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Granny Danger

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Hammond has bottled the NI increase on the self-employed. Truly bizarre and now leaves a £145m gap in the budget,

Can't wait to see how easily he gets out of what is, at best, a humiliating u-turn. 

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Hammond has bottled the NI increase on the self-employed. Truly bizarre and now leaves a £145m gap in the budget,
Can't wait to see how easily he gets out of what is, at best, a humiliating u-turn. 

They'll just target Insurance premium tax again, as they have done for the last 3 years.
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5 hours ago, Paco said:

Hammond has bottled the NI increase on the self-employed. Truly bizarre and now leaves a £145m gap in the budget,

Can't wait to see how easily he gets out of what is, at best, a humiliating u-turn. 

He will get an easy ride from MSM but will PIP ,S get the same help? I doubt it, not an area the Tories care much about.

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5 hours ago, Paco said:

Hammond has bottled the NI increase on the self-employed. Truly bizarre and now leaves a £145m gap in the budget,

Can't wait to see how easily he gets out of what is, at best, a humiliating u-turn. 

Purely political, one group who will heavily lean to wards the Tories.  I'm surprised Hammond wasn't advised of this before the Budget.

The other group he will have pissed off is those with dividend income but hopefully he won't succumb to the pressure from them.


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6 hours ago, Paco said:

Hammond has bottled the NI increase on the self-employed. Truly bizarre and now leaves a £145m gap in the budget,

Can't wait to see how easily he gets out of what is, at best, a humiliating u-turn. 

I've just seen some chinless wonder from the backbenches on the news saying it shows he's a strong chancellor because he can recognise when he was wrong and do a U-turn on it :lol:

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14 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


A Major New Study Shows That Political Polarization Is Mainly A Right-Wing Phenomenon

Right-wingers are unwilling to countenance information from any sources that don't agree with their pish. Who knew?

^^^ FAKE NEWS!!!

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Dutch exit poll suggests late surge by current PM Rutte and Wilders losing support

Netherlands, Ipsos exit poll:

D66-ALDE 13%
GL-G/EFA 11%
PvdA-S&D 6%

#DutchVote #TK2017

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10 minutes ago, Sooky said:

Dutch exit poll suggests late surge by current PM Rutte and Wilders losing support

Netherlands, Ipsos exit poll:

D66-ALDE 13%
GL-G/EFA 11%
PvdA-S&D 6%

#DutchVote #TK2017

Mon the d66 party

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Mon the d66 party

Apparently, at this stage, a Rutte/D66/two Christian parties the most likely to form governing coalition.

Though since WW2, average coalition forming time has been 72 days...
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2 minutes ago, Sooky said:


Apparently, at this stage, a Rutte/D66/two Christian parties the most likely to form governing coalition.

Though since WW2, average coalition forming time has been 72 days...

D66 have a great manifesto pledge,you should check it out ;)

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