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2 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Tory MP caught telling eurosceptics, as part of a panel alongside other Tory MPs, that Britain would be left as a 'N****r in a woodpile.'

Apparently folk are trying to claim that that phrase is somehow not racist.


Tbh, I prefer my racist Tories out in the open where I can see them, rather than the 'nod and wink', veiled language types.

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1 hour ago, mjw said:


Despite using the racist term, none of her fellow panelists, including Tory MPs Bill Kkkash and John Redneck, reacted.



Of course they didn't.



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7 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Not being a daft racist I'm not sure exactly what it means in this context. Did she mean the equivalent of 'Elephant In The Room'?

If so, maybe she should have used the phrase 'Elephant in The Room', like every other sane person on the planet that isn't a daft racist.

"A fly in the ointment" would probably have been closer to the intended meaning..... and would've kept her the whip.


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45 minutes ago, trainspotter said:

That picture could just as easily be captioned "WE VOTED OUT, NOW GET ON WITH IT!"

The guy bang in the middle of that photo was an absolute roaster.

"what if some idiot in Iraq or Iran wants to bomb us"

Excellent grasp of politics in the Middle East right there! 


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That picture could just as easily be captioned "WE VOTED OUT, NOW GET ON WITH IT!"

Its been popping up on twitter with captions like that regularly on twitter.
Some of them are quite funny. ( The captions,not the fuckwits in the photo)
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Problematic. Corbyn doesn't help himself with some of the company he keeps. 

I just can't decide if it's naivety and he doesn't check these things out, or he chooses not to. This is the problem with the alternative left is a lot (if not most) are perfectly reasonable people with left-wing politics, however there is a lunatic fringe whose anti-western beliefs take them into conspiracy theory territory. They disagree with the West on one thing therefore they must disagree with the West on all things, so the examples of interventions which were justified must therefore be false and made up by western media. This sort of wholesale politics is what turns justified criticisms of Netenyahu and Israel's government into antisemitism and opposition to Israel itself rather than the acts of the Israeli government. By aligning himself with the alt-left Corbyn will end up being with people with undesirable, offensive, dangerous and antisemitic views, despite not (probably) holding anything like them himself.

He does need to be careful though as this is happening all too often.
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8 hours ago, DrewDon said:



Problematic. Corbyn doesn't help himself with some of the company he keeps. 

"Having a lovely dinner"

Takeaway pizza and a couple of portions of chips from a shitty takeaway by the looks of it :lol: 

That looks more like the guy just grabbed Corbyn for a quick photo op rather than any sort of pre-arranged "dinner" tbh


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Tbh, a Corbyn dinner party sounds like it would be pretty awesome. Where else could you plot the downfall of capitalism at the same time as meeting some of modern history's most dodgy characters ?

Dear diary

Dinner at Jez's again last night. McDonnell droning on about purging the Blairite scum, GIVE IT A REST MAN and concentrate on nationalising everything first. Gerry was there, he's not been the same since Marty died. Tried to cheer him up and told him to go back to the berets and balaclavas, he always seemed much happier back then. The Hamas lads were on form, but some of those jokes about the rabbi were a bit close to the bone for me. The usual chat about the US and UK's false flag attacks ended in a shouting match.

Drank WAY too much last night and ended up fingering Diane Abbott in the downstairs bathroom. The next Momentum meeting is going to be SO awkward. I also met Bashir Assad for the first time, he was surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny.

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On his office wall hung an oil painting of Bannon dressed as Napoleon in his study at the Tuileries, done in the style of Jacques-Louis David’s famous neoclassical painting — a gift from Nigel Farage.



an oil painting of Bannon dressed as Napoleon... a gift from Nigel Farage.



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3 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Tbh, a Corbyn dinner party sounds like it would be pretty awesome. Where else could you plot the downfall of capitalism at the same time as meeting some of modern history's most dodgy characters ?

Dear diary

Dinner at Jez's again last night. McDonnell droning on about purging the Blairite scum, GIVE IT A REST MAN and concentrate on nationalising everything first. Gerry was there, he's not been the same since Marty died. Tried to cheer him up and told him to go back to the berets and balaclavas, he always seemed much happier back then. The Hamas lads were on form, but some of those jokes about the rabbi were a bit close to the bone for me. The usual chat about the US and UK's false flag attacks ended in a shouting match.

Drank WAY too much last night and ended up fingering Diane Abbott in the downstairs bathroom. The next Momentum meeting is going to be SO awkward. I also met Bashir Assad for the first time, he was surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny.


That's twice you've made posts like that about Abbott. Maybe lay off the casual misogynoir.

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Corbyn is a fucking fraud. Unreal how folk are falling for this shit. Even if he wasn't (he is), he's leader of the fucking Labour party, an absolute nest of snakey backstabbing scum. 

And folk are falling for it all over again.

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Six months ago Corbyn was an ideologue whose politics had no relevance in modern society. Now he's nearly won an election he's a fraud who doesn't believe what he says. There's problems with Corbyn, particularly the company he appears to endorse, and there's thousands more problems with the party at large but Corbyn's political beliefs aren't one of them.

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