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Granny Danger

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13 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Sky poll on influential women. Bet they didn't bargain for Sturgeon and Mhairi Black to boss it over the likes of Queen Liz and Princess Diana....


 :lol:  That has really cheered up my Sunday.

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Politics is a strange business.  Normally I would have wanted the SDP in Germany to reject coalition with Merkel but given Brexit, Trump and the rise of the far right in places like Germany, Italy and Poland I am delighted with the stability this decision will hopefully bring.

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1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

Colonel Ruth is no with brewer just now,instead of people watching heres a summary..waffle waffle no to indy ref..waffle waffle not to indy ref waffle waffle

Its both sad and hilarious that she gets away with this shite;  mugs in England and the rUK who probably who probably don't follow Scottish politics closely, but seem to rate her as a potential  leader without her ever coming up with any credible policies - it's all cliched bollocks too the Guvnors spout about her 'canny Jock lady' etc the cringe shite, and all she really does is  just stand and basically shout NO SURRENDER.

Although the polls do seem to have them slipping and I think if there was a General Election, the SNP would win back not all but many of the teuchter seats they lost. Although you are never sure with Scotland though, we are an odd bunch.

Edited by Kejan
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Politics is a strange business.  Normally I would have wanted the SDP in Germany to reject coalition with Merkel but given Brexit, Trump and the rise of the far right in places like Germany, Italy and Poland I am delighted with the stability this decision will hopefully bring.

There is also the reality that most of the Christian Democrats are not complete arseholes like the Tories.
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Like everyone in the world, I've read about 10 minutes of detail plus had Euronews on so I am an Italian politico expert by now. I don't think they will go in to government with either party (or so they said) but then again maybe they will back the left parties?

A few questions and much obliged to anyone know who knows more  but

* Surely Berlusconi as a convicted felon, could never be never mind Prime Minister, but a Minister?

* The League/Northern League - I thought they were a pro-indy (north) party ''South from Rome is Africa'' or have they changed? Promised a referendum if the 'right-wing coalition' wins?

* Will the 5 Star Movement go in to government with other parties/coalition?

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Banks and multinational businesses ripping folk off for years and being aided and abetted my mainstream political parties plus political corruption has led us to a place that is not very nice.  Europe could be a very bad place to live in the next decade.


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I guess people just want someone to blame. The far-right blame immigrants and people of colour, the far left blame business or capitalism (or Jewish people), whilst the centre ground don't really have big tangible things they can point at to blame.

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I guess people just want someone to blame. The far-right blame immigrants and people of colour, the far left blame business or capitalism (or Jewish people), whilst the centre ground don't really have big tangible things they can point at to blame.

Liberals’ wildest fantasies is like mild tax reform, hiring more women guards or teaching the West Wing in Modern Studies.

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