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Granny Danger

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At risk of sounding like a right wing gammon type I find it hard to accept seeing £400,000 go to a corrupt country like that when my local hospital shut down. If the money goes to the people that need it then that’s a good thing but remember this is the country that couldn’t find Bin Laden despite him staying across the road from a police station.

Edited by D.A.F.C
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1 minute ago, DA Baracus said:

£400k won't get close to that happening

It’s a difficult choice, you could argue that helping with education in countries like Pakistan will help us but it kind of stings a bit when they are arming and supporting terrorists via the government.

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5 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

It’s a difficult choice, you could argue that helping with education in countries like Pakistan will help us but it kind of stings a bit when they are arming and supporting terrorists via the government.

Not that the UK has ever armed any terrorists...never, ever

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9 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

It’s a difficult choice, you could argue that helping with education in countries like Pakistan will help us but it kind of stings a bit when they are arming and supporting terrorists via the government.

Hello Farage!

Maybe by helping the people targeted by terrorists -- i.e Pakistani women both Muslim and Christian - we might help make that part of the world a better place?

I'd also put my house on it that this sum of money would barely equate to a tiny fraction of what we've spent bombing Muslims in order 'to liberate them' or just pinch their oil.

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10 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

At risk of sounding like a right wing gammon type I find it hard to accept seeing £400,000 go to a corrupt country like that when my local hospital shut down. If the money goes to the people that need it then that’s a good thing but remember this is the country that couldn’t find Bin Laden despite him staying across the road from a police station.

We're a country who can't find paedophiles operating in the heart of government, who can't even do Brexit (what cost that?), who shut down their own industry and even here in Scotland can't even stop hate-filled bampots from ruining our football games. Willing to bet £400k doesn't even cover policing and subsequent court/ hospital cost for one Old Firm game.

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Hello Farage!
Maybe by helping the people targeted by terrorists -- i.e Pakistani women both Muslim and Christian - we might help make that part of the world a better place?
I'd also put my house on it that this sum of money would barely equate to a tiny fraction of what we've spent bombing Muslims in order 'to liberate them' or just pinch their oil.
You are right. As I said there's arguments both ways. I've stated on here many times how I feel about western foreign policy. As long as the money goes where it is supposed to then it's good but when there's people struggling to get health care here then i don't feel it's ok to help other countries. Perhaps by helping them we will prevent more terrorist attacks? We seemed to turn a blind eye when the Taliban were fighting Russia though. Good guys bad guys now good guys. As long as we can make money from it. How about we don't interfere with any country?
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Foreign aid is not "interfering". It's helping the desperate and needy who weren't born in a massively wealthy country by sheer luck. 

Helping oppressed women get an edication is nothing to do with helping terrorists and/or the Taliban. It's the exact opposite of what those groups preach. 

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If I were to provide a map could you draw a circle to signify where aid should go to? I.e. all those in the circle should get help but those outwith should not.


We’ve established that Pakistan is too far, so that’s a start. Will this circle encompass all of the UK? Just Scotland? Just Fife? Just Dunfermline?


To be more serious, I understand your view, and it’s quite a common one (help your ‘own’ first), but it’s not one I agree with. People are people, and nationality or proximity to an area doesn’t matter. If someone can be helped then I’m all for it. My ‘own’ are people. The only ones who don’t deserve aid are complete arseholes, and I don’t think some women needing help with education comes under that description. I think it’s quite an insular view, and whilst it was one in past times that was much more reasonable, I think we’ve long since moved beyond it.

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30 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

If I were to provide a map could you draw a circle to signify where aid should go to? I.e. all those in the circle should get help but those outwith should not.


We’ve established that Pakistan is too far, so that’s a start. Will this circle encompass all of the UK? Just Scotland? Just Fife? Just Dunfermline?


To be more serious, I understand your view, and it’s quite a common one (help your ‘own’ first), but it’s not one I agree with. People are people, and nationality or proximity to an area doesn’t matter. If someone can be helped then I’m all for it. My ‘own’ are people. The only ones who don’t deserve aid are complete arseholes, and I don’t think some women needing help with education comes under that description. I think it’s quite an insular view, and whilst it was one in past times that was much more reasonable, I think we’ve long since moved beyond it.

Our "help" should probably go to all the countries we nicked stuff from during the Empire years tbh.

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2 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Foreign aid is not "interfering". It's helping the desperate and needy who weren't born in a massively wealthy country by sheer luck. 

Helping oppressed women get an edication is nothing to do with helping terrorists and/or the Taliban. It's the exact opposite of what those groups preach. 

And I don't understand the idea that we shouldn't help people improve their lives or ameliorate desperate circumstances because their rulers have the wrong priorities.  

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And not for nothing, but if you subscribe entirely to the help your own philosophy then it should be noted that spending money on trying to bring people out of poverty in countries like Pakistan, to try and give vulnerable people more of a life worth living then this is:

1. A good way or preventing radicalisation against Western values, and hence a lower probability of them acting out violently against the West

2.  A good way of eventually expanding those countries useful workforces, growing theirs and our economies into the bargain.

Besides the point that, you know it's the right and humane thing to do.

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