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2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
2 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:
Absolutely. The juxtaposition of Patel on manoeuvres with Immigration officers, standing sneering as people are carted off to detention centres is striking.

Does that jacket actually say "Home Secretary" on it. If so WTF !!!

It actually does. As if anyone needs reminding who the chief cuntress is. 

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1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

I don't agree with the photo opportunity angle but apparantly they were human traffickers so I'll give her a pass for sneering on that one. 

I think the word you're looking for is "alleged", mate. Unless we're doing away with due process? Very popular in a few countries in the 20th century, that. 

Oh, and just a wee reminder - that bitch is a proven traitor. Think on that - she tried to use your money and mine to heal ISIS fighters (in an Israeli hospital, yet). 

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

She’s just watching the law being enforced.

Well done, Priti

Haha just following orders m8 amarite ?

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5 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Absolutely. The juxtaposition of Patel on manoeuvres with Immigration officers, standing sneering as people are carted off to detention centres is striking.


I can't believe that picture. It's despicable.

The Home Offiice has clearly thought they'd release an "official" picture in the style of "cold war steve". All it needs is Sam Allardyce eating a Frey Bentos pie.

When satire influences reality and not the other way round, things are utterly goosed.

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1 minute ago, speckled tangerine said:

I can't believe that picture. It's despicable.

The Home Offiice has clearly thought they'd release an "official" picture in the style of "cold war steve". All it needs is Sam Allardyce eating a Frey Bentos pie.

When satire influences reality and not the other way round, things are utterly goosed.

You may criticise, but this picture has given a number of 60 year old men from Essex their first erection in years.

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Dutch court orders Shell to cut it's global emissions by 45% by 2030

A Dutch court has ordered Shell to bring its emissions in line with the Paris climate targets. Claimants had argued that Shell had violated human rights by fueling the climate crisis.

A landmark judgment in The Hague has ruled that the oil giant Shell and its suppliers must cut emissions by 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels, as mandated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  

The court found Shell's current commitment to reduce emissions intensity by 20% by 2030 was insufficient. Claimants had argued the reduction would come too late to meet the Paris target of limiting global heating to 1.5 degree Celsius (2.7 F) by the end of the century.  

In the words of the court, Shell should follow the "worldwide agreement" that a 45% net reduction in 2030 is necessary to limit global heating. "This applies to the entire world, so also to Shell," the judge said.

The ruling is effective immediately. "This means they have to keep fossil fuels in the ground as of today," said climate group Parents For Future in a Tweet.

After arguments were heard during four days of hearings in December, the much-anticipated decision paves the way for a wave of litigation against Big Oil companies.

The case is an important precedent in that a company — and not a state — must now abide by the Paris targets. 

"So far it has been impossible to hold corporations accountable," said Peer de Rijk, senior policy officer at Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie), which initiated the summons against Shell. "This will have enormous consequences."

Roger Cox, lawyer for Friends of the Earth Netherlands, called the ruling "a turning point in history. This case is unique because it is the first time a judge has ordered a large polluting corporation to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement."


Shell must abide by Paris targets

De Rijk said the Paris climate targets could not be met unless corporations like Shell — one of the top 10 most-polluting companies worldwide, according to Friends of the Earth — also abide by emission reduction targets.

Headquartered in The Hague, Royal Dutch Shell appeared in the nearby district court on charges that its emissions harm the fundamental rights of claimants led by Milieudefensie, six other organizations and more than 17,000 co-plaintiffs.

The court agreed that Shell group emissions had an impact on climate change that is larger than that of most individual countries. The judgment stated that Shell has created risks for individuals that limited their human rights. 

Shell has previously maintained that litigation will not aid climate mitigation. "What will accelerate the energy transition is effective policy, investment in technology and changing customer behavior," a Shell spokesperson said. "None of which will be achieved with this court action."

