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8 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Yeah. 10k no bother.  Just as I'm happy to pay taxes from my more meagre salary.

For what gain, just for the hell of it? 

take it you'll be contacting the Scottish Government tomorrow then to pay additional taxes? 

After all, You can afford it.

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23 minutes ago, red23 said:

Good work there but not sure it's 100% right. The 40% tax rate in England is changing to  start at 50k

So why are you mad at the SNP? Because they refuse to implement the tory policy to give high band earners a tax cut?

It's not like the SNP are implimenting tax hikes, they're just keeping things as they are.

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I can't afford it as it don't earn 65k a year. 

Obviously, the ideal situation would be Fully Automated Luxury Communism and we can all be liberated from bourgeois concepts like employment and wages. 

Until then, I'd be delighted with £2,500 a month after tax. I'd feel like a sixteenth century European monarch, casually tossing legs of meat over my shoulder while being comforted by willing strumpets. So I'd be happy to pay, by my calculations, £35k a year tax if I earned £65k a year. Whatever tax rate that works out at. 

Oh, and I don't live in Scotland. But it seems that Scotland has a more progressive tax regime than us, and better services to match. I approve and would like it if England and Wales followed suit. 

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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4 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

So why are you mad at the SNP? Because they refuse to implement the tory policy to give high band earners a tax cut?

It's not like the SNP are implimenting tax hikes, they're just keeping things as they are.

Simple, there is now a huge gap between Scotland and the rest of the UK. They won't budge on the rate, or the %.

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Just now, red23 said:

Simple, there is now a huge gap between Scotland and the rest of the UK. They won't budge on the rate, or the %.

Why should they? Why would right now be a good time to cut taxes on higher earners? Just because you're one of them now?

You've gone from SNP supporter to "i'm alright jack", just because you've hit a higher wage packet that a majority of people can only ever dream about.

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FWIW I agree with Scotlands tax policy, but people are letting themselves down here by telling this guy what he can and cant afford. Thats utter pish and out of order.

The arguement seems to be that a lot of people are saying if they earned more they would be haply to pay more. This is fair enough but it doesnt make mention that on a % model, he already does pay more. I personally think the higher rate is set at too low a salary but thats just opinion. Wont stop me voting SNP.

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35 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

Why should they? Why would right now be a good time to cut taxes on higher earners? Just because you're one of them now?

You've gone from SNP supporter to "i'm alright jack", just because you've hit a higher wage packet that a majority of people can only ever dream about.

I take the point but my argument is the huge and widening discrepancy not the fact it's "a bit" more. Add this to the SNP car parking space tax, Businesses are also being hammered with high tax rates meaning they'd be better off in England.

I work hard for the money so why shouldn't i care where its going? I'm generous with the money i do have but wary as it won't last. 


Edited by red23
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37 minutes ago, red23 said:

I take the point but my argument is the huge and widening discrepancy not the fact it's "a bit" more. Add this to the SNP car parking space tax, Businesses are also being hammered with high tax rates meaning they'd be better off in England.

I work hard for the money so why shouldn't i care where its going? I'm generous with the money i do have but wary as it won't last. 


It's not a tax hike, they're simply refusing to cut it. Corporation tax in Scotland is in line with the rest of the UK. Not that it's really relevant. All the major one's are pulling their businesses out of the UK anyway through no fault of the Scottish Government who have fought tooth and nail to protect business interests in Scotland.

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5 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

You arguement is far too simplistic. That doesnt allow for anyone on any wage to complain about affordability of tax.

Of course, almost everyone is taxed at source and has no choice but to afford it, that doesnt give you the right to make uninformed comments on his fanances based on knowing his gross salary and nothing else though.

Yes it does.  If the marginal was, say, 75% I would say he/she/they was within his/her/their rights to complain; but it isn’t.

Tax under the Tories is regressive with the reduction of Corporation Tax over the coming two years from 20% to 19% then 18% being an example.  This is something that benefits me personally but is totally unnecessary and unjustified and should be replealed.


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Yes it does.  If the marginal was, say, 75% I would say he/she/they was within his/her/their rights to complain; but it isn’t.
Tax under the Tories is regressive with the reduction of Corporation Tax over the coming two years from 20% to 19% then 18% being an example.  This is something that benefits me personally but is totally unnecessary and unjustified and should be replealed.
Not sure affordability is the right term for tax anyway as you only pay it because you earn it in the first place. But my issue was with the amount of folk telling the guy what he can and cant afford to pay. Thats something I have a problem with I think its a bit out of order.
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6 hours ago, red23 said:

I take the point but my argument is the huge and widening discrepancy not the fact it's "a bit" more. Add this to the SNP car parking space tax, Businesses are also being hammered with high tax rates meaning they'd be better off in England.

I work hard for the money so why shouldn't i care where its going? I'm generous with the money i do have but wary as it won't last. 


You'd pay more tax in England if you lived there rather than here. 

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Not sure affordability is the right term for tax anyway as you only pay it because you earn it in the first place. But my issue was with the amount of folk telling the guy what he can and cant afford to pay. Thats something I have a problem with I think its a bit out of order.

I think it is an objective rather than a subjective observation.  Equally I would feel relaxed about saying someone earning the minimum wage is not earning enough to live a reasonable lifestyle and believe that would be objective too.

It’s my experience that the people who complain most about paying tax are those most able to pay it.  From rich football players trying to use all sorts of devices to avoid/evade tax to Jim Ratcliffe, a man moving to Monaco to avoid tax despite having a fortune he couldn’t spend in 10 lifetimes.

I am happy with the SNP tax policy even if I don’t personally benefit, it’s a pity it could not be applied U.K. wide.

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1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

When you take into account the differences between council tax, cost of living, housing prices, etc, if the tax rate was the same all over the UK, would everyone on the same salary be equally well off?

If I lived in London or the south of England I’d have to pay my butler far more than at present.


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Yeah this is where i've been getting the info provided its correct, closer to the 2k mark of tax more per year.  £166.77 less per month is an utter kick in the bollocks tbh. I don't mind a bit of a gap but this i just too much.


Of course if Red Jeremy somehow takes power in Westminster then living under a centre-left SNP is liable to mitigate the impact on big shot high earners like you’ve just become


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When you take into account the differences between council tax, cost of living, housing prices, etc, if the tax rate was the same all over the UK, would everyone on the same salary be equally well off?

Council tax, cost of living and housing prices are drastically different between Edinburgh and say, Falkirk. So no. Obviously.
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