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4 minutes ago, Redstarstranraer said:

UKIP not fielding a candidate either on the basis Goldsmith is a committed Brexiter, so he looks to have a clear run as far as the right-wing part of the electorate is concerned.

About a year ago I would have expected them to try and snare him Douglas Carswell-style and double their number of MPs, but I suppose from Goldsmith's point of view UKIP are politically toxic at this moment in time.  

If Labour don't field a candidate either as has been mooted then the election is a total sham. It makes "democracy" look shabby. It's not a Jo Cox situation and I know Goldsmith was a man tipped to go far but, come on!

Chucked his toys oot the pram. Proper square go!

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UKIP not fielding a candidate either on the basis Goldsmith is a committed Brexiter, so he looks to have a clear run as far as the right-wing part of the electorate is concerned.

About a year ago I would have expected them to try and snare him Douglas Carswell-style and double their number of MPs, but I suppose from Goldsmith's point of view UKIP are politically toxic at this moment in time.  

I know the Tories aren't exactly brilliant on this either, but I imagine UKIPs complete lack of concern for environmental issues would be a big stumbling block.

I really do think all parties should stand, but I wonder if this is something to do with rumours also that UKIP are fucked financially.
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32 minutes ago, Redstarstranraer said:

UKIP not fielding a candidate either on the basis Goldsmith is a committed Brexiter, so he looks to have a clear run as far as the right-wing part of the electorate is concerned.

About a year ago I would have expected them to try and snare him Douglas Carswell-style and double their number of MPs, but I suppose from Goldsmith's point of view UKIP are politically toxic at this moment in time.  

UKIP can't afford to field a candidate in Richmond Park as the party has massive debts. 

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UKIP won't exist in a few years. The party has entered into a death spiral.

I epxect it to break into lots of microgroupings with a new formation bankrolled by Arron Banks taking on the mantle of the alt-right in the UK context. Doubt it will ever gain the level of influence that UKIP was bizarrely allowed to wield in UK politics.

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2 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

UKIP won't exist in a few years. The party has entered into a death spiral.

I epxect it to break into lots of microgroupings with a new formation bankrolled by Arron Banks taking on the mantle of the alt-right in the UK context. Doubt it will ever gain the level of influence that UKIP was bizarrely allowed to wield in UK politics.

EUKIP could be bankrupt within a year or so if its debts are called in. It will be gone very soon after Brexit as it depends on the European Parliament's funds to pay for its staff and campaigning activities. Banks might fund a new right-wing party after Brexit to fight the 2020 General Election. 

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If Labour don't field a candidate either as has been mooted then the election is a total sham. It makes "democracy" look shabby. It's not a Jo Cox situation and I know Goldsmith was a man tipped to go far but, come on!

Chucked his toys oot the pram. Proper square go!

No idea what's going through the minds of Labour folk saying we shouldn't field a candidate there. Can't stand Zac Goldsmith but I can't stand the Lib Dems either so why the hell should we help them? It would be a total slap in the face to Labour members and supporters in that constituency.
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No idea what's going through the minds of Labour folk saying we shouldn't field a candidate there. Can't stand Zac Goldsmith but I can't stand the Lib Dems either so why the hell should we help them? It would be a total slap in the face to Labour members and supporters in that constituency.

There seems to be this whole "Progressive Alliance" thing going on, which apparently means if you don't vote Tory, you'll vote any other party that isn't Tory. When the chances are I'm sure a large amount of casual voters switch between Labour and Tories at elections, without giving a thought to the other parties.
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1 hour ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

UKIP won't exist in a few years. The party has entered into a death spiral.

I epxect it to break into lots of microgroupings with a new formation bankrolled by Arron Banks taking on the mantle of the alt-right in the UK context. Doubt it will ever gain the level of influence that UKIP was bizarrely allowed to wield in UK politics.

is there really a UK "alt-right"? Obviously there are people here who are properly into all that stuff and half the folk making a living out of it are British but it still seems to be an entirely America based/focused phenomenon.

