks and by definition we will probably not have access to those numbers. If we did, a very different picture would emerge.



In order to compare those numbers you would need them to be comparing actual deaths and not situations occuring where the outcome *could* have been de.....oh.




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Oaksoft is obviously trolling. I mean no human being with even a semblance of a worthwhile existence can be that desperate for attention surely?

I've heard of "tone trolling" and "concern trolling", but can anyone explain what kind of trolling we're dealing with when the perpetrator makes him/herself appear completely out of their depth on any given subject? He's been utterly schooled on benefits, degrees, HR, statistics and that's just the stuff I can remember.  Even H_B, yes H-fucking-B, rinsed him.

What is there to gain by making yourself look stupid?

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Nick Clegg to get a knighthood.. I guess for services to the Tory party.


Sell out twat.


He needlessly propped up a Tpry government for five years, overseeing billions in cuts, the trebling of tuitionfees, the bedroom tax and the controlled underfunding of the NHS. He's worse than a Tory, at least they are honest about what they are.

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Sell out twat.
He needlessly propped up a Tpry government for five years, overseeing billions in cuts, the trebling of tuitionfees, the bedroom tax and the controlled underfunding of the NHS. He's worse than a Tory, at least they are honest about what they are.

Totally dishonest alright, nothing like Tony Blair.
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15 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Sell out twat.


He needlessly propped up a Tpry government for five years, overseeing billions in cuts, the trebling of tuitionfees, the bedroom tax and the controlled underfunding of the NHS. He's worse than a Tory, at least they are honest about what they are.

I thought you worshipped at the altar of similar politicians.

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