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Granny Danger

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On 1/1/2017 at 13:37, WaffenThinMint said:

Never underestimate the wilful stupidity of the working classes - for all of the Sun/Daily Mail headlines about "scroungers", I knew of whole generations that proudly boasted about never claiming dole or income support, no matter how many times it was pointed out to them that their taxes & national insurance stamps from doing every dirty shitty job available around before being thrown on the scrapheap at 50 had paid for them.


Sound like good upstanding citizens.

On 1/1/2017 at 13:25, jmothecat said:

This is what I don't get about the immigration thing. From a right-wing point of view: good for economic reasons. From a left-wing point of view: good for humanitarian and equality reasons. From a liberal point of view: good for freedom of individuals.

Good for economic reasons: The net result of mass, low skilled immigration to the existing population is a very slightly larger economic pie, but with a fairly sizeable redistribution of wealth from labor to capital. The theory that low skilled immigration would push the existing population UP out of poor jobs has been largely discredited as more people have been pushed out of the workforce than pushed up the ladder.

Good for freedom of individuals: This is the theory, and it's certainly true for people who wish to cross borders. In practice, for the majority of people who wish to live in the country where they were born, areas of their own country become culturally alien. In the worst case certain areas become no-go zones due to violence or extreme cultural differences. The end result is that native citizens often end up with less freedom of movement.

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Good for economic reasons: The net result of mass, low skilled immigration to the existing population is a very slightly larger economic pie, but with a fairly sizeable redistribution of wealth from labor to capital. The theory that low skilled immigration would push the existing population UP out of poor jobs has been largely discredited as more people have been pushed out of the workforce than pushed up the ladder.
Good for freedom of individuals: This is the theory, and it's certainly true for people who wish to cross borders. In practice, for the majority of people who wish to live in the country where they were born, areas of their own country become culturally alien. In the worst case certain areas become no-go zones due to violence or extreme cultural differences. The end result is that native citizens often end up with less freedom of movement.

Cant you tell me where some of these no go areas are please?
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27 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

Decent experiment to run. previous results elsewhere were encouraging.

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12 hours ago, GTG_03 said:



Cant you tell me where some of these no go areas are please?




Of course the bigger issue in the US is schools. White people are being forced out of cities by the tens of thousands if they want their kids to be able to attend a decent school. Talk to anybody who's white and not rich from a place like Houston or Dallas. Again, the supposed greater "freedom" really just ends up being greater freedom for foreigners, not for us. Our life choices are cut down.


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6 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Extreme cultural differences like not owning a small arsenal of firearms, not drinking pure grain alcohol with your cornflakes and refraining from fucking your sister?

But the thing is we've been here doing all that stuff in this spot for centuries. I'm not arguing that we solve our problems by deporting American citizens who happen to create trouble spots. I'm suggesting we don't import foreign problems. Come to West Virginia. We have a way outsized share of poor people, but the violence levels are below national averages. I'd say we are mid-level in our friendliness to strangers among US states. It's fine.

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7 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

I don't see how anybody could be for or against such a policy at this point. We just don't know how it would end up working in the real world. It's definitely worth trying in small areas to see the long term results. I've always been for a massive increase in the earned income credit funded by a wealth tax to make sure everyone who's showing up the work each day earns a living wage. I'd prefer that be tried first, as I'm not sure that a bunch of folks would use this scheme as an excuse not to work. When young men aren't occupied at work that's generally disastrous for any society.

Edited by Deplorable
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2 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

You really are an idiot. Probably get your tired quips and stereotypes from Mock the Week.

Americans are supposedly "inbred" yet here are the consanguinity rates:


Not to mention that cousin marriage is completely banned in 24 out of 50 states and mostly banned in 31.

Maybe read a book for once you dribbling moron.

^^^ Inbred.

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26 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

You really are an idiot. Probably get your tired quips and stereotypes from Mock the Week.

Americans are supposedly "inbred" yet here are the consanguinity rates:


Not to mention that cousin marriage is completely banned in 24 out of 50 states and mostly banned in 31.

Maybe read a book for once you dribbling moron.

I note from that graphic the Americans are worse than Fifers for incest. Always thought they were weird.

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3 hours ago, Deplorable said:


Of course the bigger issue in the US is schools. White people are being forced out of cities by the tens of thousands if they want their kids to be able to attend a decent school. Talk to anybody who's white and not rich from a place like Houston or Dallas. Again, the supposed greater "freedom" really just ends up being greater freedom for foreigners, not for us. Our life choices are cut down.


Absolutely disgusting that such misogyny or perhaps I should say hatred of nonbelievers (non-Muslims) is tolerated in France. I would bet that a Christian, if discovered, would receive the same treatment from the owner and patrons.

I received strange treatment in a take-away in Brick lane London. The people within the shop, whom all looked like locals, and the shop assistant's demeanor was to treat me like I was a suspect spy. I got similar treatment in Allison St Glasgow trying to purchase Ghee. In these streets multi cultureism was a one was street. 

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56 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I note from that graphic the Americans are worse than Fifers for incest. Always thought they were weird.

Who do you mean the Fifers? If you want to see in-breading get yourself to the Hebrides.

An added bonus is, as new blood on an Island you seem to take the on the appearance of Leonardo DiCaprio to the local girls. Married or not. Before mass tourism it was even better.

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7 hours ago, Deplorable said:

Cousin marriage is only banned in 24 states? Jesus!

Looks like according to that map the Canadians are more the incestuous types for North America. Wonder if it's the French?

You could also read that as there being 24 states where people marrying their first cousins was a sufficiently large problem that the legislature needed to do something about it.

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