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Granny Danger

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During PMQ yesterday in challenging his attack on private providers in the current English NHS, she claimed that he should not moan because he was a member of the last Labour Government which had overseen the fastest rise in private provision.  He did not seem to notice that he had been promoted retrospectively, and she did not seem to notice how often he had opposed the Blair "reforms". I think she meant to say he was on the Labour back benches then, but as usual she misspoke. I now find PMQs a waste of time as it largely consists of planted praise and unanswered questions, but it keeps Andrew Neil and Laura in work.

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During PMQ yesterday in challenging his attack on private providers in the current English NHS, she claimed that he should not moan because he was a member of the last Labour Government which had overseen the fastest rise in private provision.  He did not seem to notice that he had been promoted retrospectively, and she did not seem to notice how often he had opposed the Blair "reforms". I think she meant to say he was on the Labour back benches then, but as usual she misspoke. I now find PMQs a waste of time as it largely consists of planted praise and unanswered questions, but it keeps Andrew Neil and Laura in work.

Andrew Neils a c**t with a wid wife and Lauras a wid
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1 hour ago, Chapelhall chap said:

During PMQ yesterday in challenging his attack on private providers in the current English NHS, she claimed that he should not moan because he was a member of the last Labour Government which had overseen the fastest rise in private provision.  He did not seem to notice that he had been promoted retrospectively, and she did not seem to notice how often he had opposed the Blair "reforms". I think she meant to say he was on the Labour back benches then, but as usual she misspoke. I now find PMQs a waste of time as it largely consists of planted praise and unanswered questions, but it keeps Andrew Neil and Laura in work.

The majority of PMQ’s now is two completely incompetent leaders with shite patter completely failing to land any meaningful blows on each other. I mean the whole thing is ‘almost’ pointless anyway but with these two clowns its not even entertaining anymore. British (English) politics really is in some state.

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6 hours ago, Chapelhall chap said:

During PMQ yesterday in challenging his attack on private providers in the current English NHS, she claimed that he should not moan because he was a member of the last Labour Government which had overseen the fastest rise in private provision.  He did not seem to notice that he had been promoted retrospectively, and she did not seem to notice how often he had opposed the Blair "reforms". I think she meant to say he was on the Labour back benches then, but as usual she misspoke. I now find PMQs a waste of time as it largely consists of planted praise and unanswered questions, but it keeps Andrew Neil and Laura in work.


How far back are you going when claiming PMQs wasn't like this? Gladstone and Disraeli?

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1 hour ago, jupe1407 said:
2 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

It's not Corbyn's fault that most of the electorate are thick twats.

He's shite. Totally unable to land a blow on the most useless PM in modern history.

Agreed. Corbyn is a half decent, single issue at a time campaigner - except on the single issue of Brexit where he's fucking useless because he's got to try and show how it could be different but in fact is probably not that personally distant from the line May is taking. 

Beyond non Brexit single issue stuff,  he's fucking hopeless.  

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

“Hasn’t landed a blow” equates to removing someone’s majority?


Sturgeon’s SNP directly lost a dozen seats to the most incompetent PM ever.

He lost the election.

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Only Blair has got more votes than him in recent history, among Labour leaders. He, undoubtedly, did far better than expected. Unfortunately, Britain, or at least England, seems to be a naturally Tory country. Given the state of the press, it's very difficult to change.

Look at the recent coverage of the NHS, for instance. Can you imagine the stick a Labour Government would be getting for the current state of it? Under the Tories, the media have been shifting the blame to the public... how dare they get sick, selfish b*****ds?

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Only Blair has got more votes than him in recent history, among Labour leaders. He, undoubtedly, did far better than expected. Unfortunately, Britain, or at least England, seems to be a naturally Tory country. Given the state of the press, it's very difficult to change.

Look at the recent coverage of the NHS, for instance. Can you imagine the stick a Labour Government would be getting for the current state of it? Under the Tories, the media have been shifting the blame to the public... how dare they get sick, selfish b*****ds?

Big fan of the years of campaigns telling men to stop bottling their issues up and go and talk to a GP being reversed in favour of telling folk to leave it until an arm is hanging off or something.
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The state of the press is, of course, a massive obstacle, and unfortunately a big enough one to make a difference. Because far too many people are either too stupid to know any different from what the majority of the MSM tell them, or they simply don't want to know anything else. The power of the MSM seems to get underrated by far too many people and I really don't see why it's so hard to understand.

Despite all of that, Corbyn is helping the Tories drive us off a cliff, so frankly, he can get fucked.

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:

“Hasn’t landed a blow” equates to removing someone’s majority?


Sturgeon’s SNP directly lost a dozen seats to the most incompetent PM ever.

Corbyn is a complete fucking incompetent which is very disappointing.  

Other than on two very major issues, EU membership and Scottish Independence, I agree with him on just about everything.

He’s the first socialist that has led the Labour Party in decades.  He also put the right wing c***s masquerading as progressives in the PLP firmly in their place which was a joy to watch.

However he has severe competency issues that he should have addressed by now.

In the USA the Democrats have a lot to answer for with the Trump election, the Labour Party risk the same disdain if they can’t dislodge this austerity obsessed mob led by a wannabe Thatcherite.


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Corbyn is a complete fucking incompetent which is very disappointing.  
Other than on two very major issues, EU membership and Scottish Independence, I agree with him on just about everything.
He’s the first socialist that has led the Labour Party in decades.  He also put the right wing c***s masquerading as progressives in the PLP firmly in their place which was a joy to watch.
However he has severe competency issues that he should have addressed by now.
In the USA the Democrats have a lot to answer for with the Trump election, the Labour Party risk the same disdain if they can’t dislodge this austerity obsessed mob led by a wannabe Thatcherite.

I’ve a lot of issues with Corbyn I just can’t think of another politician atm who has as good politics and a hope of taking power. I’d far rather Diane Abbott or John McDonnell were leading the party but there’s zero chance of either winning an election, is there? I don’t really buy the incompetency line too much when there’s not too much to go off other than a wildly better election result than literally everyone expected, a public shift in the discourse away somewhat from fascist shit and the SNP feeling sufficiently threatened to bring in progressive taxation changes after a decade of inertia. His European policy is shit but the only way that’s gonna shift is by backing Abbott who’s an unashamed Europhile and has backed or will back another referendum, single market membership and particularly freedom of movement.

As for Richard Leonard, if he wants to continue backing abusers in the party then he can rightly get to f**k and take the dinosaurs in the party with him. No time for it.
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4 hours ago, McQuade said:

True, and if May gets by Brexit and the Tories replace her with someone half decent they will go on to rule for at least another couple of terms...Corbyn cannot win a GE , his stance on not using nukes should we ever have to (to save ourselves) is a head shot .

In the scenario where we would be using nukes, we would not be saving ourselves. We'd just be taking some other folk with us.

Although May did actually say that she' be prepared to use them in a first strike situation.  Edit: Might not have been May. Might have been the defence secretary. 



Edited by Suspect Device
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