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Granny Danger

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What agenda has Ruth Davidson managed to successfully pursue, either in the Scottish Parliament or in wider politics, during 2016? Answers on the back of a postage stamp in thick marker to the usual address please. 

Tip: recording a lower level support than Margaret Thatcher ever got in Scotland is not a valid answer. 

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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I wouldn't be surprised if our very own Reynard set the whole alt right thing off.


Reynard was certainly alt-right avant la lettre. A classic mix of post-fact trolling, climate change denial and aggressive libertarian individualism.

That's why he was quite an entertaining poster, until he started posting racist drivel in his last weeks on here.

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Just now, Ivo den Bieman said:

Reynard was certainly alt-right avant la lettre. A classic mix of post-fact trolling, climate change denial and aggressive libertarian individualism.

That's why he was quite an entertaining poster, until he started posting racist drivel in his last weeks on here.


I seldom agreed with anything he said but he really was one of the most entertaining posters on here.

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After the awful mayoral campaign by a Goldsmith (I'd have voted Khan), I wouldn't have been bothered if he'd lost this. But the Lib Dems I follow are the most sanctimonious bunch of b*****ds I've ever seen, so it would be massively pleasing to see them lose this whilst they've been so confident.

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Unfortunately vile Zak will romp it, Richmond's only about 10 miles from Heathrow.

The poll also shows that if there was a Tory candidate, Zac would still win by about 10 points.

Of course, it'll be much closer on the day I'm sure. LDs will cut into that far more than the poll suggests, otherwise they really should just give up.
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3 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

Overtaking Labour (no matter what a shambles it is these days) is still a fairly big thing. No surprise she won to be honest.

It's like giving manager of the year to Jim McIntyre of moderately successful Ross County as opposed to Championship winning manager Ronny Deilia (sp?)

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4 hours ago, vikingTON said:

What agenda has Ruth Davidson managed to successfully pursue, either in the Scottish Parliament or in wider politics, during 2016? Answers on the back of a postage stamp in thick marker to the usual address please. 

Tip: recording a lower level support than Margaret Thatcher ever got in Scotland is not a valid answer. 

Politician of the year for bringing back the Unionist part of Scottish Tory Party name and appealing to a certain section of society.

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What agenda has Ruth Davidson managed to successfully pursue, either in the Scottish Parliament or in wider politics, during 2016? Answers on the back of a postage stamp in thick marker to the usual address please. 

Tip: recording a lower level support than Margaret Thatcher ever got in Scotland is not a valid answer. 

The damage she did took a few years to kick in for many people - bearing in mind her last election was 1987 (I think, can't be arsed double checking).

I despise her message but you can't argue she's had a very successful year.
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Of course you can't but you also can't argue sshe's had a better year than someone who gotmore than double the vote than her in a general election five months ago.  

It's not as simple as that. Nicola was starting off from a much higher base.

It would be a pretty silly award if it went to whoever won whatever election took place that year.
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Is that right?   Well Patrick hardie trebled the number of seats the greens had and increased their vote share by 50% thus wiping the floor with Davidson. 


It's naive in the extreme tom think they are genuinely trying to be fair and balanced here, this is part of an ongoing campaign to save the union, mundell got an award ffs. 

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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Is that right?   Well Patrick hardie trebled the number of seats the greens had and increased their vote share by 50% thus wiping the floor with Davidson. 


It's naive in the extreme tom think they are genuinely trying to be fair and balanced here, this is part of an ongoing campaign to save the union, mundell got an award ffs. 

Jeeeeesus. You see conspiracy in absolutely everything. Just how many voters are going to switch parties on the back of these awards?

Hint: you won't need to use the thumbs on both your hands.

It's a bit like starting to support Real Madrid after Bale wins the Ballon D'or

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Is that right?   Well Patrick hardie trebled the number of seats the greens had and increased their vote share by 50% thus wiping the floor with Davidson. 


It's naive in the extreme tom think they are genuinely trying to be fair and balanced here, this is part of an ongoing campaign to save the union, mundell got an award ffs. 


If you'd gone for jobs for the boys I'd have agreed. They're all at it - but it's got f**k all to do with saving the union.

Did the greens not slightly under perform based on high expectations?
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Trebling their seats meant harvie wins, by a country mile on the criteria you used.  The snp are more dominant electorally in sotland than virtually any party in any western outcry,  and they just cleanedup yet aagain.   They are so far ahead of all their competitors you, an combine their votes ad just about get to the snp tally. 


Yet out of the what 6 winners only one was snp.  If that was genuinely reflective at most only one wouldn't have been snp.  From a paper that strongly opposes independence btw.  Funking mundell Baillie and lamont got awards ffs.  It's not about a single voter changing their minds 7ts creating a narrative and pat of an overall process.  


You hardly need to be paranoid after the last five years to think the press is actively trying to prevent Scottish independence as any objective person can see it obviously is and has been doing that every in collusion with each other and unionist parties every day for years. 

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I mean jobs for the boys my hoop,  what job is mundell doing at the herald, now Then? 


There's a clear friendly clique between politicians and the media. Many of them will be close friends. They're all scratching their own backs.

We're probably not far off in terms of describing similar links but you describing it like an anti independence conspiracy makes you come across as a tin foil hat wearing loon.
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I wouldn't dream of spending a penny (well euphemistically probably) on snp friendly papers, but has the storey of the seven snp MPs, you know the "new kind of politics" crew been covered in their toilet paper news parers. Maybe this needs a dedicated thread.

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