Demanding emission reduction as a human right  

During the hearings, Milieudefensie's case hinged on the view that Shell had contravened the European convention on human rights by contributing significantly to "dangerous climate change."

The plaintiff noted that Shell is among 25 multinationals responsible for over half of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the past three decades. It claimed that the Dutch oil and gas company's "long knowledge of climate change, misleading statements on climate change, and inadequate action to reduce climate change" constituted the "unlawful endangerment of Dutch citizens."

The case sets a groundbreaking precedent, said Laura Burgers, assistant law professor at the University of Amsterdam. "Traditionally, human rights are formulated as obligations for states, not for private parties," she said.

The 2015 case brought by Dutch climate NGO Urgenda, for example, forced the government to "urgently and significantly" reduce emissions in line with its human rights obligations — a decision that was upheld in the High Court in 2019.

So, too, the German Constitutional Court recently demanded the German government raise its 2030 emission reduction targets following a successful climate lawsuit based on the "fundamental rights" of future generations who will be exposed to the full effects of climate change. Referring to the "duty to protect future generations," the court found that the government "should have taken precautionary steps to mitigate these major burdens in order to safeguard the freedom guaranteed by fundamental rights."    

"Milieudefensie and the other environmental organizations suing Shell also say they represent future generations," Burgers said. "International environmental law, as well as EU law, obliges to take on board the interests of future generations."

While Shell has been legally held responsible for oil spills and ordered to pay compensation — most recently to residents in the Niger Delta — the invocation of rights in The Hague was central to making a private company accountable to climate treaties for the first time.

"Climate litigation is a risk that companies cannot afford to ignore," said Paul Benson, a lawyer at environment NGO Client Earth, in relation to the decision. "Especially oil and gas giants that are responsible for more emissions than entire countries."

Shell's net-zero pledge not enough

The ruling comes just months after Shell made a new commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 with what it calls a "customer-first strategy."

But the plaintiffs in the case argued that despite such promises Shell's emissions are still increasing.

"Unless these emissions are rapidly reduced in the next 10 years, we won't reach the Paris goals," Milieudefensie's de Rijk said. Such urgency drove the litigants to seek judicial intervention, and to spark what he predicts what will become a "litigation wave" against major polluters.     

The major issue with Shell's net-zero plan is an offset strategy by which the company will essentially plant trees to balance ongoing oil and gas exploration.

De Rijk says Shell will need to plant monoculture forests across an area that is three times the size of Brazil to reach the target. "It's of course totally impossible," he said.

"Shell’s carbon offset plans are putting communities in the Global South, particularly indigenous peoples and women farmers, at risk of devastating land grabs and rights abuses," wrote Marit Maij, executive director of ActionAid Netherlands, one of the co-plaintiffs.

No time to waste

With a global energy transition underway, and US President Joe Biden and other major emitters increasing emission reduction targets in the lead-up to the COP26 climate summit in November, there is a view that Big Oil is losing crucial time, and money, since it will inevitably be forced to transition.

"Global climate goals will only be achieved if companies like Shell really cooperate and actually reduce CO2 emissions in line with the Paris Agreement," Maij wrote. "But Shell does not want to do this: It is using its net zero climate plans as a smokescreen for inaction."

The Dutch oil and gas giant is expected to appeal the decision. 

Lucas Roorda, assistant professor at Utrecht University, tweeted that the "decision is provisionally enforceable, so Shell will have to start reducing emissions while appeal is pending."

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Nap that he's the type of guy who walks around the comunal changing rooms naked for prolonged periods occasionally stopping to put one leg on the bench before applying talcum powder to his nether regions.

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Mass grave of 215 indigenous children found on the grounds of an Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Colombia


An Indigenous community says it has found evidence that 215 children were buried on the grounds of a British Columbia school, one of the many in Canada set up to forcibly assimilate them.

OTTAWA — For decades, most Indigenous children in Canada were taken from their families and forced into boarding schools. A large number never returned home, their families given only vague explanations, or none at all.

