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Granny Danger

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single Tory MP blocks ‘upskirt’ law.  They are really the lowest of the low.



Says it all about how shite Westminster and Britain are that he’s been an MP since 1983 and he’s been knighted.


That Wiki Page is like some Alan b*****d piss take character.




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14 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

What possible reason does he have to object to such a bill?

Without having heard of him before, or using Google, I'm going to confidently predict it's because he looks like the kind of guy who would chug off to a lassie farting on a plate of macaroni.

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single Tory MP blocks ‘upskirt’ law.  They are really the lowest of the low.


Same guy that filibusted the hospital parking charges down south

Chris Chope, Conservative MP, pro Brexiteer, who just stopped the upskirting bill by holding the floor of the Commons for two hours, also voted against equal marriage rights, the minimum wage, equal pay transparency, Alan Turing's pardon. And as a private landlord, he opposed a bill to halt revenge evictions. Also, if it wasn't quite enough, in 2007/08 he claimed £136,992 in expenses including £881 of your tax money to fix a sofa.


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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


single Tory MP blocks ‘upskirt’ law.  They are really the lowest of the low.


He also blocked a bill regarding the stabbing of police dogs and horses today.

Government-backed plans to give police dogs and horses extra legal protections from attacks have been blocked by a Tory MP.

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1 minute ago, NorthernLights said:

Of course if we had less archaic procedures in Parliament this sort of shit could not happen.


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3 hours ago, Scary Bear said:


Says it all about how shite Westminster and Britain are that he’s been an MP since 1983 and he’s been knighted.


That Wiki Page is like some Alan b*****d piss take character.




That is fucking tremendous. 

I bet the c**t sleeps like a baby at night too.

ETA: Clearly someone has edited out that the dick's nickname is "Chopper". Apt.

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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The excuse seems to be that him and a few other Tory MPs have a long history of blocking bills which they believe are being rushed through parliament without proper debate and scrutiny which they believe could end up with vague or badly worded laws open to legal challenge.


Still makes him look like an utter c**t in this case.

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5 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

The excuse seems to be that him and a few other Tory MPs have a long history of blocking bills which they believe are being rushed through parliament without proper debate and scrutiny which they believe could end up with vague or badly worded laws open to legal challenge.


Still makes him look like an utter c**t in this case.

He also has a long history of being an utter c**t, though. So I’d go with that. 

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2 hours ago, Antlion said:

He also has a long history of being an utter c**t, though. So I’d go with that. 


Aye, reading through his Wikipedia entry is a fair eye opener. An amazing level of cuntishness.



For folk who can't be bothered clicking the link, here is blocking list.


Although Chope has himself sponsored 47 private members bills[14] (as of 2017) he has blocked others which were previously believed to have widespread public support. On 12 March 2010, he was responsible for the blocking of a bill to protect poor countries from "vulture funds", despite his party's support for the bill.[15]

On 11 October 2011, Chope raised an eleventh-hour objection to the Hillsborough debate taking place because he believed a debate about MPs' pensions was more important. Cries of "shame" echoed around the chamber and Labour MP Jamie Reed said that the perpetrator should be "named and shamed" for raising the objection.[16]

In December 2013 Chope objected[17][18] to the second reading of the Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) Bill in the House of Commons. Because of this, the Government decided to act under the royal prerogative of mercy. On 24 December 2013 Queen Elizabeth II granted Turing a free pardon.[19][20]

He came under criticism in late 2014 for repeatedly blocking a bill that would ban the use of wild animals in circus performances, justifying his actions by saying "The EU Membership Costs and Benefits bill should have been called by the clerk before the circuses bill, so I raised a point of order".[21]

On 28 November 2014, Chope (a private landlord),[22] alongside Philip Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley, filibustered a bill intended to make revenge evictions an offence.[23]

In October 2015, Chope, Davies and Conservative MP David Nuttall filibustered a private member's bill that would have placed restrictions on hospital parking charges for carers.[24]

On 15 June 2018, Chope blocked the passage of a private member's bill that would have made upskirting a specific offence. Chope's actions drew immediate criticism from fellow MPs, including some in his own party. The prime minister, Theresa May, also expressed her disappointment at the objection.[25] On the same day, Chope and Davies forced a delay to the final debate on a bill which would have improved the oversight of the use of force in mental health units.[26][27]

Edited by Suspect Device
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