The band of posh old VLs that make up UKIP are certainly about as un-"alt" as it gets.


Edited by Alan Stubbs
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is there really a UK "alt-right"? Obviously there are people here who are properly into all that stuff and half the folk making a living out of it are British but it still seems to be an entirely America based/focused phenomenon.

The band of posh old VLs that make up UKIP are certainly about as un-"alt" as it gets.


There is that slightly odd bloke from Yorkshire who appears on Infowars and can't enunciate properly. And, I guess, Jon Gaunt and Katie Hopkins. That's about as alt. right as it gets.
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2 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:

is there really a UK "alt-right"? Obviously there are people here who are properly into all that stuff and half the folk making a living out of it are British but it still seems to be an entirely America based/focused phenomenon.

The band of posh old VLs that make up UKIP are certainly about as un-"alt" as it gets.


It depends how you are defining alt-right I guess. It seems to be a very wide spectrum from populist right troll to out and out white supremacist.

I suspect alt right in the U.K. Context could mean the kind of post-fact analysis peddled by Farage ( "I think the doctors have got it wrong on smoking"), the loon in Lincolnshire who blamed flooding in England on the legalization of gay marriage, old VLs who still insist on calling Zimbabwe "Rhodesia", 

Factor in Breitbart London, libertarian lunatics like Guido Fawkes, and the fact that Raheem Kassam has been touted as the "alt-right" leadership candidate, and the alt right influence is there, even if, as you quite rightly say, it's nothing like as influential as it is over the pond.

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3 hours ago, jmothecat said:


No idea what's going through the minds of Labour folk saying we shouldn't field a candidate there. Can't stand Zac Goldsmith but I can't stand the Lib Dems either so why the hell should we help them? It would be a total slap in the face to Labour members and supporters in that constituency.


According to the reports I've seen the Labour NEC have confirmed they will stand a candidate.  It was the pet idea of Lisa Nandy, Clive Lewis and Jonathon Reynolds that they not stand in order to not split the 'progressive' vote.  Hard to tell sometimes what is official Labour policy and what isn't these days but it would appear not standing against the Lib Dems definitely isn't.

The Greens are also going to stand although they apparently want to 'cooperate' with the Lib Dems, whatever that is supposed to mean.

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2 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:

is there really a UK "alt-right"? Obviously there are people here who are properly into all that stuff and half the folk making a living out of it are British but it still seems to be an entirely America based/focused phenomenon.

The band of posh old VLs that make up UKIP are certainly about as un-"alt" as it gets.


I wouldn't be surprised if our very own Reynard set the whole alt right thing off.


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8 hours ago, Redstarstranraer said:

UKIP not fielding a candidate either on the basis Goldsmith is a committed Brexiter, so he looks to have a clear run as far as the right-wing part of the electorate is concerned.

About a year ago I would have expected them to try and snare him Douglas Carswell-style and double their number of MPs, but I suppose from Goldsmith's point of view UKIP are politically toxic at this moment in time.  

Probably giving him a free run is in the hope he'll switch sides & take his constituency Tory branches largely with him. After what happened with Mr Reckless, highly unlikely, but suppose they think it's worth a shot.

Would expect the Greens to also stand down - they'd considered backing a call to transfer to him during the London mayoral elections, but the fact he was a Tory candidate proved the stumbling block (luckily as it happened considering some of his less than PC pronouncements during the campaign). Now he's an independent standing on an environmental issue, they can do so with a clear conscience.

8 hours ago, speckled tangerine said:

If Labour don't field a candidate either as has been mooted then the election is a total sham. It makes "democracy" look shabby. It's not a Jo Cox situation and I know Goldsmith was a man tipped to go far but, come on!

Chucked his toys oot the pram. Proper square go!

It means however Labour don't get horsed & provide more anti-Corbyn ammo if it is judged that their percentage didn't go up enough compared to the General Election or whatever.

The LibDems by contrast see getting a freak result here from being "last one standing" as the springboard to greater things.

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