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Granny Danger

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The Queen made a statement today which included reference to how "struck" she is by the willingness of British people to help those affected in the fire and recent attacks. I suspect the poor souls who are now homeless would be equally struck if their Queen was to offer them respite in the vacant rooms at Buck House.

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Is it just me that's starting to see a comparison here with Gordon Brown's tenure. 
Gets into Number 10 through the back door, is immediately beset by a crisis that could be seen coming but personal ambition overrides the risk - in his case financial crash and in hers Brexit.
Then very quickly is hammered by stuff happening that they wouldn't see coming domestically - in his case massive flooding and in hers 3 terror attacks and a fuckin big fire which will almost certainly turn out to have a trail of breadcrumbs leading to her door.
Neither of them were/are sufficiently empathetic to manage these challenges. 
Only difference so far is that in his hung parliament he had to go whilst in hers she's clinging to the house like a limpet but will be fucked out before we are all much older. 
She's a burst couch just waiting on the pavement for uplift to the cowp.

I sometimes think we are seeing what might have happened if Brown had called an election during the 'Brown Bounce'.

For what it's worth I think Brown was a better PM than May though, an a better politician. Brown had the issue of once voters got to know him they liked him more than they thought they did, with May it has been the opposite. Brown was a decent enough campaigner, could do a brilliant speech when he wanted to and I think avoided some of the mistakes May is making. That's not to say he was brilliant by any means, but I think in May we are seeing someone utterly lacking in the skills required for the job and she is being very badly exposed.
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21 minutes ago, jmothecat said:


I sometimes think we are seeing what might have happened if Brown had called an election during the 'Brown Bounce'.

For what it's worth I think Brown was a better PM than May though, an a better politician. Brown had the issue of once voters got to know him they liked him more than they thought they did, with May it has been the opposite. Brown was a decent enough campaigner, could do a brilliant speech when he wanted to and I think avoided some of the mistakes May is making. That's not to say he was brilliant by any means, but I think in May we are seeing someone utterly lacking in the skills required for the job and she is being very badly exposed.


May is the worst I've seen but don't try and paint Brown as anything other than shite, let the bankers do as they pleased, robbed workers of their pensions and sold off all our gold among other things, let nobody be in any doubt that Brown and Blair were an absolute pair of power hungry sell out b*****ds.

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robbed workers of their pensions

I don't think we've fully seen how this will affect this country yet. There are still companies now pulling Final Salary pensions because the funds have become unmanageable.
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May is the worst I've seen but don't try and paint Brown as anything other than shite, let the bankers do as they pleased, robbed workers of their pensions and sold off all our gold among other things, let nobody be in any doubt that Brown and Blair were an absolute pair of power hungry sell out b*****ds.

I think he meant in a personal sense - not necessarily his politics.
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Ahh Teresa, won't debate so she can engage with the public. Won't meet victims in public because she's in more danger than the Queen.

She's proving right enough to be "a bloody difficult woman"

I hope the people on here who voted tory are "enjoying the journey"

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23 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

The EU forced the builders to use substandard materials that are outlawed in the US and Germany.

Totally makes sense.

.. bit of a lengthy explanation but apparently if the EU had not had an issue with bendy bananas this tragedy would never have happened!

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There are many roasters on both sides of the independence debate in Scotland, but you can cast-iron guarantee that anyone with a multi-coloured umbrella is most definitely going to be a seething, space cadet.


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On 17/06/2017 at 18:28, Kejan said:

There are many roasters on both sides of the independence debate in Scotland, but you can cast-iron guarantee that anyone with a multi-coloured umbrella is most definitely going to be a seething, space cadet.


I agree ... but I don't know the relevance of yon umbrellas ?

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