Now an Indigenous community in British Columbia says it has found evidence of what happened to some of its missing children: a mass grave containing the remains of 215 children on the grounds of a former residential school.

Chief Rosanne Casimir of the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation said on Friday that ground-penetrating radar had discovered the remains near the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School, which operated from 1890 until the late 1970s.

“It’s a harsh reality and it’s our truth, it’s our history,” Chief Casimir said at a news conference. “And it’s something that we’ve always had to fight to prove. To me, it’s always been a horrible, horrible history.”

The remains, which Chief Casimir described as “many, many years old — decades,” included those of children as young as 3.

Starting in the 19th century, Canada was home to a system of residential schools, mostly operated by churches, that Indigenous children were forced to attend. The system went into decline during the 1970s, with the last school closing in 1996.

A National Truth and Reconciliation Commission, set up as part of a government apology and settlement over the schools, concluded that at least 4,100 students died while attending the schools, many from mistreatment or neglect, others from disease or accident. It found that in many cases, families never learned the fate of their offspring, who are now known as the missing children.

While there have long been rumors of unmarked graves at schools, if the findings in a preliminary report presented to the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation this week are confirmed, it will be the first time a major burial site has been discovered.

Kamloops, once the largest residential school in Canada, with about 500 pupils at its peak, was operated by the Catholic Church until 1969, when the federal government took over.

“The pain that such news causes reminds us of our ongoing need to bring to light every tragic situation that occurred in residential schools run by the Church,” Archbishop J. Michael Miller of the Vancouver Archdiocese said in a statement. “The passage of time does not erase the suffering.”

Unlike other religious groups that operated the residential schools, the Catholic Church has refused to formally apologize for abuses that occurred within them. In 2018, Pope Francis rejected a direct appeal for an apology from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission concluded in 2015 that residential schools were a program of “cultural genocide.” The use of Indigenous languages was banned at the schools, sometimes through the use of violence, as were Indigenous cultural practices.

The commission found evidence of neglect and maltreatment spanning decades at Kamloops. In 1918, a government official who inspected the school reported his “suspicion that the vitality of the children is not sufficiently sustained from a lack of nutritious food.”

Geraldine Bob, a former student, told the commission that the staff members “would just start beating you and lose control and hurl you against the wall, throw you on the floor, kick you, punch you.”

Chief Casimir said the search for remains at Kamloops began in the early 2000s, in part because official explanations — including suggestions that the missing children had simply run away — did not match with the stories conveyed by former students.

“There had to be more to the story,” she said. “It’s about bringing in the advanced technology today to be able to look beneath the surface of the soil and to confirm some of the stories that were once told.”

She said that the radar scanning is not yet complete. “We have not done all our grounds, and we do know that there is still more to be discovered,” Chief Casimir said.

“The loss of 215 children found on the grounds of a residential school is a national tragedy,” Chief Bobby Cameron of the Federation of Sovereign Indian Nations in Saskatchewan said in a statement. He asked the federal government to work with Indigenous groups on researching the fates of missing children.

The office of Carolyn Bennett, the federal minister responsible for Indigenous relations, said in a statement that the “discovery reflects a dark and painful chapter in our country’s history.” Her department and health officials in British Columbia will set up support services for the First Nation, it said.

Lisa Lapointe, chief coroner of British Columbia, said in an email that her office had been told of the radar findings on Thursday. “We are early in the process of gathering information and will continue to work collaboratively with the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc and others as this sensitive work progresses,” she said.

John Horgan, the premier of British Columbia, said that he was “horrified and heartbroken” and that he supported the efforts of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc to bring to “light the full extent of this loss.”

Indigenous communities throughout Canada, Chief Casimir said, had children who were forced into residential schools only to vanish.

“Many other First Nations who had residential schools within their communities also want to learn and want to use new technology to be able to find their loved ones,” she said. “It is definitely an honor to be taking care of these children.”

Edited by GNU_Linux
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