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6 hours ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

Oh! You Scottish Nationalists certainly have fantastic wit and a great repoirtee.  You do cheer me up no end.

That's nice m8. You come across as the sort of chap that needs as much cheering up as possible. 4U0m6pP.png

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This is an interesting story developing. FCO funded thinktank which has apparently meddled in Spanish politics and frequently attacks Corbyn. Herald journalist David Leask named as a helpful amplifier of their campaigns. Not a great look tbh.

Amazing to see the deep state in the UK literally based out of Auchtermuchty.
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I doubt this will go anywhere. The Cambridge Analytica scandal got dumped when it turned out it was owned and run by a load of right wing, upper class British Tories who had been interfering in elections all over the world.

However it's a relief to know for sure that the entire right wing online pundocracy are networked and colluding rather than just being mental independently of each other.

Edited by Detournement
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1 hour ago, NorthernLights said:

Let them eat cake!


Amazing that no one thought for a second this wasn't a good idea.

Incredible lack of self awareness and respect.  Someone should get disciplined but they won’t.


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3 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

This is getting weird. David Leask appears to be, or has the aspiration to be, a UK intelligence asset masquerading as a journalist. I mean it maybe doesn't matter as nobody reads the Herald anymore but... something set up apparently to combat Russian disinfo appears to have meddled far beyond that. I read passages in Spycatcher where they airily referred to newspaper editors as plants and thought things couldn't be so now. Guess I'm wrong.


I haven't looked deeply into this but the fact that Kit Klatenberg  works for Sputnik and shows a distinct pro Russian and anti Ukraine bias in his twitter feed makes me doubtful about his objectivity, and that the pdf file wouldn't open for me.

P.S. File opened on 3rd attempt, as you say, very weird.

Edited by welshbairn
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This should obviously be a bigger story than it is. They've been rumbled big time and their only defence is the usual blaming the Russians and smearing anyone asking very legitimate questions.

It has however brought into the public consciousness something which should've been obvious to anyone paying attention, that the whole anti-Russian narrative about disinformation, fake news, sowing discord, subverting democracy etc, has in fact been a front for delegitimising & silencing all anti-establishment and in particular anti-war voices.

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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

Yeah I mean I'm not at all defending sputnik/RT etc. but just because those who did the leaking are from the other side doesn't mean it should be ignored, which seems to be the thrust of the attempts to sweep it under the carpet. For me it boils down to two things of concern:

  1. A journalist is not being open or honest about his agenda and so his covering things, or indeed not covering things, make me question his whole opus in retrospect. I actually liked his work a lot exposing Scottish Limited Partnerships, pushing back at anti-Gaelic sentiment, covering the realities of fracking in Scotland etc. It's a real shame as I now can't rely on him on any of these as a result of this leak.
  2. The UK government is funding an organisation which is attacking Her Majesty's Opposition.

If you read the notes from the meeting he attended,( hard to tell what he contributed or if it was a one off meeting), there's nothing that looks that bad to me. Just discussing the Scottish context for motives of the Russian propaganda machine. We also don't know if he knew he was talking to spooks or if he was just invited to some seminar.


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22 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

On its own perhaps but we have to think about a few things particular to Leask.


He has been at the forefront of criticising Salmond for ploughing ahead with his TV show on RT through vanity (in reality it is a mix of that plus no other TV channel picking it up), when he himself seems to have got tangled up with this lot for much the same reason. They've come and stroked his ego and invited him to London for a lengthy meeting. Remember he had suggested he hadn't done more than approach them for comment and retweet them versus the above and this:


Seminars, plural. Then he was on the staff of the Sunday Herald and apparently less than enthusiastic about its editorial line, and now we have him documented as saying various things equating for example mistrust of the BBC with Russian disinfo efforts. Reds under the bed stuff. How did this inform his writing for the paper? Did he pull punches because of his opinion of where the issue was arising?

It's interesting to look at other people in the UK 'cluster' as described in the leaked docs. Guardian journalist who was Moscow correspondent from 2007-2011 then kicked out the country. Why? It strikes me this is a story with high public interest in investigation so I'm very suspicious of the lack of openness, rush to call it all Russian smears. The Scottish charity commission is investigating the integrity initiative because of the very serious accusations regarding government money being spent on attacking Labour. You'll notice there's been no accusation of defamation despite the Sunday Mail printing it as headline news. There's a lot to be investigated here.

I just meant there was nothing particularly controversial in the notes. Lots of people think RT is more trustworthy than the BBC and the MSM. No idea about this dodgy charity though.

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10 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

RT spent a few years in the early 2000s trying to become a serious news channel, hiring lots of ex BBC, ITN etc. Nobody watched it, and they've found an audience with the current clown show propaganda channel these days sadly. Folk who think highly of it based on its early life are stuck in the past, folk who think highly of it now are zoomers.

It does seem strange that the Herald seems to be ignoring such a big story, if they have written anything I can't find it on their website.

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On 12/12/2018 at 20:01, Baxter Parp said:

Dominc Raab just tweeted this:

ONS data showing real wages rising at fastest rate in 10 years ... is good news for working Britain.


Can you see what kind of arse he's made of things there, kids?

I see 2 arses.  Obs is they were higher before 2011 and the fastest rate rise was actually around 2015.

Maybe also obs is that this has happened while WE ARE STILL IN THE FUCKIN'  EU, YA p***k!

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